The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 396 Practicing hard...

Walking down the stairs in a daze, Hermione saw Bell and Zannah playing cards in the living room on the first floor.

Hearing the footsteps going downstairs, both of them looked towards the stairs.


Bell said with a smile.


Hermione nodded.

"what time is it now?"

"3 points."


Hermione was startled. Doesn't this mean that she wasted more than 2 hours?

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier!"

Hermione glared at Bell and couldn't help complaining.

"You didn't ask me to wake you up."

Spreading his hands, Bell said he was innocent.

"And proper rest is also very necessary. It's about combining work and rest."

Seeing that Hermione was about to say something else, Bell waved and said:

"Okay, come here and eat some fruit. We will continue practicing later."

Although Hermione really wanted to practice apparation right away, it was obvious that Bell would not put down the game of cards and practice with her now.

And she couldn't forcefully pull Belle away.

Therefore, Hermione could only pouted and reluctantly ate the fruit platter on the table.

So sweet!

"By the way, where are Phyllis and Reina?"

Looking around the living room on the first floor, Hermione found that two people were missing. She said she always felt like something was missing.

"Liz and Leilei went back to do their homework."

Shanna replied quickly.

"Then why didn't you do your homework?"

Looking at the small light bulb in front of her, Hermione asked with a smile.

"Hmph! I've already finished such a simple homework."


Zannah puffed out her chest proudly.

Then, the little girl looked at her brother and asked, 'Am I awesome? Praise me! Praise me! ’ expression.

"Sanna is so awesome!"

Smiling, Bell stretched out his hand and rubbed his sister's little head vigorously, making Shanna show a satisfied expression.

‘Click~! ’

Hermione took a hard bite of the apple in her hand.

She didn't envy the interaction between the Bell brothers and sisters, not at all!

Finally, about 20 minutes later, when Hermione felt that she was almost full, Bell finally stood up and led the two women out of the house and onto the grass outside.

"Okay, Hermione, practice according to how you feel this morning, and be careful not to go underground again."


After glaring angrily at her boyfriend who was refusing to pick up the pot, Hermione took out her wand and took a deep breath.


With a powerful shout, Hermione disappeared.

Then, about 2 seconds later, a loud bang exploded out of thin air, and Hermione reappeared.

She staggered and almost fell to the ground.

After stabilizing her body slightly in embarrassment, Hermione looked back at Bell happily.

"Succeeded! Bell, I succeeded!"

Hermione cheered.

Unexpectedly, in the first practice in the afternoon, she successfully completed the casting of Apparition and Apparition.

Although after Apparating, she appeared directly in mid-air, so much so that she almost fell.

But that little flaw was completely insignificant in the face of the first success.

"Hey!? Bell? Where did you go?"

Unexpectedly, behind her, Hermione didn't see Bell who was supposed to be standing there.

what happened?

Is it possible that when she was moving through space, she also traveled through time? Is that why Bale is not here?

For the first time, the contents of a novel she had read appeared in Hermione's mind. The protagonist of that novel is using Apparition to...

"Hermione, I'm here. And, what are you doing?"

Bell's helpless voice came from afar, interrupting Hermione's thoughts.

Looking at Hermione appearing a hundred meters away, Bell was speechless.

So the other circle was clearly 10 meters in front of her, so how did Hermione run 100 meters to her side?

Could it be said that the peripheral reinforced space has such a big impact on the accuracy of phantom appearance?

"Okay, Zannah, stop laughing and save some face for Hermione."

Bell lowered his voice and said to Shanna, who was laughing beside her.

If the little girl continued to laugh and made Hermione angry, then he, the older brother, would suffer.

Following the direction of the sound, Hermione found Bell as expected.

Immediately afterwards, there was a 'bang', and a stream of white smoke rose from Hermione's heavenly spirit cap, and his little face turned red instantly.

When she thought of her complacent look before, Hermione wanted to die.

Of course, before she died, she would definitely take Bell with her.

After getting back bit by bit, Hermione lowered her head and stood in front of Bell without saying a word, not knowing what to do.

"It's okay, Hermione, for novices, this situation is normal, you don't need to be discouraged.

Rather, to be able to break through the reinforced outer space so quickly and successfully complete space movement here, you are simply a genius! "

Bell tried his best to cheer up his frustrated girlfriend.

"Really, really?"

Hermione raised her head slightly and looked at Bell with a mixture of timidity and expectation.


Trying hard to control his eyes from wandering, Bell said firmly.

In fact, he didn't know whether Hermione's situation of being "a thousand miles away" was normal.

After all, except for himself and his sister, Bell had never seen anyone else learn to apparate. There are too few reference samples and it is completely impossible to analyze.

He could only say that at least he and Zanna had never had such a big deviation when they were learning to apparate.

Even at the beginning, the biggest deviation was only about 2 meters away from the target location.

But there is no doubt that in Bell's heart, Hermione is a genius, a real genius!

With Bell's encouragement, of course, it's also possible that Shanna's suppressed smile was too sarcastic?

In short, Hermione quickly returned to her energetic state again.

Continuous explosions echoed over the grass, and Hermione's figure disappeared and appeared again and again.

And as Hermione practiced hard and seriously, she was getting closer and closer to the target location.

Gradually, Hermione was able to successfully appear directly in front... within a 120-degree angle.

Well... at least I won't be running behind you anymore, which is gratifying.

"Okay, Hermione, get some rest."

Seeing that Hermione had been practicing continuously for nearly an hour, Bell stopped her intention to continue practicing.

"I, I can still..."

Looking at the circle dozens of meters away from her, Hermione was very unwilling.

Based on the perception of the magic power in her body, she felt that she should be able to move about 10 more times.

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