The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 416 Goblet of Fire? It’s funny!

"By the way, why are you carrying a basin? Do you want to wash your face?"

Just when Fleur was about to sit down, Bell suddenly asked.

Belle was very confused when she saw the big basin held by Fleur in both hands. By the way, why does this basin look so familiar?

"...This is French fish soup! How on earth do you have those eyeballs that make you think they are for washing your face!"

Fleur said frantically.

She almost stumbled and fell to the ground just now.

"Fish soup?"

Bell stretched his neck and took a look into the basin, and found that it was indeed a shallow layer of milky white fish soup, not water for washing his face as he had thought before.

"So, it's just such a shallow layer of fish soup, why don't you just get a few small bowls to put it in? But you French people have to get a washbasin.

The same goes for the other dishes, which were obviously in the middle, but ended up having to be served on a spicy, big plate.

Isn’t this over-packaging? "

Bell pouted.

These French guys are not real at all.

"'s better than you British people not knowing how to cook!"

Fleur's breasts trembled with anger, and she really wanted to put the fish soup basin in her hand on Bell's head.


After finally picking up a piece of steak, Bell put it into his mouth and chewed it slowly, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Facts speak louder than words, and he doesn't mind arguing with this ignorant woman.

Seeing Bell's look of needing a beating, Fleur couldn't bear it anymore and finally decided that she couldn't bear it anymore!

"Go to hell you!"

With a roar, Fleur picked up the basin in her hand and smashed it towards Bell's head.

Even if it was said that it was destroying the friendship between the two schools, she accepted it. Anyway, there was no friendship at all between Beauxbatons and Hogwarts.

In short, she must teach this damn brat Bell a lesson today!

If Professor McGonagall knew what Fleur was thinking at this time, the old professor might hold Fleur's hands with tears in her eyes and talk to her all night long.

'Snapped! ’

Bell snapped her fingers gently, and then she saw the basin in Fleur's hand suddenly broke free from her hands and floated into the air.

Controlling the basin to fall on the dining table, Bell looked at Fleur teasingly and said:

"It's shameful to waste food. Didn't your sister teach you that?"

This was just for the sake of little Gabrielle, and because the other party was a beautiful girl. Otherwise, if it were a man who dared to do such an outrageous thing to him, Bell would have fallen for him long ago.

" wand!"

Fleur was going crazy.

No matter the occasion or the demeanor, she had all forgotten it. Now she just wanted to kill Bell, no matter the cost!

"Ahem! Well...the professors are watching. Hurry up and eat. It's almost time."

Seeing that the other party was so angry that he even took out his wand, Bell quickly spoke to comfort him.

If this hurt Fleur, he wouldn't be able to explain it to little Gabrielle.

Fleur looked towards the professor's seat, and sure enough she found that the professors, including Mrs. Maxim, were all looking at this side curiously.

Taking a deep breath, Fleur barely regained her senses.

She didn't want to lose her composure in front of Madame Maxime.

Sitting hard on the chair, Fleur quickly ate the food in front of her without saying a word.

She swore that she would never say a word to the damn kid next door again in her life!

After shrugging his shoulders, Bell ignored Fleur's attitude and started eating frantically.

The pleasant (?) dinner was over, and after the desserts disappeared from the table, Dumbledore stood up and introduced the two people who had appeared beside him to the young wizards present.

The two are: Barty Crouch, Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Magic, and also Percy Weasley's most admired boss; Ludo Bagman, Director of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic, and also the A bad gambler.

Then, Dumbledore took another box handed over by Filch.

He opened the box and took out a cup with blue and white flames burning inside.

According to Dumbledore, the cup is called the Goblet of Fire, and it is also the 'selector' of the warriors participating in the Triwizard Tournament.

Young wizards who want to participate in the Triwizard Tournament need to write their name and school name on a piece of parchment and throw it into the Goblet of Fire.

Then, the Goblet of Fire will select the warriors belonging to the three magic schools after tomorrow night's Halloween dinner, symbolizing the official start of the Triwizard Tournament.

"In order to prevent younger students from being tempted, I will draw an age line around the Goblet of Fire. No one under the age of 17 can cross this line!"

After hearing Dumbledore's announcement about the screening method for young wizards under the age of 17, Bell's eyes looked at him and became meaningful again.

He was no longer interested in listening to what Dumbledore said next. Because he is thinking now, what else is Dumbledore planning to do?

Before today, he didn't know the Warriors' selection method.

When he just heard that three warriors would be selected by the Goblet of Fire, he felt something was wrong.

Let's not talk about how a broken cup can determine a young wizard's magic power, spellcasting level, combat effectiveness, etc. just by the name written on a piece of parchment.

(At least Bell couldn't imagine how.)

Just say that this simple, even hasty selection method is too boring!

You know, this Triwizard Tournament, which was held again after hundreds of years, attracted the attention of the entire European magic world.

As a result, in the important selection of warriors, without looking at the results or conducting a duel, it was decided like this in just one day?

Is this any different from the World Cup qualifying teams that are determined by guessing?

Luck is also a part of strength, and it’s a very important part, okay?

And if the selection method of the Triwizard Tournament warriors is determined by the Ministry of Magic and has nothing to do with Dumbledore, then the last age line is completely ridiculous.

Indeed, Bell believed that with the level of young wizards, it was impossible for anyone to be able to break the magic set by Dumbledore.

But the question is, who said you can't throw parchment into the Goblet of Fire if you can't cross the age line?

You can also throw it in from a distance! You can also ask the seniors to help you put in! Well enough……

In short, as long as your thinking does not slip, there are always more methods than difficulties!

In Bell's view, Dumbledore's move was like blatantly saying: 'Come on and cheat! ’.

Otherwise, there are many more simple and effective screening methods than this. For example, let the young wizards who want to sign up hand the parchment to the professor, and then the professor will all throw it into the Goblet of Fire.

It's impossible for the professors to get the age of the little wizard wrong, right?

The school keeps detailed records of every student's date of birth.

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