The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 397 Bell’s Magic Laboratory

"That's not okay, you need to rest now."

He put his hand on Hermione's shoulder to prevent her from apparating away at the slightest disagreement.

Unlike ordinary magic spells, the danger of disembodiment is still very high, and this danger cannot be defended by magic props.

The magic props made by Bell at his current level cannot withstand the cutting force of space. Naturally, there is no way to prevent separation from happening.

If something as minor as breaking an arm or losing a leg, he could immediately put it back together as long as he was standing by.

But if the head falls off directly, there is really nothing even gods can do.

Under Bell's strong pressure, Hermione had no choice but to compromise. She took the black tea from Bell and took a sip.

"Speaking of which, Bell, I've never been inside that laboratory over there. I want to go in and have a look, is that okay?"

While drinking tea, Hermione couldn't calm down, her little eyes were still glancing around.

Suddenly, she saw the white building not far away.

To this day, she is basically familiar with everything in this space. But there was only one place that was said to be Bell's laboratory, and she had never entered it even once.

Naturally, this made her very curious and very itchy.

She had made similar requests to Bell many times. But every time, Belle would say it was too early for her to visit or something.

Isn’t this obviously just to titillate people’s appetites?

So today, after suddenly noticing the laboratory building not far away, she once again made a request to visit.

As for today's request, she is quite confident that it can be passed.

Because she is different now from the past. She is no longer a child in grade 2 or 3. She is already in 4th grade!

"I want to visit too! Brother, I want to visit too! Just let me go inside and have a look~!"

After hearing Hermione's request, Zannah suddenly jumped up.

The little girl took her brother's hand and shook it vigorously.

Compared to Hermione, Zannah could be said to have coveted that laboratory for a long time.

But every time, her brother would refuse her request to visit. For Shanna, who had always enjoyed her brother's favor, this was simply unimaginable.

How could she not be curious about this?

Fortunately, as a good and obedient sister, she has always strictly followed her brother's instructions. That's why she has been able to persist until now, and has never thought about sneaking in alone to take a look.

Faced with the coquettish look of his sister who was determined to achieve her goals but never give up, Bell, who was hesitating about how to reject Hermione, had no choice but to relent.

"Okay. But let's agree in advance that the scenes inside are quite exciting, so you two should be mentally prepared. If you want to regret it by then, it will be too late."


After hearing that her brother finally agreed to her visit to the laboratory she had longed for, Shanna immediately cheered loudly.

"Don't worry, brother, I'm mentally prepared!"

Shanna, who thought she had seen many big scenes, patted her small breasts confidently.

She didn't want to wait for a second anymore. She wanted to see her brother's mysterious laboratory now.

"I-I'm ready too."

After swallowing, Hermione said nervously.

Unlike the heartless Shanna, she was still very nervous when Bell said something so serious.

But at the same time, she couldn't suppress her curiosity.

Bell finally relaxed. If she didn't seize this opportunity, God knows when she would be able to visit the laboratory.

‘It’s not always possible to get such a divine assist. ’

Hermione thought to herself as she glanced at Zannah, who was jumping around and unable to calm down at all.

“Okay, now that you’ve said that, let’s go.

One final reminder, don’t regret it. "

After standing up and ending this short rest, Bell took the lead and walked towards the white building not far away.

Walking to the door, Bell knocked on the door with his wand, and a circular black hole appeared in the center of the door.

The black hole is very deep. If you stand in front of the door and look in, you can't see the bottom of the black hole at all.

With his right hand reaching into the black hole, Bell poured his magic power into it.

At first sight, starting from the black hole, azure lines were generated, and soon covered the entire door.

If you look carefully, you can also see that the magic lines are not just pure lines, but are composed of countless tiny runes.

After just a cursory glance, Hermione felt dizzy, and she quickly looked back in fear.

Looking at Zannah who stared at those magic lines without blinking, Hermione asked enviously:

"Zannah, can you understand what these runes mean?"

"can't read."

Without any hesitation, Shanna shook her head.

She always felt that these runes were a little different from the ancient magic runes she had learned.

"Just don't understand."

At this time, Bell suddenly spoke up.

The mechanisms on the door have been arranged long ago. All he needs to do now is to continuously inject magic power into it, which does not require any effort.

Of course, if someone else injects magic into the black hole, then they have to be careful about getting fucked.

"These ancient magic texts have been encrypted. If you don't understand the encryption method, it is almost impossible to crack it."

"Huh? Brother, isn't the encryption of ancient magic texts usually done by adding some patterns to cover it up?"

Zannah asked confused.

Although she has not delved deeply into alchemy, her ancient magic texts are not bad at all.

Not to mention, the little girl has often watched her brother make magic props since she was a child, and she still understands some common sense issues very well.

"The situation you mentioned is only applicable when the number of magic texts is small. Or it should be said that it is a situation where the distribution of magic texts is relatively sparse.

And like now, when a large number of ancient magic texts are densely arranged together, if you use disordered patterns to cover them up, you will accidentally destroy the structure of the magic texts themselves, causing problems with the enchantment. "

This laboratory is a very important place for Bell. Therefore, he took great pains to ensure the safety of the laboratory.

Even though the laboratory was in a suitcase that could theoretically not be invaded, he still spent a lot of time and energy to place powerful protective magic on the laboratory.

He nodded in understanding.

"Brother, I also want to learn this encryption method!"

Shanna looked at her brother enthusiastically.

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