The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 444 Professor McGonagall’s decision


Suddenly being grabbed by the goddess, the little wizard was so excited that he couldn't hear clearly what the other party asked.

Fleur didn't pay much attention to this little wizard's embarrassing performance. She has long been accustomed to the fact that nine out of ten men she talks to have this kind of behavior.

"I said, like in the previous battle outside, Bell, by the way, you know who Bell is, right?"

Fleur confirmed.

"I know, I know."

The little wizard nodded hastily. There is no one in Hogwarts who doesn't know about Bell, the notorious big devil.

"That's good. I want to know, do you have many people with Bell's strength in Hogwarts?"

Fleur stared at the little wizard in front of her nervously, fearing that she would hear the word 'more' from his mouth.

If there are really many people in Hogwarts who have the kind of strength shown by Bell, then the two warriors from Hogwarts participating in the Triwizard Tournament this time are likely to be two of them.

Although based on the performance of those two people in the first game, Furong really couldn't imagine how powerful they were.

But what if? What if those two people were pretending to be pigs before?

After all, before today, she had never thought that Bell, who was taunted by her without daring to fight back, could have such amazing strength.

By the way, this Bell is too tolerant, right? What is his intention?

(Bell: 'If it weren't for little Gabrielle's sake, I would have dealt with you long ago!')

"How much? Hahaha, you really know how to joke."

The little wizard felt that the goddess was indeed a goddess, and even the joke was so fresh and refined.

"Ahem, what, although there is no one as strong as that 'Devil' Bell, as far as I know, but... the strength is only slightly inferior to him, but in fact there is still one of……

That’s right! That person is me! "

The little wizard puffed out his chest, which was not thick, and stared at the goddess in front of him without blinking, expecting the other party to throw herself into her arms.

In his opinion, the reason why the goddess asked if anyone else was as powerful as Bell was because she was interested in Bell's strength.

It's just that Bell's notoriety is too great, and the other party already has a girlfriend, so he plans to find another comparable target.

Although there is no goal of equal success, because he is worried that the news will anger Bell, he does not even dare to brag about it, but it does not prevent him from bragging himself as a person second only to Bell.

Anyway, bragging doesn't violate school rules. What if the goddess believes it? Then he just makes money with blood!


Angrily looking at the guy in front of her who was talking loudly, bragging about not paying taxes, and looking like a pig, Fleur really wanted to take out her magic wand and turn the guy into a pig!

She almost fainted from fright!

Ignoring the little wizard behind her who was trying to retain her, Fleur walked towards Beauxbatons' carriage without looking back. She just wanted to be quiet now!

By the way, you can also go and inquire about Bell's information with your sister.

Go back a few minutes in time.

The window on the fourth floor of Hogwarts.

After the noise caused by Bell and Zannah became louder and louder, it was no surprise that the professors in the castle noticed it.

After walking out of the campus hospital, Professor McGonagall looked out the window at the 'battle' breaking out on the snow from a distance.

"It's that Menethil again! Can't he just calm down for a while?"

With that said, Professor McGonagall planned to walk towards the stairs.

She hadn't even decided on the punishment of confinement here, but that damn brat Menethil went out to cause trouble again?

This is really unreasonable!

You know, even Mr. Potter is not that tolerant!

"Wait a minute, Minerva. The school rules of Hogwarts do not stipulate that students cannot practice spells on the grass outside the castle, do they? On the contrary, I think we should support this behavior."

Dumbledore said with a smile. It was as if the roar in his ears and the vibration under his feet didn't exist at all.

"But, they have gone too far!"

More than just going too far? It’s simply outrageous!

Professor McGonagall is not one of those little wizards who thinks they are well-informed, she is really well-informed!

She has experienced quite a few battles, big and small, in her life.

But there are really not many people who can reach this level.


Thinking of this, Professor McGonagall was suddenly stunned.

She had been so angry before, and all she could think about was hurrying to deal with the brat in Menethil's house, so that she had neglected such an important thing.

How could that Bell Menethil be so strong! ?

Professor McGonagall had always known that Bell's grades were excellent, even better than Miss Granger of Gryffindor, whom she was extremely proud of.

Therefore, Bell has strength that exceeds other peers, which is actually what Professor McGonagall expected.

Moreover, the old professor knew that the annoying brat from the Malfoy family had no temper at all when Bell took care of him.

But now, looking at the figure wreaking havoc on the snow in the distance, Professor McGonagall began to doubt her life.

She herself didn't even have the confidence to defeat the opponent!

So is this really what a 4th grade wizard can achieve?

Moreover, not only Bell, but also Bell's sister, although she has been suppressed and beaten wildly, her performance level is far beyond that of ordinary seventh-grade graduates!

If she remembered correctly, Bell's sister, the little girl named Shanna, should only be in the second grade, right?

‘So how did the Menethil family give birth to such two little monsters? Could it be that they were involved in some taboo experiment? ’

Professor McGonagall thought worriedly.

But in the next second, the old professor instantly forgot about this important discovery that might have a bearing on the future of the magical world.

"Beautiful transfiguration!"

Looking at the lifelike frost dragon transformed by Bell in the distance, Professor McGonagall couldn't help but cheer.

As the transfiguration professor at Hogwarts, her favorite thing is the little wizard who is excellent at transfiguration.

And the transformation skills Bell is showing now are no less impressive than hers?

‘So this brat has been hiding his clumsiness during class? ’

Professor McGonagall thought angrily.

At this moment, the old professor decided that when she went back later, she would...throw the Sorting Hat into the Muggles' legendary washing machine and spin it for three days and three nights!

So Bell, this brat, should obviously be from Gryffindor House! How could a student with such an outstanding Transfiguration skill not belong to Gryffindor House! ?

Looking at Dumbledore and then looking at her, any fool would know that a student who is good at transfiguration should be a Gryffindor!

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