The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 411 Will you understand when you grow up?

Of course Fleur refused Gabrielle's proposal. But she really had no way to deal with the other party.

So in the end, Fleur could only sit on Bell's left side reluctantly.

When she sat down, she gave Bell a fierce look and warned him to be honest, otherwise she would not blame her for being rude.

Unfortunately, Belle didn't even notice Fleur's warning. Because at this time, a table full of delicacies had appeared on the dining table, and the alluring aroma wafted out, attracting all his attention.

Hibiscus? what is that? Is it tasty?

Picking up the knife and fork, Bell's hands crossed the afterimages, and used the unique skill that he had practiced for many years, the ninjutsu: the art of disappearing food!

Ahem, don't ask Bell why a wizard can use ninjutsu, ask about 'chuunibyou'.

As the saying goes, a man remains a boy until he dies, not to mention that Bell is truly 15 years old now.

"Brother-in-law, are all your Hogwarts meals so delicious!?"

She inserted a piece of beef from the nearest plate. As soon as Gabrielle put the beef into her mouth, the little girl was immediately stunned.

She swore that even the food carefully prepared by her mother was not as delicious as the piece of beef in her mouth. She has never eaten anything so delicious!

Looking up at the big brothers and sisters who were devouring their food, Gabri suddenly didn't want to leave.

By the way, should she act coquettishly with her sister and get her sister to agree to her coming to Hogwarts in the future?

"If it tastes good, just eat more."

Bell took a moment to take a moment and said proudly.

Don't get me wrong, he is not proud that the food at Hogwarts can instantly capture the heart of a little girl. He is proud of his Lim.

You know, the reason why Hogwarts's food standards have improved so much is all thanks to Lim.

After receiving Bell's permission, Lim imparted the essence of the cooking techniques from various countries that he had learned over the years to the house elves in Hogwarts without reservation.

This move not only earned the Menethil family the gratitude and admiration of many house elves, but also brought happiness to the little wizards at Hogwarts.

"Yeah! Brother-in-law, I want to eat that fried chicken over there!"

Gabrielle chewed the food in her mouth quickly, while still thinking about the food in the pot.

‘Brush~! ’

An afterimage flashed across, and the plate filled with fried chicken appeared in Bell's hand.

He first divided some and put it on the plate in front of Gabrielle, then stuffed the rest into his mouth and ate it.

"Don't you even spit out the bones!?"

Fleur, who has the same preferences as her sister, originally wanted to eat a piece of fried chicken to try out the taste of Hogwarts delicacies that would make her picky sister praise her.

But who would have imagined that the plate would disappear when she reached halfway with her fork?

And then in the blink of an eye, the plate is back again?

But the food on the plate had completely disappeared.

"It's okay, I've digested it."

Facing Fleur's 'concern', Bell showed a hearty smile, and then resumed eating.

After so many years of strengthening, his current teeth and digestion abilities are beyond repair.

I remember one time before, when he was reading in the afternoon, he encountered a problem that troubled him.

This caused him to be a little absent-minded while eating dinner, and his mind was occupied with thinking about that problem.

But when he finally figured it out, he was surprised to find that the people around him were looking at him with extremely frightened eyes for some unknown reason.

He was very confused at the time, but after thinking to no avail, he ignored the gazes of the people around him and planned to concentrate on enjoying the food.

Then he knew why the people around him looked at him that way.

It turned out that he accidentally ate the knife and fork in his hand.

Looking at the knife and fork with only a handle left in his hand, Bell felt extremely uncomfortable.

‘Silver doesn’t taste good at all! ’

Therefore, as long as it doesn't affect the texture and taste of the food, he usually doesn't bother to spit out bones or anything like that.

Eat more bones and supplement calcium.

"Who cares if you can't digest it? I want to eat that fried chicken too!"

Fleur said frantically.

She seriously doubted that this guy definitely did it on purpose!

Otherwise, how could anyone eat like this?

"Alas~! It's true that my sister will lose her temper because she can't eat the food she likes. Isn't this just like a child?

Okay, okay, I'll give you a piece of my fried chicken. Don't be angry. You will leave a bad impression on your brother-in-law. "

Gabrielle scolded her sister, picked out the largest piece of fried chicken from the plate in front of her, and put it on her sister's plate.


They say girls are outward-looking, but the ancients never deceived me!

Before even saying these horoscopes, Gabri, this damn little brat, started to turn towards outsiders?

If it weren't for the piece of fried chicken on the plate, Fleur would have given Gabrielle a lesson right now!

‘Hmm…it smells so good! ’

When the fried chicken entered her mouth, Fu Rong was also shocked.

Why is the food at Hogwarts so good? ?

If she hadn't graduated next year, she would have wanted to transfer to Hogwarts.

"Brother-in-law, look, my sister is super~ pretty!"

Pulling Belle's arm, Gabrielle asked excitedly.

Regardless of other aspects, at least in terms of appearance, she has absolute confidence in her sister.

After all, that's her sister!


After hearing Gabri's question, Bell turned to look.

Only then did he realize that Fu Rong had actually taken off the silk scarf wrapped around her face.

But it's quite normal when you think about it, after all, you can't eat while wrapped in that.

"It's quite beautiful."

It has to be said that among all the opposite sex Belle has seen so far, Fleur is the third most beautiful.

What? Who is first, you ask?

Needless to say? Of course it’s my lovely sister!

By the way, the second place is my mother.

Bell swore that his ranking was absolutely fair and impartial, without any off-field factors!

The fair skin seems to be breakable by blows, and the exquisite facial features are matched together to form a perfect coordination. Coupled with the smooth and flowing silver hair, Hibiscus has no charm even if the bonus of her charm talent is put aside. Doubt is a beautiful woman that everyone loves.

"How about compared to sister Hermione? Who is more beautiful?"

Gabrielle asked.

"Your sister is prettier."

Bell answered honestly.

"Then choose my sister, brother-in-law."

"I reject."

"Hey!? Why?"

"Finding a girlfriend is not a beauty pageant. How can you choose whoever is pretty?"

Patting Gabri's little head, Bell took a chicken leg from the plate that was filled again and stuffed it into the little guy's mouth.

"You are still young, you will understand when you grow up."

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