The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 429: Daydreams and Random Thoughts

"Huh? Bell, this one contains alcohol."

Watching Bell downing the fruit drink in his hand, Hermione hurriedly reminded him.

She knew that her boyfriend hated drinking, and she thought Bell had accidentally picked up the wrong one.

"I know, I'm not afraid that you will be nervous."

Bell grinned. He really couldn't understand why some people like to drink, or even become addicted to alcohol.

It obviously doesn't taste good at all.

‘So you are afraid that I will be nervous, so why are you drinking so much? ’

Hermione looked at her cute boyfriend with amusement, and the tension in her heart about what was going to happen next suddenly weakened a lot.

Taking a sip of the fruit drink in her hand, Hermione felt sweet in her heart.

However, there will always be people in this world who cannot understand the atmosphere.

Just when the atmosphere between Bell and Hermione was getting better and better, and the time was getting more and more mature, an uninvited guest suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Hello, beautiful Miss Hermione, may I have the pleasure of dancing with you?"

Krum spoke not very good English and looked at Hermione with burning eyes.

He had never seen a girl as seductive and attractive to him as Hermione. So, from the first moment he saw Hermione, he made a decision.

You must chase the opponent!

As for the fact that the other party had a boyfriend according to the information he had found out, Krum didn't take it to heart.

Just kidding, who is he? He is the Seeker of the Bulgarian team and an internationally renowned Quidditch star!

Klum has never doubted his popularity and charisma.

Not to mention, according to the information he had investigated, Hermione's boyfriend, the kid named Bell, was not a good guy, and could even be called notorious.

The beautiful Miss Hermine must have been coerced by that Bell into dating him!

When he thought of Miss Hermione, living under the threat of Bell every day, looking forward to the day when a warrior would save him, Krum felt like his heart was cut.

Unlike these 'cowards' in Hogwarts, he, Krum, as a Durmstrang warrior, as a brave man galloping in the sky and galloping on the Quidditch field, he will not Fear anything evil!

Not to mention that the other party is only in the fourth year, and it is said that he has not even been able to make the Quidditch team. He can beat ten of these weaklings with one hand!

The hand holding the wand.

Therefore, after previously inviting Miss Hermione to be his dance partner, but Miss Hermione fearfully rejected him because she was too afraid of Bell's power (Krum's perspective), Krum thought carefully and finally decided Put the 'showdown' today.

Tonight, at this grand ball, in full view of everyone, he will defeat Belle and save the beautiful Miss Hermine!

And after that, I believe that Miss Hermione will definitely fall into his arms without hesitation because she appreciates his bravery and strength.

Thinking of this, Krum stared at Bell. Once the other party makes any attempt to coerce Miss Hermione, he will immediately take action and give the other party a severe lesson!

Faced with Krum's invitation, Hermione did not respond immediately.

She used the fastest speed in her life and pressed Bell's right hand hard.

There was no way, Hermione was really afraid that if she was even 0.001 second slower, the famous star in front of her would never have the chance to ride on the broomstick again.

Normally, Hermione would often listen to Bell telling her bits and pieces about Zannah. What impressed her the most was Shanna's habit of pulling out her wand whenever she disagreed.

As Bell's sister, where did the little girl learn those 'good' behaviors and habits? Do you still need to ask?

It’s not all because the little girl has a ‘good’ brother!

After making sure that Bell wouldn't blast Krum into a mosaic with an explosive spell, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief and had time to respond to Krum's invitation.

"Sorry, Mr. Krum, I'm a little tired and don't want to dance anymore. Besides, I won't dance with boys other than my boyfriend."

Hermione categorically rejected Krum's invitation, leaving no room for his imagination.

However, what Hermione didn't know was that 'dreaming' requires space, but 'thinking' does not.

In Krum's view, Miss Hermione did not respond to his invitation immediately, but looked at the brat Bell, obviously because she was afraid of him and was trying to confirm what he meant.

Therefore, Krum, who had already envisioned various scenarios in his mind, took out his wand without saying a word and pointed it at Bell on the sofa.

"You! It's best to stay away from Miss Hermione immediately! I'm not one of those guys in Hogwarts, and your rumors can't fool me!"

White light shone at the tip of Krum's staff. As long as Bell dared to say the word "no" in his mouth, the petrification spell he was ready to cast would immediately be smeared on the other person's face.

"what you up to!?"

Before Bell could kill the bastard who dared to point his wand at him, the 'protective' Hermione stood up with a scream and stood in front of Bell.

If it weren't for the inconvenience of taking out the wand in her current evening dress, Hermione would have cast a disarming spell to disarm Krum's wand.

"Miss Hermione, don't be afraid. With me here, he will never be able to threaten you again."

Krum persuaded Miss Hermine earnestly, trying to convey courage to the other party.

He didn't expect that Bell's psychological shadow on Miss Hermione would be so great! So that when facing an attack, Miss Hermione would subconsciously stand in front of the opponent and act as a human shield?

Sure enough, this Bell is a scumbag!

Thinking this, Krum looked at Bell with even more disgust.

Now he really wants to kill the other party directly!

"What are you talking about? When did Bell threaten me? If you don't put away your wand, I will call the professor over!"

Hermione said that she had no idea what Krum was talking about.

Besides, she was not interested in understanding what the other party was talking about right now. She just wants to eliminate the threat to her boyfriend immediately!

"What are you calling professor? How can I teach him a lesson if I call him professor?"

Before Krum could continue to persuade Hermione, Bell, who was sitting behind Hermione, suddenly spoke.

Just kidding, no one really thinks that after secretly trying to poach him, after failing, they went so far as to poach him in person, and even pointed a magic wand at him, threatening him, and then they could still do it. Live in peace and peace! ! !

Magic power, burning like fire, overflowed from Bell's body, and his current level of anger was already comparable to when the dementors attacked Zannah.

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