The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 449 Are fishmen really easy to bully?

Shanna, who had no idea that her brother had once again fallen into a 'life and death crisis' due to her own reasons, was explaining her next plan to her two good friends.

"I will release Fina later and let it lure the fish-men away. Then I will take the opportunity to save Gabrielle and leave a magical phantom of Gabrielle in place. Finally, we will go to the fisherman Let’s go play outside the village while waiting for Gabrielle’s sister to come over.”


Phyllis raised a rare objection to Shanna's entire planning process.

"Then what are we two doing?"

Although Phyllis did come to play with Shanna, what she wanted was not just 'play' in the conventional sense!

After all, the Black Lake is here, and it won't run away or dry up suddenly. If she wants to play in the water, she can come at any time. There is nothing to look forward to.

Therefore, what she is looking forward to is something more thrilling, more exciting, more... in short, that's it!

It has to be said that the growth rate of a person, especially a child, can be really amazing.

Just less than a year ago, Phyllis was still very nervous and scared about diving into the Black Lake.

And now, the little girl just couldn't wait to go and have sex with that big squid again.

This time, she will be the main force!

I really don’t know what outrageous thoughts Shanna has instilled in her good friends during this period of time...

In short, Felice was very dissatisfied with Shanna's arrangement.

She wants to fight!

"You two? Just watch."

Shanna said matter-of-factly.

She didn't need anyone else's help for such a simple thing.

...Fina is not a human being.


Felice grabbed Shanna's arm and stopped her from trying to take Fina out.

"Leilei, come and help!"

Phyllis knew that Zannah was incredibly strong. On her own, the other party would be able to break free from her restraints with just a little effort.

Therefore, in order to fight for the benefits she deserved, Felice instructed Lena with her eyes, asking the other party to firmly grasp Shanna's other arm.

"Sanna, little Gabriel is also a good friend of ours. We also want to play a role in saving little Gabriel, otherwise we will have trouble sleeping and eating, don't you think so, Leilei?"

In order to increase the persuasiveness of this temporary excuse she came up with, Phyllis tried her best to hint at Reina with her eyes.

"Yes, it is."

Faced with the pressure from her friend's eyes, Reina nodded reluctantly.

As the only good child among the three who has a three-dimensional outlook, it is natural that Reina is also opposed to this action.

It's not that she doesn't worry about little Gabrielle's safety, but she believes that the professors in the school will not let little Gabrielle really get hurt.

Unfortunately, not everyone can stop Shanna's decision. Not to mention, one of them, Felice, betrayed the revolution.

In the 2 vs. 1 situation, Lena, who was at an absolute disadvantage, had no choice but to follow her two good friends again to this black lake that left her with unforgettable memories.


Faced with the demands of her two friends, Shanna was a little embarrassed.

This was not part of her plan!

Moreover, this time, she promised her brother that she would not make too much noise, so fighting should be avoided if possible.

After lowering his head and thinking for a while, under Felice's expectant eyes, Shanna took out an underwater topographic map. She pointed to a place on the map and said to Phyllis and Reina:

"That's it, you two sneak to this location now. After a while, Fina will lead the murlocs away and find a way to get rid of the murlocs. At that time, you two will be responsible for helping Fina to stop the murlocs. .”

Although Shanna was a little worried about letting the two of them out of her sight. But with Fina here, they should still be able to take care of the safety of the two of them.

"Understood! Promise to complete the task!"

Felice saluted decently, then without saying a word, took the map handed over by Shanna, pulled Reina and swam towards the planned ambush location without looking back.

Focusing her perception on her two friends until they were out of her maximum perception distance, Shanna withdrew her attention and took out the sleeping little Fina from the pocket of her jacket.

As soon as she left the warm and comfortable pocket, the cold lake water instantly soaked Fina's fur.

The little guy glanced at Shanna resentfully. The other party didn't put a waterproof spell on it either.

Ignoring Fina's resentment, Shanna stared into the other person's eyes seriously and said:

"Listen, we must strictly follow the plan later. In addition, Liz and Leile are ambushing at the previously determined escape location. You must take good care of them and not let them get hurt. Do you hear me?"


Fina simply agreed to the new request.

Although it is somewhat reluctant to have to be a nanny and take care of people at such a young age. But it doesn't dare to show it, otherwise it might eat grass in the next month.

Moreover, Fina was still very confident in protecting the two little girls from a group of scumbag fishmen.

It’s just a bunch of delicious food.

Licking her lips, Fina once again recalled the beautiful memories, and her saliva flowed out uncontrollably.

I wonder if there will be a chance to catch a few more murlocs later?

"Very well, let's go!"

Feeling that time was almost up, Felice and Lena should have arrived at the predetermined location, and after preparing for the ambush, Shanna used the ultimate skill inherited from her brother - 'Throw away Fina! ’.

The little girl grabbed Fina by the back of her neck, and with the little guy's helpless eyes, she threw her towards the fish-man patrol not far away.

‘Boom~bang! ’

Because Shanna accidentally used too much force, Fina sailed through the water at high speed and bumped into a patrol captain.

"What the hell!? (Murloc language)"

The members of the patrol team were all stunned when they saw their captain suddenly encountering an unknown attack and being knocked several dozen meters away before floating motionless in the water.

This is different from the script!

The game should just start, right? No matter what, there shouldn't be any warriors who can reach here now, right?

And what's wrong with attacking someone when they disagree? I really think they are easy to bully!

Just when the murlocs on the patrol were planning to risk being blamed by Dumbledore and teach the little wizard who dared to attack them, a sharp-eyed murloc finally saw clearly what the attack was. their captain.

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