The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 410 Little clever ghost

Bell was deeply impressed by this cute little girl who had met outside the Quidditch World Cup before, but whose abilities were inferior to hers.

He has been thinking about it and wants to draw some blood from the other party's body to study it.

"But I'm not your brother-in-law. If you tease your sister like this again, be careful your sister gets angry and beats you."

"Don't worry, brother-in-law, my sister is reluctant to beat me!"

Gabrielle patted her small chest confidently.

Every time she got into trouble and her parents wanted to teach her a lesson, it was her sister who spoke up for her and saved her from the 'evil' parents.

Therefore, she has 100% confidence that even if she sells her sister, her sister will help her count the money.

Of course, she was reluctant to sell her sister.

Moreover, she is now working hard for her sister's future happiness, which is completely different from selling her sister!

"Speaking of brother-in-law, just follow my sister. She is fair and beautiful, and has a great figure, especially those long legs. I guarantee you will fall in love with her. And..."

"Jia, Bu, Li——!"

Hearing that her sister's words were getting more and more outrageous, Furong couldn't bear it anymore.

So where did this little girl Gabrielle learn all these dirty words? Even she, a 17-year-old mature woman, couldn't stand listening to it!


Gabrielle said she was happy, then she remembered that her sister from home was still listening. This is terrible, maybe I will get beaten.

Seeing her sister running towards this side menacingly, Gabrielle rolled her eyes and immediately took it into consideration.

The little girl stood on the chair, kicked her legs hard, and threw herself into Bell's arms.

"Brother-in-law, please save me!"


Bell looked confused and didn't know what to do.

"Brother-in-law, let me tell you, even if you look at my sister, she always looks fierce, but because of her bloodline talent, she has never been in contact with the opposite sex of the same age, so she is very pure at heart.

As long as you hold me, brother-in-law, my sister will not dare to come close. "

Without any hesitation, Gabrielle continued to sell her sister.

"Gabriel! You, how dare you say that!"

Looking at her younger sister who was inferior in strength, Furong was so angry that she could hardly breathe.

"Also, get off him quickly! How can you, a little girl, throw yourself into a man's arms casually? How unbecoming is this!"

"I won't go down. If I go down, what will you do if you drive me back into that cold, dark carriage?"

Gabrielle put on the look of a poor little girl who had been abused.

"You, come down, I promise you I won't drive you back to the carriage."

In fact, Fleur was very reluctant to leave Gabrielle alone in the carriage.

But they are not in Beauxbatons now after all.

Even with Madame Maxime's love for their sisters, she was able to bring Gabrielle to Hogwarts to play. But in a serious and formal occasion like this, she was really embarrassed to let Gabrielle come out and cause mischief again.

But since Gabrielle had already come here, she had no intention of driving her back to the carriage.

After all, that's all.


Gabrielle blinked her big watery eyes and looked at her sister pitifully.


Fleur gritted her teeth and affirmed.

"Then I won't go down either."

Just kidding, the reason why she threw herself into her brother-in-law's arms was not because she was worried about being driven back into the carriage in the first place.

She is very familiar with her sister, doesn't she know that her sister will definitely acquiesce in her behavior of coming here to play?

In fact, she accidentally said she was high and was afraid of being beaten by her sister, so she threw herself into her brother-in-law's arms, okay?


Furong is so angry! So why couldn't Gabrielle learn even a little bit of maturity and stability from her?

‘My parents must be used to it! ’

At this moment, a certain unconscious sister was complaining about her parents in her heart.

Seeing that she had no choice but to take advantage of the little girl Gabrielle, Fleur had no choice but to turn her gun on the other person present.

"Hurry up and let go of my sister! How long do you plan to hold her!"

Fleur angrily asked Belle.

Looking at the lustful smile on Bell's face, if the other party hadn't saved Gabrielle once before, she would definitely take out her wand and teach this deceitful man a lesson!

(Bell: ‘Where am I lewd? Why am I so lewd? This is clearly a helpless smile, okay?’)

"This...I can't help it."

After spreading his hands, Bell said that he had nothing to do.

From the beginning, Gabrielle had been holding him tightly, but he never moved.

"I don't care, please get Gabri down quickly!"

Fleur, who had no choice but to take advantage of her sister, had no choice but to use her natural skill - to make trouble unreasonably and ask Bell to find a way to get rid of Gabrielle.


After giving Fleur a speechless look, Bell could only accept the pot.

There was nothing he could do, but his sister was hanging on him like a koala. Anyone would have to be anxious about this.

"So Gabrielle, can you come down? If you keep hugging her like this, I'm afraid your sister will be so angry that her cerebral blood vessels will burst."

Bell persuaded earnestly.

The main thing is that they have been in for a while, Dumbledore's speech over there has also been completed, and everything that should come and should not come has already come.

In other words, dinner was about to begin, and it would be hard for him to eat with Gabrielle hanging on him like this!

"That...okay then."

Maybe Gabrielle also saw that her sister was indeed at risk of bursting her blood vessels, so the little guy reluctantly agreed to Bell's proposal.

"But sister, you sit over there and I sit over here."

Gabrielle pointed to the chair on Bell's left, motioning for her sister to sit there, and then she jumped onto the chair on Bell's right, staring at her sister in anticipation.

She doesn't dare to let her sister get close to her now, otherwise, her little butt will probably suffer.

Let my sister sit down and eat something first. After she has eaten and drank enough, the anger will subside and she will be safe.

Moreover, she can also take this opportunity to let her sister and brother-in-law have a good chat. Gabrielle believes that with her sister's charm, she will be able to successfully capture her brother-in-law.

By that time...

‘Hey, hey, hey! Sister Hermione, I’m so sorry! ’

Thinking of the upcoming scene, a sinister smile appeared on Gabrielle's lips.

‘I’m such a clever little kid. ’

Although she doesn't mind that her brother-in-law has other girlfriends besides her sister. But wouldn't it be even more wonderful if the brother-in-law could be with his sister wholeheartedly?

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