The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 443 So is this an average?

The ice ball that sealed Zannah fell to the ground and kept rolling around. As you get closer, you can still vaguely hear a faint roar coming from it. This is Shanna trying hard to break through.

Bell raised his wand high, pointing the tip straight to the sky.

The wind gradually picked up, and the dark clouds gathered above Bell's head, making the already not very bright sky even darker. It felt like the dark clouds were pressing down on the city and were about to destroy it.

The dark clouds are getting thicker and thicker. The ear-piercing whistling sound and the sky-falling scenery all seemed like the end was about to come.

The preparations were completed and Bell was in no rush to attack. He took a few breaths, and after calming down the violent fluctuations of magic power in his body, he calmly looked at the ice ball sealing Shanna.

How could there be no audience for such a gorgeous ending?

He was waiting for the only spectator to take his seat. He believed it would be quick.

Facts have proved that Shanna never lived up to her brother's expectations.

‘Ka~! ’

Less than a minute after Bell was ready, a crack suddenly appeared on the surface of the hockey puck.

Immediately afterwards, the number of cracks increased rapidly.

‘Bang~! ’

The bursting ice cubes flew in all directions, and Shanna jumped out of the ice ball like a monkey from some mythical legend.

"Zanna, this is my last attack, take it!"

The audience is already in place, and Bell will give them the most gorgeous closing performance!

"Heaven! Burial!"

The wand was waved down suddenly, and before Shanna could react, the sky fell!

It was as if there was a hole in the sky, and massive amounts of snowflakes poured down. Even avalanches were not enough to describe the situation.

‘Boom~! ’

A large number of snowflakes fell on her head, and Shanna struggled to support a completely protective shield above her head.

However, there were too many snowflakes, and gradually, a feeling of powerlessness came to Shanna's heart. All the protection in mid-air is also slowly falling, getting closer and closer to Shanna's head.

After an unknown amount of time, a ray of sunshine shone down, bringing... a not-so-long-lost warmth to the land that had been covered in snow all day.

The surrounding dark clouds had all been gathered by Bell before. After all the snowflakes fell, the sky at this moment was cloudless and blue, and the sun shone on the body, making people feel warm.

However, this physical warmth could not dispel the chill in the hearts of the little wizards in Hogwarts Castle.

In fact, the little wizards affiliated with Hogwarts were fine. After all, Bell's notoriety had not been spread for a day or two.

Basically, except for a few nerds in Ravenclaw who are ignorant and only read magic books, no one has heard of Bell.

So today's incident is, at most, adding another legendary case to Bell's notoriety.

‘Did you hear that? That perverted murderer, cold-blooded butcher... (omitting ten thousand titles here)... the cannibal Bell, who went crazy before and targeted his own sister, vowing not to give up until he kills her! ’

In addition, it also made some senior students who were dissatisfied and thought that Bell was just a vain person who liked to spread rumors and cause trouble, so they became completely honest.

'Fortunately, I felt that bullying the lower grades was a bit cheap, so I didn't go to trouble with Bell. Otherwise, maybe even the bones would be digested by now! ’

And just when the little wizards at Hogwarts were pretending to be calm, but they couldn't pretend to be anything else, or they were overjoyed and decided to go around Bell in the future, they came to Hogwarts for the first time because of the Triwizard Tournament. The students from the other two magic schools in Gwarts were holding their own views that had been shattered into powder, with expressions of confusion on their faces.

'who I am? where am I? When did I travel through time? I do not know how! ’

As the best seventh-year students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, these students who came to Hogwarts were undoubtedly outstanding.

And the excellent results naturally broadened their horizons.


‘This must not be the magical world we know! So it turns out Hogwarts is in a different world! ? ’

The most surprised of all people was Fleur, who knew a little bit about Bell, but didn't know much about him.

Regarding Bell, the brother-in-law whom her own sister identified without authorization, Fleur's senses were actually quite complicated.

Of course, there is absolutely no personal relationship between men and women mixed in, it is just gratitude and disgust intertwined with... I don't know how to put it, that's all.

But today, after watching the opponent's huge battle from a distance, Fleur became nervous.

She had criticized Bell a lot before. Taking advantage of his age, he tried to teach the other party a lesson more than once. But they were all stopped by his sister Gabrielle.

At that time, she complained many times about Gabrielle, thinking that this little girl was cheating on her.

As a result, Furong now realized that she had deeply misunderstood her sister. This is not eating the inside out, this is clearly trying to save her!

This is definitely a biological sister, the kind you can’t kiss anymore!

Fleur decided to go back and use her personal terminal to buy some candies and cakes online after a while to reward Gabrielle properly.

‘Speaking of which, should I consider Gabrielle’s proposal? ’

Furong had known for a long time that her sister was very eccentric. There was such a big age difference between the two of them, and she was often played around by the other party.

But what she didn't expect was that Gabrielle's vision was so unique? Can you actually see through the essence of Bell at a glance and recognize that it is a high-quality stock?


It should be emphasized here that Fleur was not attracted to Bell because she saw Bell's great strength. She was actually concerned about her sister's feelings, so she decided to give the other party a chance.

After all, everyone in Beauxbatons knew that she was extremely precious to her sister.

Therefore, in order to make her sister happy, it is very normal for Furong to sacrifice a little bit of her own happiness.

That's right! That's it!

As for life-long events in the future, you can consider this later, when you still have plenty of time. But now, there is a more serious problem before Furong.

She reached out and grabbed a young Hogwarts wizard who was walking by. With his face red and his eyes wandering, he stared at him seriously and asked in a deep voice:

"Are there many people with this kind of strength among you at Hogwarts?"

As a warrior representing Beauxbatons, Fleur must figure this out.

Although Fleur herself didn't believe it, if Hogwarts was really built in another world, like Bell's level, and it was actually just an average, then she could consider returning to Beauxbatons to wash it. Go to sleep.

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