The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 418 Conversation in the dormitory

"No, I made an appointment with my elder sisters to sleep in the dormitory at Hogwarts tonight. I'm curious about what the dormitory at Hogwarts looks like."

Gabrielle said happily, looking in high spirits.

"Then will your sister agree?"

Considering the importance Fleur showed to Gabrielle, Bell felt that this matter was a matter of doubt.

"My sister is already quite old. It's time for her to learn to sleep alone. If she always relies on me, how can she marry you, my brother-in-law?"

Gabrielle stroked the reluctant little Fina in her arms twice, and said with a look of disgust.


Because there were so many flaws in Gabrielle's speech, Bell was speechless for a moment and didn't know where to start.

In the end, Bell felt that as an outsider, he should not worry about the affairs between sisters. Anyway, little Gabrielle and Shanna will not be in danger if they are together.

Following the crowded flow of people, Bell quickly returned to the dormitory.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, he realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the atmosphere in the dormitory today?

Normally, due to Bell's bad reputation, his four roommates would try to avoid interacting with him.

But after all, they are roommates who live in the same dormitory all year round, so the four of them will not walk around Bell like other people when they see him.

At least the four of them were very confident that Bell would not eat them. Otherwise, they might not have digested all the bones.

But today, Bell was surprised to find that the four people who came back first were gathering not far from the door, muttering and discussing something.

As soon as they saw him coming in, the four of them immediately shut up. You looked at me, I looked at you, and then they all stared at Bell again, looking constipated.

No matter how low Bell's emotional intelligence was, he could still tell that the four of them wanted to find something for him.

After waiting for a while, after realizing that these four guys still didn't speak, Bell, who was a little impatient at being stared at, took the initiative and asked:

"What's the matter with you?"

"Actually, that's the case. We want to ask you, is there any way to break through the age limit set by Professor Dumbledore?"

Facing Bell's question, Anthony, knowing that this was not the way to go, had no choice but to ask.

"Oh? You want to participate in the Triwizard Tournament? Aren't you afraid of dying in it?"

Generally speaking, when it comes to such dangerous activities, shouldn't it be Gryffindor's little lions who are the most active?

Then there were the Slytherin snakes, who followed suit in order not to lose to their old enemies.

The eaglets of Ravenclaw tend to only focus on things that interest them.

By the way, more than 80% of the little eagles are interested in reading.

Otherwise, Ravenclaw's Quidditch team wouldn't be at the bottom every year, and even Hufflepuff wouldn't be able to beat it.

Therefore, Bell was really surprised that his roommates actually wanted to participate in a highly dangerous competition like the Triwizard Tournament.


After hearing Bell's question, the four eaglets looked at each other.

So that's why they don't like talking to Bell.

Aren't they afraid of dying inside?

Of course they are afraid to death inside!

But the problem is, since the Triwizard Tournament can be held again this year after being suspended for hundreds of years, doesn't it mean that the Triwizard Tournament is no longer as dangerous as before.

Therefore, the four eaglets with this naive idea also want to become the brave men of Hogwarts and participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

Not to mention what an honor it is to be the only brave man in Hogwarts. Just being able to participate in the Triwizard Tournament is a very rare experience!

Even if the final results are not ideal, as long as they participate, I believe it will be useful to them for life!

"Well... this time the Triwizard Tournament shouldn't be that dangerous, right?"

Michael said suddenly.

After Michael finished speaking, the other three people immediately nodded in agreement.

"Who knows?"

Bell shrugged and was noncommittal about the four people's views.

Logically speaking, after hundreds of years of development, wizards are now indeed capable of ensuring the safety of young wizards participating in the Triwizard Tournament.

Apart from anything else, as long as each person wears a defensive jewelry produced by the Bell family, I believe they can buy the little wizard precious time to wait for rescue in critical moments.

But that only stands to reason. At least as far as Bell knew, the Ministry of Magic had not found his father, William, to customize several special defensive ornaments for the competition.

Not to mention, not long ago, he discovered that Dumbledore had plans to manipulate the Triwizard Tournament.

This also means that this Triwizard Tournament is likely to be more dangerous. Especially for young wizards other than Harry, God knows what will happen.

Of course, Bell would not tell these things to the four roommates in front of him. He was not familiar with the other party.

"So Bell, do you have any idea?"

Michael asked again.

"Of course, the method is very simple. You just need to find a senior senior, hand the parchment with your name written on it, and ask him to help you put it into the Goblet of Fire."

Bell casually said the simplest and most practical method he thought of.


The four eaglets said in unison.

Why hadn't they thought of such a simple solution before?

"But...will the seniors help us?"

But then, Anthony started to worry about whether any seniors would be willing to help.

After all, helping junior students throw parchment into the Goblet of Fire or something like that is a violation of school rules, and not necessarily anyone would be willing to do it.

"Isn't this simple? You can just pay 1 gold galleons and hire someone to help you vote. I think there will be many people rushing to buy and sell such a simple and quick way to make money.

But you should be careful not to leak this method to anyone. Otherwise, if things get too big and the professors find out, you four will be the culprits, and it will be very miserable. "

Bell came up with bad ideas for the four people without any worries.

"But shouldn't you be the culprit?"

Morag, who was a bit stupid, looked at Bell with a puzzled expression. What he said made the other three people break out in a cold sweat.

‘This kid won’t forget who he is talking to! ? ’

At this moment, the three of them really wanted to take out their wands and sew Morag's mouth shut.

Even though they were Bell's roommates, they could barely talk to each other.

But as the saying goes, 'Nothing comes out of nowhere'. Although Bell usually behaves quite mildly in the dormitory, who knows if that is what the other party is deliberately pretending to do!

Bell smiled slightly and looked at Morag.

(Bell’s roommates: ‘It’s over, it’s over! I’m going to die!’)

"I don't plan to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, so I won't admit that kind of slander."

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