The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 450 Yuan Devouring Beast


The sharp and ear-piercing screams suddenly exploded, scaring the other fishmen who were unprepared from even the harpoons in their hands.

"The element-devouring beast! It's that terrifying element-devouring beast! It, it's back again—!"

At this moment, the fish people once again recalled the fear of being ruled by cats.

Although technically speaking, Fina is not a cat? perhaps.

The fishman's shout successfully attracted the attention of all nearby fishmen. They looked towards the patrol captain who was knocked away, and sure enough they saw the orange cat-shaped creature shaking its little head and getting up from the other person's body.

The fish people swore that they would never forget that figure in their lives.

Originally, they had been living comfortably in the Black Lake for hundreds of years. Over the past hundreds of years, thanks to the protection of Hogwarts, although their living space was limited and they were unable to expand the size of their population, they had never been attacked by foreign enemies and were able to live peacefully.

But everything has changed dramatically since that night two years ago.

That night, first a member of the patrol suddenly disappeared.

At first, the others in the patrol didn't pay much attention.

After all, there are no dangerous creatures in the Black Lake. In the past, patrol members occasionally deserted midway. That missing guy might be sleeping somewhere like a cat right now. Everyone has long been used to it.

It wasn't until the patrol team changed shifts that the fish realized something was wrong.

From every patrol team, one member is missing! ?

No matter how you put it, this is a bit too coincidental, right?

Realizing that something had changed, the murlocs immediately conducted a thorough investigation of the Black Lake.

As a tribe of fishmen who have lived in the Black Lake for hundreds of years, they are not very familiar with this place.

Therefore, it didn't take long for a fishman to find Fina eating in a hidden underground cave.

The scene at that time, not to mention how terrifying it was!

It is said that the fish-man was frightened and went insane. Even now, he is still crazy.

The fishmen who received the signal quickly gathered over. In order to protect their own tribe, every murloc risked their lives to fight the terrifying 'element-devouring beast'.

In the end, with tacit cooperation, the fish people finally drove away each other.

(Fina: ‘I’m so full. The master said that it’s not advisable to exercise strenuously when you’re full. I’d better go find a place to sleep.’)

After the 'thrilling' battle that night, the murlocs once again increased the intensity of patrols outside the village for the first time in hundreds of years. Especially minor fishmen are strictly prohibited from leaving the village.

Just like that, several months passed, and the terrifying 'element-devouring beast' never appeared again.

After the discussion at the village meeting, everyone agreed that the 'Element Devouring Beast' should have left.

After all, this is Hogwarts, the territory of wizards. Wizards would not tolerate such a dangerous magical animal staying here.

The fish people breathed a sigh of relief and resumed their leisurely life in the past.

However, the good times did not last long. Less than a week after the alert was lifted, the terrifying 'element-devouring beast' that appeared out of nowhere appeared outside the village again and attacked the patrol once again!

Although the alert was lifted, due to the previous midnight fright, the fish people were much more alert this time than before.

Therefore, as soon as a member of the patrol team disappeared, the patrol team immediately sent a distress signal to the village.

The swarming fishmen once again blocked Fina who was enjoying her meal in the cave at the bottom of the lake last time.

But this time, Fina, who was not full yet, would not run away immediately like last time.

You know, at noon today, it was thrown out of the castle by Shanna because it stole the Spiritual Pet Pill again. It has not eaten for half a day, and it is almost starving!

As a result, the murlocs were horrified to discover that this terrifying 'element-devouring beast' had become even more terrifying after not seeing it for just a few months!

The opponent's swimming speed in the water is even faster than their murlocs; the opponent's sharp claws can cut the throat of a murloc with one blow; the opponent's tough fur, even the harpoon in their hands, can Neither can be punctured.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that the opponent can also spit out powerful water from its mouth, breaking up their formation and preventing them from giving full play to their numerical advantage.

In this way, after 10 minutes of fierce fighting, and after several more heroic warriors were snatched away by the opponent, the murlocs finally succeeded in 'repelling' the opponent.

But this time, even the most optimistic fishman could not shout the victory cry like last time.

"We must seek help from wizards!"

At the village meeting, an elder slammed the table angrily and said impassionedly.

Even a fool can see that the 'Element Devouring Beast' left voluntarily because it had already hunted enough food. They have no ability to do anything to each other!

"Naive! Do you really think those wizards will care about our life and death?

If you go to the wizard to ask for help now, you will only be asked for more magic materials. In that case, maybe more of our people will die, which is not as good as now! "

Another elder retorted.

As an old man with rich experience, he has long seen clearly the greedy nature of wizards.

"Then what do you think we should do? We can't do nothing and just let it be like this!"

The first elder asked.

In fact, if he had a choice, he wouldn't want to deal with wizards. Why their tribe was reduced to having to live in a small lake like Black Lake is well documented by the tribe.

"Since we can't defeat him head-on, we can only set up traps!

As long as adequate preparations are made in advance, our ancestors, even the legendary Kraken, have successfully hunted. No matter how terrifying that 'Element Devouring Beast' is, it can't be more powerful than the North Sea Giant Monster, right? "

After a heated discussion, the village meeting finally decided to adopt the elder's strategy of 'laying a trap'.

But if the trap still couldn't kill the 'element-devouring beast', then they would have no choice but to be leeks again and let the wizards cut them off.

The murlocs mobilized the whole village and laid various traps near the village.

At the same time, the patrol team also narrowed the scope of the patrol. Even if they were frugal, no fishman would go outside the trap area.

I don’t know if the fish people’s actions had an effect, or if the terrifying ‘element-devouring beast’ really left this time? In short, no fish-man has ever encountered that 'Element Devouring Beast' again.

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