The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 422 The Unfunny Fire Dragon

When he accidentally saw Luna alone preparing to go to the competition venue, Bell extended an invitation to her.

Although the contract has not been officially signed, Luna can be regarded as half of her own. With Bell's defensive temperament, he could not bear to see his own people being wronged.

"Senior Bell, are you trying to tread two boats?"

On the way to the arena, Luna, who had been listening to the chat between Shanna and others for a while, suddenly asked Bell.


Bell stumbled and almost fell into the mud.

"That little sister said that you are her brother-in-law, but she doesn't speak English, and judging from her appearance, she shouldn't be Senior Hermione's sister, right? So..."

Luna looked at Bell with her signature dull eyes, and her meaning was self-explanatory.

"Ahem! Children's words are unbridled. Children just say it casually. Don't take it seriously."

Bell almost forgot that Luna was a natural master of Legilimency. She didn't need Zannah's bridge to understand what Gabrielle was talking about.


I don’t know whether Luna believed it or not. After a simple response, the little girl began to listen carefully to the chat between Shanna and others.


Bell, who felt that his reputation was being victimized, really wanted to ask, what did Luna's "Oh" mean?

But because he was afraid that the picture would become darker and darker, after struggling for a while, he still suppressed the question.

It's a good thing that Gabrielle doesn't speak English well, otherwise his name might not be heard in Hogwarts again.

After finding a quieter spot in the arena, Shanna performed a series of layout modifications as usual.

Following little Gabrielle's exclamation, the group of people sat comfortably on the sofa. A variety of food and drinks were surrounded by them, making it easy to grab and use.

‘Praise the magic! ’

After taking a sip of Coke, Bell let out a sigh of relief.

It didn't take long for the game to officially begin.

After seeing the staff transporting a Swedish Brachysaurus to the center of the field, the little wizards in the stands all let out suppressed exclamations.

"Brother! It's a fire dragon! It's a fire dragon!"

Shanna didn't know until now that the content of this first game was actually a battle with a fire dragon!

Because Slytherin's dormitory is located under the Black Lake, and Zannah's senses are not as sensitive as Bell's, she has not been harassed by the roar of the fire dragon when she sleeps at night recently. So she didn't know the existence of the fire dragon.

And this was one of the main reasons why Bell didn't make those fire dragons.

In his own words, he could just set up a barrier and be patient. But if he dared to disturb his sister's rest, he wouldn't be able to bear it.

"Brother, I also want to play with the fire dragon!"

At this moment, Zannah regretted not participating in the Triwizard Tournament.

If she had known it was so fun, she would have gotten a place as a warrior just to have fun.

What? Do you think she is not old enough?

Of course Shanna knew that she was not old enough, but she was not worried about this problem at all.

You know, she is not one of those little wizards you can see everywhere in Hogwarts, she has a brother!

Shanna always believed that her brother would solve all difficulties for her!

Seeing Shanna's eagerness to jump into the field in the next second, Bell quickly took action and held down the little girl's shoulders.

He has a clear understanding of his sister's powerful mobility.

"Zanna, take a closer look. Is that fire dragon sick?"

Bell pointed at the Swedish Brachysaurus in the field and said.

"Huh? It seems to be true!

How could those people be so abominable? Even Mr. Fire Dragon was sick, and they actually forced them to work! ?

Are they black-hearted entrepreneurs?

Besides, wouldn’t this be fun! "

The kind-hearted little Shanna complained about the poor Mr. Fire Dragon.

Although she has never played with a fire dragon.

Mom and Dad don't agree to keep the fire dragon in the family castle.

But even so, she had no interest in playing with a sick fire dragon.

That’s not challenging at all!

"No, the fire dragon is not sick.

In fact, in order to reduce the difficulty of the competition and ensure the safety of participating warriors, these fire dragons were fed special potions before the competition, which weakened their various values. "

Bell corrected his sister's misconception.


No matter what the reason is, in short, these fun fire dragons have become unfun. Shanna was very dissatisfied with this.

Seeing that his sister was unhappy, it was certainly impossible for Bell to just turn a blind eye.

I saw his eyes rolling, and a good idea appeared in his mind.

"Sanna, it seems like we haven't eaten fire dragon meat for a long time, right?"

Staring at the fire dragon in the center of the field, a ray of light flashed in Bell's eyes.


After hearing her brother's words, Shanna immediately became energetic.

As expected of his brother, she didn't expect it at all!

"It's true that I haven't eaten for a long time. It's been several months."

With the same eyes and the same expression, Shanna stared at the fire dragon in the field, and a familiar light also flashed in her eyes.

"Additional food tonight?"




The brother and sister high-fived each other in tacit agreement, keeping everything silent.


However, the two brothers and sisters, who only saw food, forgot that there was another person in the field who held the power of life and death.

Hermione gritted her teeth and stared at Bell's face without blinking.

"You are not allowed to touch those fire dragons!"

"Ahem! Hermione, do you still remember the dragon meat buns? They are so delicious!"

Bell tries to seduce his girlfriend into corruption.

"……That's not OK!"

Wiping the 'tears' from the corner of her mouth, Hermione suddenly broke away from the memories of the past.

'so close! I almost got hit! ’

"Bell, if you dare to eat those fire dragons, I, I will tell Professor McGonagall!"

Of course, she would go after eating.

Don't get me wrong, the reason why she went after eating was definitely not because the dragon meat buns were so fragrant that she couldn't resist temptation. She's not that kind of person, really!

She actually wanted to accept the punishment together with Bell!

As Bell's girlfriend, she should share blessings and hardships with him. She couldn't do anything like watching Bell being punished alone.

"Uh... okay then."

Bell reluctantly compromised.

It wasn't that he was really afraid of Hermione going to complain to Professor McGonagall.

Just kidding, as long as you eat his buns, you won't even be able to step out of the door!

You will definitely be so stretched that you can’t walk!

Mainly due to Hermione's reminder, Bell's eyes, which were blinded by the food, were able to regain their clarity again.

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