The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 408 Welcome to ‘Hell’

Parting the crowd, Dumbledore stepped forward and greeted:

"Welcome to Hogwarts, Madam Maxime."

As soon as she saw Dumbledore, Mrs. Maxim's face immediately broke out with an elegant smile, and she started chatting with Dumbledore.

After the two briefly greeted each other, Mrs. Maxim led her students into the auditorium, leaving only a group of little wizards who were about to freeze into dogs and shed tears of envy.

Of course, it could also be saliva. After all, it was already dinner time.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the poor little wizards of Hogwarts to wait again. A strange sound came from the black lake.

The water of the lake was surging and the waves were blooming. The little wizards followed the sound and stared at the surface of the Black Lake with doubts and expectations, wondering what would happen next?

"It's a big squid!"

Shanna shouted excitedly, took out her wand, and prepared to step forward to harvest a few more tentacles.

I couldn't help it, because the squid on the sizzling plate was so delicious, I accidentally ate too much. There are not many left of the three tentacles collected last time.

And after a whole summer of growth, Shanna felt that it was time for that delicious big squid to recover. Otherwise it's pretty useless.

As for the large number of little wizards and professors around?

Shanna, whose foodie soul has awakened, can no longer see those guys. All she can see is the big squid that is about to surface!

And Shanna believed that no matter what problem she had, her brother would solve it for her. Therefore, she only needs to focus on collecting ingredients.

"No, no, no, that's not a giant squid, that's Durmstrang's students."

Seeing Shanna's actions, Bell quickly reached out and put his hand on his sister's shoulders, stopping the little girl's next actions.

It would be great fun if Zannah couldn't help but throw an explosive spell and kill a few of Durmstrang's people before they surfaced.

Bell knows that his sister likes to throw an explosive spell first without thinking about anything.

"By the way, Shanna, why are you here too?"

Looking at Shanna standing next to him, as well as Phyllis and Reina who were always inseparable from Shanna, Bell asked doubtfully.

At this time, shouldn't the little girl stay in the Slytherin square?

"I miss my brother!"

Without hesitation, Zannah said what Bell liked to hear the most.

Of course, this is indeed the main reason why the little girl ran over, but it is not the whole reason.

When the little snakes faced the siege of the other three academies before, despite their status as 'Bell's sister' and the fact that they were girls after all, no one crowded towards Shanna.

But the place is only that big in total. Even if Shanna is not targeted, it will inevitably become crowded if a group of people gather together.

Zannah, who hated crowds, saw that Hermione sneaking up to her brother, so she ran over with her two friends without hesitation.

While the Bell brothers and sisters were talking, everyone in Durmstrang finally completed the teleportation, and a huge wooden sailboat appeared on the Black Lake.

Soon, a tall and thin old wizard led a dozen Durmstrang students off the sailboat.

"Dumbledore, my old friend, how are you doing lately?"

From a distance, the other party's greeting came.

"Yes, great, Professor Karkaroff."

Dumbledore greeted with equal enthusiasm.

Yawning out of boredom, Bell just hoped that Dumbledore could continue to develop his crisp speaking style, end the pleasantries quickly, and start eating.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd, and many young wizards looked in the direction of Durmstrang's group with excitement and surprise.

"Bell, look, it's Krum."

Hermione tugged on Belle's arm and said with the same surprise.

Although she was not obsessed with Quidditch or star-struck, she still felt a little excited when she saw a famous person at such a close distance.

"Krum? Who is it?"

Bell scratched his head in confusion.

He always felt that the name was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

What? You ask him why he doesn't use Legilimency to search his memory?

Are you kidding, don't you need magic power to use Legilimency?

And searching the memory is very energy-consuming, okay?

An insignificant guy who appeared out of nowhere had no right for Bell to waste his magic power and energy.

"Brother, that's the bad guy! The bad guy who caught the Golden Snitch during the Quidditch World Cup finals!"

Shanna said.

Unlike her brother, the little girl had a very deep impression of the bad guy who quickly caught the Golden Snitch, thus bringing the fun Quidditch World Cup final to a quick end.

You know, at that time, she was just a little bit close (although she thought) to experiencing the 'different feeling' that her brother said.

As a result, it was because of that bad guy named Krum that she failed. To this day, she still has not been able to understand the so-called 'different feeling'. What kind of feeling is it?

Looking at Krum standing in front of Karkaroff, Shanna's eyes were filled with eagerness to try.

This is really a road to heaven and he will not take it, and there is no door to hell but he will come to him on his own!

Zannah wanted to teach this bad guy a lesson, but unfortunately she was stopped by the equally bad Hermione.

I heard that the Triwizard Tournament will be held until the end of the school year? In other words, the other party will stay in Hogwarts for more than half a year?

Now, she wanted to see how Hermione could stop her?

‘Hehe, hehehehe~! ’

"Oh~! It's him!"

Bell remembered.

It turned out to be the guy who quickly caught the Golden Snitch and brought that interesting Quidditch World Cup final to a quick end!

Speaking of which, for such an exciting game, it ended in such an anticlimactic manner. At that time, he was quite unhappy and wanted to teach that guy a lesson?

Glancing furtively at Zannah, Bell moved slightly and stood between Zannah and Hermione.

My sister is still too young now and has not experienced many things, so she cannot control her emotions well, and it is easy for her to express what she is thinking on her face.

If Hermione saw the excited expression on Shanna's face at this time, Bell didn't think that she would be naive enough to think that Shanna was chasing stars.

I believe that with Hermione's intelligence, it should not be difficult to guess what Zanna was thinking at this time.

That way, Hermione would definitely force him to take care of Zannah again. Shanna's plan naturally came to nothing.

Therefore, he did nothing, and he did not know that Shanna had any intention of teaching Klum a lesson.

He is really innocent!


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