The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 421 Someone rebelled!

Of course, Hermione, who overestimated the power of the fire dragon, naturally did not think that with her strength, she could help Harry defeat the fire dragon.

Of course, at least on this matter, Hermione's feelings were correct.

Although today, when magic is highly developed, fire dragons have basically been reduced to a material supplier, and are even about to be listed as an endangered protected species.

However, this little thing is not enough to shake its status as the top predator of the food chain.

Under normal circumstances, an ordinary adult wizard cannot defeat a fire dragon one-on-one.

Therefore, Hermione, whose current strength is still far behind that of ordinary adult wizards, is naturally no match for the Fire Dragon.

"The so-called Fantasy Great Sword: Lost Demon is the noble phantom of the heroic spirit Siegfried. Siegfried, you know? He is..."


Hermione yelled, interrupting Bell's eloquent explanation.

She finally understood that this guy Bell was deceiving her again!

"Bell! I am asking you a very serious question. Can you be more serious?"

"How can I be improper... Okay, okay, I understand.

As we all know, the scales of the fire dragon have very powerful magic resistance. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is not recommended to use magic spells to directly attack the fire dragon.

On the contrary, you can use transfiguration, etc., to carry out purely physical attacks. "

Seeing that his girlfriend was grinding her teeth again, Bell quickly sat up straight and said seriously.

"Of course, with Harry's current level of transfiguration, it is impossible to harm the fire dragon.

If it attacks weak parts such as the eyes, it will be counted separately. "

Don't think that if Hermione didn't say anything, Bell wouldn't know why she asked such a question.

Those fire dragons roared at the top of their lungs all day long in the Forbidden Forest, and Bell was so annoyed that he wanted to kill them.

"What should we do?"

Hermione said worriedly, and looked at Bell again with her big watery eyes.

Out of her 10,000% trust in Bell, she had already boasted to Harry and Neville. If she returned empty-handed, where would Bell's face be?

Bell, who had no idea that he had little face and was once again facing a crisis of sharp decline, pressed his nose and said indifferently:

"You are weak, blame me."

"Bay! Er!"

Hermione glared at Bell dissatisfied.

How can you say that to your classmates! ?

Hermione felt that although Bell was indeed very powerful in magic, in other aspects, the other party should really learn from her.

She ranked first in the whole grade in every final exam. Was she ever proud? least she didn't say it verbally!

"Oh~! Don't worry, the professors can't let the little wizards deal with the fire dragon in its prime. That's basically asking them to die. So don't worry too much.

In addition, the fire dragon's eyes and nostrils are not covered with scales, which is their weakness.

In the last few days, if you practice more moving targets, you may be able to perform exceptionally well during competitions and hit your weak points more often.

That way, no matter what the competition requirements are, they should be able to be achieved. "

For Hermione's sake, Bell reluctantly moved his mind and came up with an idea that he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

There was nothing he could do about it. He had never paid attention to a mere fire dragon or anything like that.

If it was the kind of giant dragon in ancient legends that he didn't know if it actually existed, then he would still need to brace himself and concentrate on dealing with it.

As for the modern fire dragon, it is stronger than the B-level evil spirit like the "train", and is not worth fearing at all. If you cast any number of spells, you will definitely be crippled even if you don't die.

Special attack on dragon?


"Hmph! You wish you had said so earlier!"

After complaining to Bell, Hermione turned around and ran away.

She wanted to convey to Harry exactly what Bell had just said, in order to save Bell's face.

"Hey! You are not allowed to practice target shooting with Harry and the others!"

Bell shouted at his girlfriend's retreating back.

Just kidding, if Hermione left him and went to practice target shooting with Harry, then if he became jealous, he couldn't guarantee that Harry would survive until the day of the competition.

"I know~!"

Finally, with everyone's thoughts in mind, time came to November 24th neither fast nor slow.

This afternoon, the first competition of the Triwizard Tournament will be held.

Therefore, in the morning, wailing was everywhere in Hogwarts Castle...

"Are you kidding! Why do we have to go to class this morning!?"

"That's right! I'm going to Mao's class! I still have to get a seat! I'm late and what should I do if I can't get a seat in the front row?"

"That's right! Let's skip class!"

Then, the three of them were...taken away by Professor McGonagall...

This is really a sad story, and tears of sadness flowed from the corners of Bell's mouth.

In short, when the professor was not interested in teaching and the students were not interested in listening, the long morning finally passed.

After lunch, Bell and others gathered again and prepared to go to the competition venue.

It is worth mentioning that this time, there are two new figures in the team of Bell and others.

They are Gabriel Delacour and Luna Lovegood.

It has been almost a month since Gabrielle arrived at Hogwarts. During this month, whenever the little one finds an opportunity, she will run away from her sister, who she says cannot live without her, and run to play with Shanna and the other three.

For this reason, Fleur was so angry that she almost came to a duel with Bell, the bastard who led her sister into evil.

This time, several little girls had already made an appointment to watch the game together and cheer for Gabri's sister.

Under Gabriel's cuteness offensive, not only Phyllis and Reyna, but even Zannah betrayed the revolution and joined Beauxbatons' camp.

Anyway, they were not familiar with Harry or Cedric. Even before Cedric became a warrior, the three little girls didn't know that such a person existed.

So in comparison, Gabri's sister is closer to her.

You know, according to Gabrielle, her sister Fleur will marry Zannah's brother Belle in the future. By then, it will be a family.

Although Shanna didn't believe a word of what Gabrielle said. But that doesn't stop her from pushing the flames behind the scenes.

I can't help it, Hermione's reaction is really interesting!

If her brother hadn't stopped her, she would have planned to further tease Hermione.

As for Luna, as a well-known 'crazy girl', no one wants to watch the game with her.

If Luna suddenly goes crazy when she is enjoying watching the game, then what will happen when they are watching the game? Or look at Luna?

If you're not careful, you may develop obsessive-compulsive disorder, okay?

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