The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 417 I won’t go home for the holidays this year…

As for who Dumbledore was encouraging to cheat... Bell glanced at Harry in the distance.

There are only two options, so it’s not hard to guess at all, is it?

By the way, given the age line that Dumbledore had created, Bell didn't believe at all that Dumbledore was not secretly fueling the decision to use the Goblet of Fire to select warriors.

You know, Dumbledore is not only the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he is also the president of the International Federation of Wizards and the chief wizard of the Wizengamot. He has a huge influence in the European magic world, and even in the 'magic world' around the world.

Compared with Dumbledore, someone like Fudge, a mere minister of the British Ministry of Magic, was basically a younger brother.

However, no matter how firmly Bell believed in his guess, there was nothing he could do now.

First of all, he is just an ordinary fourth-year student, while Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts. The first level of official rank was overwhelming, let alone the difference between him and Dumbledore.

Secondly, based on the information he currently knows, Bell simply cannot tell what Dumbledore plans to do. Therefore, he naturally could not make corresponding preparations.

To sum up, there is nothing Bell can do now except to be more vigilant.

But he actually didn't care much about it.

Because he believed that no matter what Dumbledore's plan was, as long as it was related to Harry and Voldemort, it would not take long before the tail would inevitably show up.

I hope this incident will not affect the safety of Zannah and Hermione, otherwise he will never give up this time!

While Bell was thinking, Dumbledore had already finished explaining all the matters. Under the leadership of the prefects of each college, the young wizards began to leave the auditorium one after another.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Bell once again escaped Professor McGonagall's sight and slipped into Slytherin House.

"Sanna, I suddenly remembered something."

Bell bent over like a thief, looking around and whispering.

"What's going on? Brother."

Shanna looked at her brother in confusion. My brother rarely told her anything.

"That's right, you should also know that holding the Christmas Ball on Christmas Eve is a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament, and this year is no exception.

So, I want to ask, Shanna, do you want to go to the Yule Ball? Or do you have someone you'd like to attend the Yule Ball with? "

Bell stared at his sister's expression nervously. He swore he had never been so nervous in his life.

"I want to participate with my brother!"

Shanna said without hesitation.

Hearing his sister's firm answer, tears instantly filled Bell's eyes, and it felt like she was crying with joy.

But unfortunately, he couldn't attend the Yule Ball with his sister.

Shanna has grown up and is a big girl, so many times, she can no longer be as casual as she was when she was a child. It is time to pay attention to the impact.

After all, it's not appropriate for Bell and Shanna to attend the Yule Ball or something together.

"Sanna, we have participated in dances and stuff a few times when we were young, right? That one is boring. Otherwise, don't attend the Christmas dance this time. If you want to dance, my brother can accompany you at any time. You jump."

Although Bell can't dance...

What? You said that Shanna is only in the second grade, so she wouldn’t have been able to attend the prom if no one invited her?

Haha, this kind of thought has never appeared in Bell's mind.

Just kidding, my sister is the cutest in the world, and the little wizard who wants to invite Zannah to the ball will probably have to queue up from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade. How could there be no one?

Look at that damn brat over there, that look in his eyes, it's obvious that he wants to invite Shanna to the dance.

Look at the stinky kid on the other side. He looks eager to give it a try. He obviously wants to invite Shanna to the dance.

Bell glanced viciously at the group of toads who wanted to eat the swan meat. After frightening the dishonest guys, they lowered their heads and no longer dared to look this way, and then snorted in displeasure.

If the situation wasn't right now, he would have to teach those guys a lesson!

(Little wizards: 'How scary! Lord Bell and Little Witch Zannah must be secretly discussing a plan to destroy Hogwarts!')

"Okay. If my brother doesn't want me to participate, then I won't participate."

Shanna agreed happily. She had no interest in the Yule Ball to begin with.

If it was a banquet, she might even want to attend for the sake of the food.

As for the dance...actually, like her brother, Shanna can't dance.

When she was a child, her parents wanted to hire a dance teacher for her to teach her some common ballroom dances. But after she complained to her brother that she didn't want to learn those boring dances, her brother drove the dance teacher away.

Since then, her parents have never mentioned letting her learn to dance.

So up to now, Shanna has actually not danced a single dance. I just memorized various moves while watching others dance.

"Brother, are we going home for Christmas?"

Rather than staying at Hogwarts for Christmas, Zannah still wanted to go home and spend Christmas with her family.

Although she doesn't think much about her parents at home...

Fortunately, William didn't know what Shanna was thinking at this time, otherwise he would have been so sad that he wouldn't be able to work for at least a month. That would be a real disaster for Bell.

My father, who is not interested in working, might have to spend all his energy on harassing him. If that happens, he might be driven crazy!

"No, Mom and Dad received an invitation before and will go to a Christmas dinner hosted by others. They will not be at home on Christmas Eve, so we have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas."

William and Elena, who had long known that the Triwizard Tournament would be held at Hogwarts this year, took it for granted that Bell and Zannah would stay at Hogwarts for the Yule Ball. So the two of them had already agreed to their friend's Christmas party invitation.

"Okay, I know."

Although Shanna still felt a little bit regretful about not being able to go home for Christmas and not being able to see her parents. But in just a blink of an eye, she put that little regret behind her.

As long as her brother is with her, she will be satisfied!

"Sanna is so good!"

Bell rubbed his sister's little head lovingly, making the little girl smile happily.

"Gabriel, why don't you go back to find your sister?"

After getting a satisfactory answer from Shanna, Bell noticed that little Gabrielle was still staying at Shanna's place.

At this time, the little guy was holding Fina in his arms, standing happily between Phyllis and Reina, looking like he couldn't care less.

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