The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 445: Being stubborn is a good habit and should be adhered to for a long time

Not only Bell, but Bell's sister, the little girl who is equally outstanding, and most importantly, is very good at using transfiguration, should also belong to Gryffindor!

As we all know, a family should belong to the same house, such as a certain Weasley who almost turned Gryffindor House into his own.

So as Bell's sister, Zannah should belong to Gryffindor just like her brother!

This proves that the Sorting Hat is indeed suffering from Alzheimer's disease and needs to give its unknown brain a good spin!

What? You said that the Patil twins belong to Gryffindor and Ravenclaw respectively?

Ahem, well...they are Indians, maybe the situation is different from that in the UK? So it's not comparable.

What? You said Bell's parents...

Don’t listen, don’t listen, don’t listen!

In short, these two brothers and sisters should be Gryffindors because they are so good at using transfiguration!

At this moment, the old professor, who was watching with gusto, had long thrown the idea of ​​stopping Bell into some corner.

This looks more enjoyable than a Quidditch match, right?

Moreover, although Professor McGonagall didn't know what Dumbledore was planning, judging from the other party's previous actions in stopping her, it was obvious that the current situation was what Dumbledore wanted to see.

Therefore, although she did not agree with the other party's always messing around like this, how could she, a vice-principal, do anything to a principal?

Seeing that Professor McGonagall gave up the idea of ​​stopping Bell and others, Dumbledore smiled slightly and watched the battle on the snow with equal leisure.

This is a good opportunity to observe Bell's strength.

Although he hasn't figured out how to transform Bell yet, the main reason is that this kid is not as easy to fool as other people his age.

But this does not prevent him from understanding the other party's detailed information first.

Be prepared.


Dumbledore glanced vaguely to his side, where Karkaroff was staring out the window in stunned silence.

After seeing the strength shown by Bell, the other party should completely get rid of those little ones in his heart, right?

Although Karkaroff is not qualified to be taken seriously by him. But this year, with the help of this Triwizard Tournament, he has a very important plan to implement.

He didn't want anyone to jump out and cause trouble for him at this critical moment.

If the plan fails in the end because of Karkaroff, then he might really be so angry that he wants to kill someone!

Especially when the other party is a former Death Eater.

Originally, he had planned to use more words, using words that were vague but ensured that the other party could understand them, to threaten Karkaroff.

This is not an easy task.

There is no way, Karkaroff is too stupid. In addition to being able to play some unflattering tricks, Dumbledore seriously suspected that the other party's IQ might not even be as good as Hagrid.

Now, after watching the battle in front of him, he shouldn't have to work so hard to 'persuade' Karkaroff.

'But having said that, this kid Bell is a little too strong, right? What did he eat growing up? ’

Although Dumbledore had never underestimated Bell, he was still a little surprised by the strength Bell showed now.

Judging from this, even if he takes action personally, if he wants to capture Bell, it will take a lot of effort.

As Bell ended up with the final move of "Sky Burial", Dumbledore was thoughtful, Professor McGonagall was still unfinished, and Karkaroff almost sat down on the ground.

Of course, even though Karkaroff was a bit of a talent, he still couldn't see how flashy Bell's move was.

But the problem is, that kid, single-handedly, completely changed the weather in a large area around him!

Karkaroff asked himself that even if he exhausted all his magic power, he had no confidence that he could do this.

The figure still floating in mid-air in the distance does not look like it has exhausted its magic power.

Not to mention, the opponent fought for more than twenty minutes before launching this last move.

Therefore, Karkaroff, who had been struggling for more than ten years, finally realized it at this moment.

Don’t lose the skill of eating!

He'd better go back and get on with it!

Thinking of this, Karkaroff didn't even bother to say hello to Dumbledore beside him, and ran away in despair.

He didn't want to talk to Dumbledore, an old man who was even more sinister than him.

By the way, where did Dumbledore find such a pervert? Why don't they have it in Durmstrang?

'etc! By the way, those two warriors at Hogwarts aren't that ridiculously strong, right? ’

Karkaroff and Fleur thought of going together.

Moreover, considering that the famous little savior who once defeated the mysterious man was one of the warriors of Hogwarts, a feeling of despair struck Karkaroff's heart.

Let's tell Krum when we get back. In this Triwizard Tournament, don't think about winning the championship. The most important thing is to work hard to survive.

At this moment, Karkaroff once again recalled the fear of being dominated by that mysterious man who could not even be named.

After more than ten years of leisurely life, he had almost forgotten the horror of the mysterious man. But now, the teaching level of Dumbledore, who had been avoided by the mysterious people when they were at their peak, made Karkaroff realize once again that he would never be able to understand the power of these people even for the rest of his life.

Yes, Karkaroff attributed Bell's great strength to Dumbledore's teachings.

After all, he is the greatest white wizard in modern times. No matter what almost miraculous things Dumbledore does, there seems to be nothing to be surprised about?

How else to explain that brat’s strength!

Bell, who had no idea what complicated thoughts his series of actions had brought to others, was currently floating in the air, looking at the nearly 10 meters of snow under his feet.

The white snowflakes, under the sunlight, reflect the dazzling white light, so pure and beautiful.

However, the two little girls who were lucky enough to be only slightly affected because they were far enough away from the center of the battle had no intention of appreciating this rare beauty at this moment.

As the darlings of the family, and being girls, Felice and Reina both wore defensive accessories given to them by their families.

Thanks to this, after being pushed and tumbled tens of meters by the snow waves, the two of them did not suffer any injuries except for their gray heads and faces. Fortunately, they were not buried under the snow.

After getting up with difficulty, the two little girls quickly searched under Bell's body, but they could not find even the slightest trace of Shanna.

This made them very worried about the safety of their friends.

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