The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 393 Bell’s title has evolved

Walking silently in the quiet corridor, Bell was thinking about what happened in the previous Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

On the first day of school, Bell actually wanted to say hello to Professor Moody.

After all, Professor Moody taught him a lot of valuable knowledge back then, and he still respected Professor Moody very much.

However, after seeing the other party's figure from a distance several times, Bell always felt a sense of violation for some reason.

That's why he did a lot of crazy things in class today. The reason is to test Professor Moody.

To be honest, Bell was very dissatisfied with the results of the test.

He now increasingly suspected that something was wrong with Professor Moody.

However, strictly speaking, he had not been in contact with Professor Moody for a long time, and his understanding of him was relatively limited. In addition, so many years have passed, and it seems that it is not surprising what kind of changes have happened to the other party?

In short, Bell will keep this sense of violation in his heart, and he will be more vigilant in the future.

Oh, by the way, I have to remind my sister when I get back that Shanna also knows Professor Moody, although she is not familiar with him.

After temporarily making such a decision of neither going up nor down, Bell finally had time to look back and see his girlfriend who had kept silent for some reason.

"Hermione, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Belle asked worriedly.


Hermione looked confused about what to say.

"...That's what you said."

Bell, who had been waiting for a long time but did not wait for Hermione's next step, was made uncomfortable by the other party's entangled look, and was almost suffocated to the point of being out of breath.

"You...when did you learn the Unforgivable Curse?"

Hermione asked hesitantly in the face of Bell's urging.

"8 year-old."

"!? How could you, how could you learn such a terrible spell at such a young age?"

Hermione was startled. She thought Bell secretly learned the three unforgivable curses behind her back.

Damn it, when Bell learned the Unforgivable Curse, she wasn't even there yet! ?

Well, it's not quite accurate to say she doesn't exist. It should be said that she and Bell haven't met yet.

"Is it small? Not anymore."

"Why isn't it too small?"

8 years old! What was she doing when she was eight years old...well, Hermione couldn't remember.

"Then what age should I start learning?"

"No matter shouldn't learn it no matter how old you are!"

Hermione said angrily. She almost got caught by Bell again.

"Spells as terrible and evil as the Unforgivable Curse should not be learned!"

To be honest, Hermione really couldn't understand how Professor Dumbledore could allow Professor Moody to teach such dangerous knowledge in the classroom?

It's really terrible!

"You are wrong to say that. The Unforgivable Curse is not scary at all. In other words, all curses are very scary.

Even a simple cleansing spell, if cast by a skilled wizard, can tear people apart from their skin. I don't know, it is many times more cruel and terrifying than a life-killing curse.

Therefore, no magic is evil or cruel.

The only thing that is evil and cruel is the human heart. "

Although Bell spoke with sincerity, in Hermione's ears and thinking about the miserable appearance of the spider before, she always felt that Bell was quibbling.

Just before Hermione could think of how to refute Bell, she heard Bell continue to say:

"Don't be afraid of magic, Hermione. Although wizards are the darlings of magic, once you start to fear magic, magic will also leave you."

After ruffling Hermione's hair, Bell put his arm around Hermione's shoulders and walked towards the classroom for the next class.

As for Hermione's little entanglement, it will disappear automatically in two days, so there is no need to pay too much attention.

Sometimes, the more you want to eliminate something, the more deeply those things will be imprinted in your heart.

If you don't pay attention to them, they will be naturally forgotten in a short time.

If it hadn't been for what happened next, maybe it would have been like what Bell thought. It wouldn't be long before Hermione would have forgotten the scene when Bell cast the Unforgivable Curse in today's class.

After all, humans are free to embellish memories of the past. Maybe in two weeks, Hermione would even think that Bell, who cast the feared Unforgivable Curse with a wave of his hand, was very handsome?

But there is no if in reality, so...

During dinner, Bell's name once again spread throughout Hogwarts.

It has to be said that few people can resist the temptation when it comes to gossip.

Watching some people dancing and talking about the scene in today's Defense Against the Dark Arts class from a distance, Bell felt both amused and speechless.

That eldest brother, if I remember correctly, should be in the 7th grade.

So how could he talk so vividly and in such a high-spirited way when he clearly didn't see anything?

As Bell expected, it didn't take long for his title of 'Demon King' to change again.

However, it didn't turn into a 'Demon God' or something like that, a tyrannical and cool title according to Bell's estimation.

According to the intelligence eavesdropped by Bell using his superhuman hearing, his current titles include but are not limited to: 'pervert', 'murderer', 'dark wizard', 'new generation Death Eater' and so on.

By the way, are there so many evolutionary branches of the Demon King? Why do you feel good? No wonder I get brushed by the brave all day long.

However, forget that. The most annoying thing is that there are still rumors saying that he likes to eat human flesh and drink human blood, especially the flesh of children. Said that the reason why he lurked in Hogwarts was to hunt the little wizard.

This is really unreasonable!

Faced with such excessive slander, Bell would never admit it.

Although he doesn't know what human flesh tastes like, even if he thinks about it with his big toe, he can tell that human flesh is definitely not as delicious as dragon meat, spider meat, squid, and the like!

So if he doesn't eat all kinds of delicious magical animal meat, he won't eat any human flesh until his head is caught in the door!

As for human blood, he really knew what it tasted like.

After all, he bled a lot during training. Occasionally take a few licks and you will naturally know the taste.

Let’s be honest, human blood doesn’t taste good at all.

It's fishy, ​​astringent, and smells like rust. Compared with coke, juice and so on, it is simply a huge difference.

Unlike Bell who was angry and dissatisfied, Shanna was extremely excited again after learning the details of the matter.

The overly excited little girl even ran to the lounges of the other three colleges to show off her identity as Bell's sister.

The little girl couldn't be more happy to see other people running around with their heads in their hands.

This is so much fun!

In the end, after Phyllis and Lena dragged her away, Zannah was finally brought back to the Slytherin lounge.

Then the little snakes were miserable...

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