The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 409 Meeting Gabrielle Again

Everyone waiting has arrived, so the little wizards naturally don't have to stand outside in the cold.

Following the people in Durmstrang, the little wizards returned to the auditorium in an orderly manner.

Arriving at the Ravenclaw table, Bell found that his old seat had already been taken.

You know, that was specially chosen by Bell, and he could clearly see the good position of the Slytherin table.

The eaglets in Ravenclaw all know that Bell's favorite seat, so usually no one sits there.

After all, it’s just a meal, where is sitting? We are all classmates, and we meet each other regardless of whether we look up or down. There is absolutely no need to conflict over such a trivial matter, right?

But today, in addition to Ravenclaw students, there were more than a dozen students from Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the Ravenclaw table.

After taking a look at the young Beauxbatons wizards sitting around his seat, Bell still didn't say anything after thinking for a moment.

After all, Zannah has been at Hogwarts for more than a year. The little girl is already familiar with this school and her classmates in Slytherin.

Even Bell is not too worried now that his sister will encounter the legendary school bullying incident.

Therefore, he had actually stopped keeping a close eye on his sister's surroundings while eating.

And the reason why I still sit in that position is just a habit.

In addition, everyone kindly left that seat for him, so he must be too embarrassed not to sit there.

After finding an empty seat closest to him, Bell sat down without any hesitation.

"...What's the matter with you?"

Bell looked at the few young wizards sitting around him in confusion.

I don't know why, but as soon as he sat here, these little wizards immediately stared at him with unbelievable eyes as if they had seen a ghost.

Bell touched his face in confusion, but there was nothing on it? Why do you all look at him like this?

At this time, the hearts of these little wizards around them collapsed!

They looked at Bell next to them in disbelief.

'no! If you don't go sit in your own place, why are you here? ? We also want to eat, brother! ’

You know, today is the first meal after the arrival of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. A well-informed little wizard has already learned from the house elves in the kitchen that the professors have specifically ordered this meal. Dinner must be sumptuous, delicious, and full of Hogwarts style!

Therefore, it can be said that many little wizards have been looking forward to this dinner today.

Not to mention, they had just been freezing outside for a long time, and now they were even more eager to enjoy delicious, warm meals.


‘You are not going to give us food to eat! ’

(╯ # -乑)╯~~╧═╧

If they weren't really unable to defeat him, these little wizards would definitely push Bell to the ground and beat him hard now. At least pound it until they can get up after eating it.

However, no matter how beautiful the idea is, it cannot change the miserable reality. As a result, these little wizards could only cast suspicious eyes on other people nearby.

‘Tell me, have you offended this guy? If yes, admit it immediately and leave consciously! For the sake of your sacrifice for everyone, we will bring you some food back later. ’

After a brief but intense eye contact, no warrior finally stood up and used his thin shoulders to bear the burden.

In desperation, these little wizards had no choice but to stand up and run to squeeze in with others.

Squeeze together with other people and eat at most. But if he sat with Bell, he might be hungry tonight.

The movement of these little wizards also made the Ravenclaw table, which was already slightly crowded because there were more than 10 people dining, successfully became even more crowded.

The commotion around Bell soon attracted the attention of Beauxbatons students not far away.

After all, when the seats are tight, the little wizards at Hogwarts would rather crowd together to eat than sit in those empty seats. This will inevitably arouse the curiosity of people who don't understand the situation.

Several Beauxbatons students sitting on the edge immediately asked the young wizards from Ravenclaw beside them about the reason.

At this time, Bell, who became extremely conspicuous due to the emptiness around him, also successfully attracted a certain little girl who sneaked into the auditorium and wanted to see what Hogwarts was like. Notice.

"Ah! It's brother-in-law! Brother-in-law~! Do you still remember me? Brother-in-law~!"

A little girl with her face wrapped in a silk scarf suddenly jumped out from behind the Beauxbatons group. While waving and shouting to Bell, she somehow turned left and right and passed through the dense crowd. The crowd got next to Bell.

This is a special escape skill that she has practiced since she was a child to avoid being chased by men. She would never be able to learn it without practicing it a hundred and eighty times.

Looking at her brother-in-law's surprised eyes, Gabri thought proudly as she knew what the other man was thinking. Completely ignored, it was because she had been naughty since she was a child and always ran out secretly by herself, so she encountered so many dangers.

"Gabriel!? Why are you here! Didn't I ask you to wait in the carriage?"

Before Bell could speak, a little witch not far away who also had her face wrapped in a silk scarf stood up, looked at Gabri in surprise and said.

At this moment, Furong regretted it very much. If she had known better, she shouldn't have agreed to Gabrielle's request to accompany her in the first place!

...Well, in fact, Fleur had expected this to happen.

Fleur thought she knew her sister's temper very well. Growing up, Gabrielle had never done similar things too many times.

But even though she was very clear in her heart, whenever Gabrielle begged her with tears in her eyes, Fleur would still be reluctant to refuse her sister's requests that were not too excessive.

Just as Fleur knew Gabriel very well, Gabriel was equally obsessed with her sister.

"Sister, what are you talking about? I'm not telling you, you're going too far! How could you be so cruel as to abandon me alone in that carriage and come here to have a big meal yourself?"

Faced with her sister's fierce questioning, Gabrielle fought back with even more ferocity.

Although she is unreasonable, her momentum cannot be lost!

After saying that, Gabrielle stopped caring about her sister. The little girl climbed onto the chair next to Bell on her hands and knees, and quickly took off the silk scarf wrapped around her head.

"Brother-in-law, do you still remember me?"

Gabrielle asked Belle again.

"of course I remember."

Seeing Gabrielle's quirky and adorable look, Bell couldn't help but reach out and rub the little guy's head.

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