The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 437 Achieve ‘great cause’!

Beier always felt a little depressed because the technique he had worked so hard and so hard to successfully just let it go to waste.

So, after a period of hard thinking, he finally figured out a way to compress the magic power and store it into the sea of ​​​​Qi in Dantian.

However, something slightly different from what Dumbledore thought was that Bell actually didn't really expect to rely on magic flames to defend against sneak attacks.

Unlike the older generation of wizards who have older ideas and rely solely on a magic wand to travel the world, Bell's body is covered with all kinds of magic props, so he is actually not very afraid of sneak attacks.

Of course, if a wizard of Dumbledore's level secretly used the Death Curse to attack him, he would most likely be in trouble.

In the face of the absolute strength gap, no matter how 'little tricks' are used, it will have no effect.

Therefore, for Bell, the most important function of the magic flame is actually - handsome!

The way his whole body is wrapped in blue magical flames is so handsome, isn't it?

When he saw his posture in the mirror for the first time, Bell was almost fascinated by himself.

The second function is to prevent sneak attacks.

Ahem, don’t be too quick to wonder.

Indeed, Bell is not afraid of enemy sneak attacks.


He is afraid of sneak attacks from those close to him!

For example, his mother and his mother and his...

Bell will never forget that for the first time in his life, he fell into the hands of his mother!

After so many years of research, he still couldn't set the Iron Armor Curse to only protect against specific types of spells.

For example, it blocks attacking spells, but not healing spells.

That's too tedious!

Besides, who says healing spells can’t kill people?

A spell that promotes rapid bone growth can make a person burst from the inside with just a few changes.

Wizards do not have the blood inheritance limit of corpse veins.

Therefore, Bell finally had no choice but to give up this attempt.

But he didn't want to be attacked by the people around him again.

Especially Hermione!

Bell always felt that sometimes, Hermione looked at him with very dangerous eyes.

The birth of Magic Flame helped Bell solve this problem perfectly.

It's really gratifying.

After seeing Dumbledore straighten up and no longer observing the magic flame in his hand, Bell glanced at Karkaroff who was standing still and clenched his fist fiercely.

Instead of taking back his magic, he crushed it.

As the magic flame shattered, a large amount of magic power roared towards Karkaroff like a wild beast out of its cage, under Bell's control.

Visibly, Karkaroff's cheeks lost color. His wrist trembled slightly as he tried to take out his wand. But after being stared at by Dumbledore, Karkaroff stopped his impulse abruptly.

It can be said that the reason why Bell was so talkative today was that after Dumbledore made the request, he released the magic flame without saying a word, in order to scare Karkaroff.

Although he is not afraid of Karkaroff, nor does he care about what conspiracy the other party is playing secretly.

But he is afraid of trouble!

Being able to comfortably nestle in the warm lounge and hug his own Hermione, he would be crazy to want to play a battle of wits with a bad old man.

Moreover, if Karkaroff targets Zannah or Hermione for revenge, although Bell is not worried about the safety of the two women, he is afraid that he will not be able to restrain his inner anger and kill Karkaroff. Karloff.

Although Karkaroff's background is not clean, and his character is as bad as a stinking ditch, he is the principal of Durmstrang, one of the three major magic schools in Europe, and his social status is still high. So if he kills the other party, the follow-up will still be very troublesome.

Thinking of this, Bell couldn't help but want to complain about Durmstrang again. So what criteria do they use to select a principal?

Ignoring the frightened and angry Karkaroff, Bell said to Dumbledore:

"Professor, if there is nothing else, I will go back first. Shanna and I have made an appointment to play with her today."

"...Mr. Menethil, you have a very lovely sister. I hope you can take good care of her."

Dumbledore said in a complicated tone.

After much thought, Dumbledore still didn't know how to deal with Bell's matter.

In fact, this was already within his expectation.

After all, if there was really a good solution, he would have thought of it 1 or 2 years ago. Why would he still have a headache now?

Now he only hopes that Bell's sister, that cute little girl, can become a bond for the other party and prevent him from getting lost in the pursuit of power and power.

Thinking of this, Dumbledore couldn't help but think of his sister who unfortunately died.

If he, the older brother, could have protected Arianna...

"Of course, no one can hurt Shanna, I swear!"

After looking at Karkaroff again and giving him a final warning, Bell turned around and walked out without looking back.

"Brother (Bell)! Are you okay?"

As soon as they entered the auditorium, Zannah and Hermione, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately greeted them.

Bell was there for more than half an hour in total, and the two of them were worried for more than half an hour.

Of course, it wasn't like they were doing nothing during this period. Both of them were actively thinking about ways to save their brother (boyfriend).

Hermione has been using her personal terminal to search for Hogwarts school rules, Durmstrang school rules, and many legal provisions in the wizarding world.

If Professor Karkaroff of Durmstrang clings to Bell, then she will use legal weapons to protect Bell from harm!

What Shanna did was relatively simple.

The little girl carefully arranged the small satchel around her waist, selected the most powerful ones from the countless magic props, and placed them within easy reach.

Once those bad old men and old ladies dared to hurt her brother, she would throw out all the magic props her brother had given her without saying a word and blow up the place!

Fortunately, Hermione didn't know that this cute little girl next to her, who looked harmless to humans and animals, was planning to do a 'great deed' that even Voldemort couldn't accomplish back then. Otherwise, she would never have the heart to care about school rules and laws. Articles.

"It's okay, what can I do? I just went to have a little chat with Dumbledore."

After catching his sister who flew over, Bell rubbed the little girl's head lovingly.

"Bell, how is the professor going to punish you? I just noticed that Ravenclaw's house points have been reduced."

Previously, Hermione's heart was in her throat when she saw the number of gems representing Ravenclaw House points reduced on the walls of the Great Hall.

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