The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 435 Karkaroff’s plan

What made Karkaroff most angry, so angry that he dared to point at the tip of Dumbledore's nose and curse out loud, was that this morning, Madam Maxime actually rejected his invitation!

Originally, he wanted to invite Madam Maxime to see Krum's miserable state, and together they could force Hogwarts to marry him.

By the way, after reaping the benefits, discuss joining forces with the other party.

After all, Krum has been attacked. In two days, the opponent's half-Veela may also be attacked by surprise?

As both disadvantaged groups, Karkaroff believes that Durmstrang and Beauxbatons can definitely join forces.

No! They must join forces to deal with the evil tricks coming from Hogwarts!

As a result, when he excitedly ran to the Beauxbatons carriage to find Madame Maxime early in the morning, that barbarian woman, she actually, she dared not even let him in!

What's more, her carriage was robbed last night? Now she has to focus all her energy on catching that nasty thief. She has no time to worry about the competition?

It sounded so true that Karkaroff almost believed her!

‘Please, can you be more careful about your lies? ? ’

Where is this? This is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

Apart from students, only professors are left.

Oh, by the way, it seems there are a few squibs in Hogwarts who can't cast spells?

snort! Dumbledore actually allowed those shameful things to enter the sacred school of magic. No wonder it is said that the quality of Hogwarts graduates has become worse and worse in recent years.

So, how could there be a thief in Hogwarts...wait!

Karkaroff suddenly had a sudden inspiration, and he realized something very terrible.

Could it be that the thief Mrs. Maxime mentioned was arranged by Dumbledore? In order to distract Madame Maxime at this critical moment and thereby destroy the alliance between Durmstrang and Beauxbatons?

Looking at Dumbledore, who was pretending to have a serious look on his face and looking at Krum silently on the hospital bed, without even a word of retort even though he had scolded him like that, Karkaroff felt a shudder.

This kid... no, it's this old immortal, it's too scary!

Although Karkaroff and Dumbledore look like the same age in appearance, in terms of actual age, Dumbledore is more than enough to be his father.

...Why did he suddenly feel that he had been insulted?

It can be said that in Karkaroff's view at this time, as long as it is a bad thing, it must be Dumbledore who did it and did not run away!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, interrupting Karkaroff's divergent thinking.

"Please come in."

Dumbledore said loudly.

He knew that the person he had been waiting for had already arrived.

Professor McGonagall opened the door, let Bell enter first, then followed Bell in and closed the door.

Then the old professor stood at the door without saying a word, as if to prevent Bell from escaping.

Bell didn't pay attention to Professor McGonagall's caution.

After all, if he wanted to run away, there was no need to go through the door.

Just find a wall at random and use the 'Invincible Wall Penetration Technique (Earth Escape Technique)' to knock it out.


"Kid! Were you the one who injured Krum?"

Without giving Bell a chance to speak, after seeing that he appeared with Professor McGonagall, Karkaroff knew that the unattractive kid in front of him should be the scapegoat introduced by Hogwarts.

Indeed, he couldn't do anything to Dumbledore, but he couldn't do anything to a little devil!

Karkaroff has decided that he will teach the other party a lesson, and he will make the other party regret coming into this world. Otherwise, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart!


Without any intention of denying or defending, Bell openly admitted his 'feat'.

Isn't it a feat for a man to kill another asshole who was trying to seduce his girlfriend?

"Kid! Hello..."

"Professor Karkaroff! Mr. Menethil is a student at Hogwarts. I think, as the principal of Hogwarts, I should be the one to question Mr. Menethil."

Dumbledore's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Karkaroff's impotent rage.

Although Dumbledore's voice was not loud compared to Karkaroff, as soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately became the center of everyone's attention, easily overwhelming Karkaroff in terms of presence.

"You...okay! You ask! However, if you can't give me a satisfactory explanation, I won't give up this time!"

Facing Dumbledore's calm but sharp gaze, Karkaroff was finally defeated.

But he didn't mean to let Bell go just like that. He just wanted to observe first to see how Dumbledore planned to clear Bell's name, and then think about countermeasures.

This is called ‘know yourself and the enemy, and fight a hundred battles without danger’!

He did not serve as Principal Durmstrang for nothing for so many years. In order to prevent the terrifying mysterious man from resurrecting one day, he has been working hard to enrich himself.

Including but not limited to preparing an escape route for yourself and preparing an escape route for yourself.

And that ancient, mysterious eastern country was the refuge he chose for himself.

Back then, even Grindelwald had never entered that country during his heyday. Karkaroff didn't believe that the mysterious man dared to pursue him!

After Karkaroff gave in, Dumbledore turned his attention back to Bell. He stared at Bell, who was slightly tense. After being silent for a while, he slowly said:

"Mr. Menethil, can you tell me why you attacked Mr. Krum?"

"Professor, I think you made a mistake. I did not attack Krum, but Krum attacked me. I was just acting in self-defense. Many people in the auditorium last night could tell this. Bear my witness.”

Bell said in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

Hearing this, Dumbledore nodded.

The 'enthusiastic' little wizard who sent Krum to the school hospital yesterday indeed said the same thing. Although he couldn't quite understand why the other party looked so excited when talking about this matter?

If he remembered correctly, that little wizard was probably not from Gryffindor House.

Of course, with a rigorous attitude towards dealing with things, Dumbledore did not simply believe what the other party said.

Last night, he also asked many students.

Except for those who didn't know what happened, all the students who watched the entire incident said that it was indeed Bell who was the first to attack by Krum.

Since so many students from different schools testified, Dumbledore believed that Bell was indeed 'forced' to fight back.

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