The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 436 Magic Flame

“Even if you were forced to fight back, your attack was too harsh, so I still have to punish you.

Ravenclaw House will deduct 30 points. As for the penalty of confinement, you will be notified later. "

Dumbledore nodded and let Bell go easily. There is quite a feeling of being lifted high and put down gently.

This is certainly not because Bell is a student at Hogwarts and Krum is a student at Durmstrang, so Dumbledore will prefer Bell. He's not that kind of person.

At least not entirely...

Ahem. In addition, because Grindelwald was born in Durmstrang, Dumbledore still had a good impression of Durmstrang.

Of course, this does not include the tall, thin old man with a goatee next to him.

After learning the details of the incident from many young wizards last night, Dumbledore no longer planned to blame Bell excessively.

Therefore, he actually had another purpose in calling Bell here today.

"In addition, I want to ask you. I heard from other students that last night, a blue fire ignited on your body..."


A roar mixed with anger and disbelief interrupted Dumbledore's questioning.

Karkaroff was so angry that he rolled his eyes. He couldn't understand how someone could be so shameless! ?

Who else can testify? Karkaroff doesn't believe a word of those testimonies!

Let’s not talk about whether those witnesses were arranged by Dumbledore in advance. Even if those students were uninformed, with Dumbledore’s strength, it was not easy to deceive those little brats who didn’t even have hair. Something?

Not to mention Dumbledore, even he could do the same thing as long as he was prepared in advance.

And, listen, everyone, come and listen, what was Dumbledore’s punishment for Bell?

Deduct 30 college points?

That doesn’t mean you can just find an excuse to add it back tomorrow!

Will the confinement penalty be notified further?

That’s not to say it’s gone after dragging it!

He shouldn't be too familiar with this move, okay?

I think back then, when he was still working under the mysterious man, every time he was given a task, he would be...ahem! Nothing at all!

In short, Dumbledore is too perfunctory, right?

No! This is simply too lazy to be perfunctory! It’s so deceiving!

"No! Absolutely not!

He attacked Krum, and even almost killed Krum!

Such extremely vicious criminals should be punished directly! Never tolerate it! "

Karkaroff, who was extremely embarrassed and angry, seemed to be speaking indiscriminately.

"Professor Karkaroff, this is Hogwarts, a British magic school, not the headquarters of your Death Eaters. We don't do private business here."

After looking at the furious Karkaroff calmly, Bell said calmly.

In what age are we still being executed? I'm afraid he didn't come through time travel.

"you you……"

Karkaroff pointed at Bell tremblingly, unable to speak a complete sentence for a long time.

If he had just doubted it before, he was now 100 million certain that this damn brat and Dumbledore were definitely in the same group.

Whether it's their demeanor or tone of voice, the two bastards, the old one and the young one, are exactly the same!

"Ahem, Professor Karkaroff, Mr. Menethil is right. We are a magic school here and have no right to execute students."

Dumbledore looked at Karkaroff who was stunned by anger and said calmly.

(Karkaroff: 'Look!')

After educating Karkaroff, Dumbledore turned back and continued the questioning he had just interrupted.

"I heard from other students that a blue flame ignited on your body, blocking Krum's curse?

I wonder if you could satisfy my curiosity as an old man and tell me what the curse is?

Is it a unique magic spell developed by you like your previous shikigami Qiongqi? "

Dumbledore's expression became a little complicated when he thought of the unique Patronus he had seen in the Quidditch match last year.

To be honest, as the principal of Hogwarts, Dumbledore should be happy that there is an outstanding little wizard like Bell among the students.

However, when he thought that Tom was so outstanding and dazzling back then, Dumbledore couldn't be happy.

He is old, and more importantly, he is too tired.

If there were another outstanding careerist like Tom in Hogwarts now, he would really not have the energy to compete with each other in a battle of wits and courage.

Not to mention, the Bell in front of him seems to be even better than Tom back then?

So what should he do?

"Of course, Professor. But it's not a spell, it's just a simple application of magic."

As he spoke, Bell raised his right hand. As he slightly mobilized the magic power in his body, magic power surged like flames in his palm.

"What a great control!"

After carefully observing the magic flame in Bell's hand for a while, Dumbledore sighed.

In order to manifest the magic power outside the body and form the shape of this flame, it is necessary to repeatedly compress and condense the magic power. It is impossible to do this without strong magic control.

Although strictly speaking, using pure magic power to fight against the spell that has received the wizard's thoughts and completed the change in nature is a very loss-making business.

This is like using water to block ice. The amount of water required is far more than that of ice.

But this does not mean that this method is meaningless.

Even for the most outstanding wizard, it takes time to convey thoughts to magic power and make the magic power change in nature. No matter how short this time is, it cannot be completely eliminated.

As long as the magic power is compressed in advance and stored in the body, the time for the magic power to change can be saved.

Therefore, in the face of unexpected surprise attacks, this kind of magic flame can play a huge role.

I have to say, ginger is still spicy.

In just a few seconds, Dumbledore saw through Bell's methods.

Just as Dumbledore speculated, Bell had compressed part of his magic power in advance and stored it in the sea of ​​​​dantian, so that it could be used at critical moments.

The main reason is that after Bell mastered the Chinese technique, he discovered that this thing was far more useless than he thought.

First of all, he doesn't play flying swords.

As a wand-wielding wizard, with the wand never leaving his body, he had no chance to show off his skills.

Secondly, as he becomes stronger and has more and more magic props on his body, Bell is less worried about having his wand knocked down.

And if someone knocks off his wand even when he is fully armed, then no matter how good his wandless spellcasting is, he will still be cool when he should be.

After all, it is impossible to cast spells without a wand as powerful as those with a wand.

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