The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 423 The First Game

Where is this place?

This is Hogwarts! It’s Lao Deng’s territory!

Bell had no confidence that he could hide from Lao Deng's fiery eyes and get rid of the fire dragons without anyone noticing.

Those fire dragons were not placed deep in the Forbidden Forest.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, it’s better not to tease Lao Deng’s tiger beard.


Seeing her brother compromise, Shanna was unhappy again.

The little girl is now thinking about whether she should listen to little Gabrielle's opinion, squeeze Hermione out, and let Gabrielle's sister Fleur take over?

While a few people were chatting and joking, the staff had arranged for the fire dragon and evacuated the competition venue.

In Ludo Bagman's breathless commentary, the first player entered the arena.

The first contestant to enter was none other than Cedric Diggory, the warrior from Hogwarts.

I saw Diggory walking into the field with a majestic and high-spirited pace, his head held high. He raised his head, looked at the audience in the stands, and waved. It seems that for this competition, Diego...

Ahem, sorry, I'm being confused.

Cedric's face was tense, and the knuckles holding the wand were slightly white. It can be seen that he is very nervous about facing a fire dragon next.

After the referee announced the start of the game, Cedric used his transformation spell without hesitation and transformed a stone on the ground into a big dog.

Obviously, it can be seen from Cedric's no-nonsense behavior that he has learned about the content of today's game in advance and has thought about countermeasures.

"Brother, why don't they wear iron armor charm jewelry?"

After seeing Cedric being burned by the fire dragon's flames, Zannah looked at her brother in confusion.

"Because of the rules of the Triwizard Tournament, no magic items are allowed to be used during the competition."

Bell explained.

In fact, in his opinion, as long as each of the participating warriors wears a special defensive jewelry, the risk of the competition can be reduced by 90%.

Unfortunately, the staff at the Ministry of Magic obviously don't think so.

Perhaps in their view, only those who can face the danger of death are qualified to be called warriors?

Although from the moment Dumbledore sat on the referee's seat, there was no danger of death in this game.

Of course, the premise is that Lao Deng is willing to take action.

After Cedric awkwardly bypassed the fire dragon's obstruction and obtained the golden egg located behind the fire dragon, the next person to appear was Gabrielle's sister Fleur.

"Sister! It's sister! I'm here, sister! Come on, sister!"

As soon as Fleur's figure came into view, little Gabrielle suddenly jumped up and cheered loudly for her sister.

Looking at the little guy who seemed to be about to rush out at the next moment, Shanna quickly hugged him to prevent him from accidentally falling into the stands.

I don't know if it was the telepathy between sisters, but even in the noisy and dense crowd, Fleur found her sister at a glance.

After waving to Gabrielle, Fleur took a deep breath and looked at the fire dragon in front of her.

My sister is looking at her, she must show her handsome side!

After fighting fiercely with the fire dragon for a while, Fleur seized the opportunity and shot the dragon in the head with a sleeping spell.

Looking at the sleepy fire dragon, Bell couldn't help but feel his eyes light up.

Normally, with the magic power in Fleur's body, it would be impossible to knock down a fire dragon with just one sleeping spell.

Apparently Fleur herself knew this. So she found another way and integrated her natural charm magic into the sleeping spell, thus successfully breaking through the fire dragon's magic resistance.

Even if there is a reason why the fire dragon itself is in poor condition, it is undeniable that Furong's spell is indeed very eye-catching.

At this moment, Bell had to admit that he had always underestimated Fleur.

Let's not mention other aspects for the moment. Based on Furong's magic fusion, the other three people are no match for Furong in terms of their attainments in magic.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Klum, who will play next, will have a more eye-catching performance. But the possibility is very low.

However, high attainments in magic spells do not mean high combat effectiveness.

Take Teacher Nico, for example. Bell estimates that Teacher Nico's magic skills will never be lower than Dumbledore's, and may even be higher.

But in terms of combat effectiveness, Dumbledore is estimated to be able to give Teacher Nico a beating.

Furong, who is currently on the field, is obviously a theoretical person. Although her magic skills are outstanding, she does not know how to fight.

I saw that after the fire dragon fell into a deep sleep, and in this situation where he no longer knew how to lose, the fire dragon just breathed out some insignificant flames, and ignited Furong's skirt.

'So can't you just wave your magic wand and scatter that spark? ’

Rubbing her ears that were tortured by little Gabrielle's screams, Belle couldn't help but complain about Fleur.

Fortunately, Fleur had not completely lost her mind. She quickly summoned water to extinguish the flames on the skirt, allowing Belle's ears to survive.


Bell yawned out of boredom and wanted to go back.

To be honest, in his opinion, the 'fierce' battles in the field were not as attractive as the looks of the little wizards in the stands.

Speaking of which, why doesn’t the Ministry of Magic do a live broadcast? Obviously it can be easily done by just setting up a few personal terminals.

It was said to be the Triwizard Tournament, but it turned out that the young wizards at Hogwarts were pretty good, and they could still watch it. As for the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, they couldn't even take part in this event and could only watch lonely?

Bell, who was wandering in his thoughts and eating kebabs one bite at a time, was suddenly called back to his attention by his sister.

"Brother, didn't you say that the use of magic props is not allowed in the Triwizard Tournament? Harry made a foul using a broomstick, why didn't the referees take care of it?"

Shanna, who also felt a little bored, asked curiously as she tugged on her brother's arm.


Looking at Harry flying quickly over the competition field, Bell felt a little pain in his face.

Looking at the referees standing there, he was hesitating whether to knock Harry down to maintain the fairness of the game?

Although there was nothing fair about this game from the beginning.

"Ahem, Zannah, it's the rules of the magic world, just listen to them, you know."


Shanna nodded, indicating that she understood!

Although Bell didn't know what his sister knew, at least his dignity as an older brother was finally preserved, so he didn't intend to delve into it.

Finally, with Harry's scoring finished, this 'boring' game finally came to an end.

To be honest, after watching today's game, Bell didn't want to watch the next two games.

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