The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 430 Duel between men

As the saying goes, 'strike first to gain advantage, move later to suffer disaster', when he saw Bell standing up and exuding powerful magic fluctuations, although Krum was a little surprised by the strange phenomena on him, he was obviously not exploring those things now. When things happen.

The petrification spell, which had been prepared for a long time, instantly left Krum's wand and struck at the top of Hermione's head, that is, Bell's face.

As a warrior of Durmstrang, Krum can even be called the strongest student of Durmstrang Magic School. He has full confidence in his own strength.

In his opinion, facing this long-awaited petrification spell, Bell would definitely be knocked down without any resistance.

Then, Miss Hermione can realize that a mere Bell is nothing to be afraid of...

That's how it should be.

Krum was surprised to find that in the first half, it was exactly as he expected. His spell hit the opponent without any suspense.

But what happened next was far beyond his expectation.

What is that blue flame-like thing on the other party's body?

Why did his magic spell, after touching that blue flame, burn into smoke instantly like parchment thrown into the flames?

After a brief moment of surprise, Krum took a deep breath and tightened his nerves that had been a little slack because he was confident of winning.

No matter what tricks the opponent used to block his petrification spell, Krum believed that in the face of the absolute strength gap, any little tricks would be in vain!

"Broken to pieces..."

Since the previous petrification spell failed to break the strange blue flame on the opponent, he used a more destructive spell this time. Krum didn't believe that the other party could still take it.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is often the opposite.

Before Krum could cast the crushing curse, a sudden heavy pressure fell from the sky, instantly pressing him to the ground.

"Bell, be gentle!"

After seeing her boyfriend taking action in anger, Hermione quickly offered words of persuasion.

She still remembers that on the night of the Halloween banquet in the second grade, Malfoy was beaten by Bell with multiple fractures all over his body because he called her a 'mudblood'. It was said that many places were shattered?

That is to say, thanks to the magic of magic, if someone had suffered such a serious injury in the Muggle world, they would probably have to spend the rest of their lives in bed.

At that time, she and Bell were just good friends.

But now, not only did her relationship with Bell become lovers, they were much closer than before. Krum's behavior was much more excessive than Malfoy's before.

Therefore, Hermione was really worried that Bell would kill Krum directly in a fit of rage and strike too hard.

"Don't worry, you won't die."

After comforting (?) his girlfriend, Bell walked slowly to Krum.

Looking at Krum lying on the ground, for some reason, Bell always felt a sense of déjà vu, as if this scene had happened somewhere before?

‘Forget it, never mind. ’

It wasn't a big deal anyway. Bell ignored the feeling of déjà vu, raised his foot, and stepped on it.

'boom! ’

The iron armor spell that had been helping Krum resist gravity shattered like glass under Bell's feet.

Bell's kick hit Krum's head hard.

‘What a risk~! ’

Wiping the cold sweat from his heart, Bell silently breathed a sigh of relief.

The iron armor spell on Krum's body was much more fragile than he expected.

If he hadn't urgently withdrawn a lot of power at the last moment, Krum's head would probably be like a watermelon and fall apart with a 'bang' sound.

That would be big trouble.

Obviously, his girlfriend had just told him to be gentle, but in the blink of an eye, he stepped on Krum's head. There was no way he could do it when he got back!

And the most important thing is, if that happens, the good things tonight will be ruined! ?

If that happens, he might feel so uncomfortable that he might want to burst the earth from the inside!

After recovering some of his power, Bell's kick only stun Krum for a while and did not cause any harm to him.

But although it is not very harmful, it is extremely insulting.

Just imagine, what does it feel like for a man to be stepped on by his rival in public, especially in front of the girl he likes?

Krum didn't know what others would think, but he knew that he would rather die at this moment, rather be cut into pieces than suffer such humiliation from the other party!

As a result, Krum was seen holding the ground with both hands, and the magic power in his body began to operate at an unprecedented speed.

"Belle~! I want you..."

'boom! ’

Without any hesitation, Bell stepped hard and pushed Krum back with one kick.

Moreover, due to the greater force this time, the floor of the auditorium was cracked by Bell's step, and half of Krum's head sank into the ground.

A large amount of blood spurted out from Krum's mouth, nostrils, ears, and eyes.

It really looks like a watermelon now...

However, for Krum, maybe Bell's kick is a good thing?

Because after being hit hard on the head, Klum simply fainted and no longer had to endure the humiliating torture.

At least before waking up, there is no need to bear it.

As for whether Krum will be so sad and angry that he wants to commit suicide after waking up...that is not within the scope of Bell's concern.

"Bell! Didn't I tell you to be gentler?"

Seeing Krum's head soaked in blood and his facial features distorted beyond recognition, Hermione was extremely frightened.

She was really afraid that Bell would accidentally kill the other party. In that case, she would take Bell with her and travel around the world together.

"It's already very light! Don't worry, he's not dead."

Bell, who knew what his girlfriend cared about most, waved his hand and said casually.

"come here!"

After wiping the blood on the soles of his feet on the carpet, Bell waved to the nearest little wizard who was staring at him in stunned silence.

Although the battle ended in an instant and caused little movement, as one of the only four warriors, there were still many people paying attention to Krum's every move.

Therefore, at this time, many people had noticed what happened in this corner of the auditorium, and the commotion gradually spread.

Bell, who is afraid of trouble, doesn't want to explain the ins and outs of the matter to the professors. He is very busy now, okay?

Therefore, after the unknown young wizard named by Bell walked up to him tremblingly, Bell ordered to him:

"You should have seen the whole thing that happened before, right?"

The poor little wizard nodded hesitantly.

"Very good. If a professor comes to ask about it later, just tell him the truth.

Also, take him to the school hospital. "

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