The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 452 Perfect Stealth

Ignoring Fina who was scratching her head in worry, Shanna first took out her personal terminal and called Felice and Lena back.

Then, she waved her wand and put down little Gabrielle.

'Recover quickly...'

"Ouch~! Ouch~!"

Before Zanna could lift the sleeping spell on Gabrielle, she saw Fina running over, looking like she had picked up some delicious food.

To be honest, Fina admired herself a little at this moment. Why didn't it realize that she was so smart before?

Now, in this situation where even the great demon king Shanna was at a loss, it actually took less than a minute to come up with a perfect solution.

'I am so terrible! ’

Xiao Fina thought narcissistically.

"turn down!"

However, before Fina could think about what kind of delicious food she should want as a reward, Shanna's cold voice broke her beautiful illusion about the future.


Fina's eyes widened in shock. It is such a good proposal that can be said to kill two birds with one stone, how could it be rejected! ?

"Kill all those fishmen so no one knows we're here?

Let’s not talk about whether we can find and kill them all. Even if we can, the result will be to make the matter even bigger! "

Shanna glared at Fina with hatred and scolded her.

Could she have thought of such a simple method?

The problem is that this is not reliable at all, okay?

"Think again! If you can't figure it out, I'll hand you over to that bad old man Dumbledore and let him slice you up for study!"


Fina was shocked!

It is still very familiar with the old man with white hair and white beard named Dumbledore. That was a person that even his own 'shit shovel officer' was extremely afraid of. How could a little baby like him be able to deal with it?

So wasn’t it just that we didn’t have any delicious spiritual pet pills to eat? How could it take such a short period of time to escalate to a life-and-death situation?

Little Fina, who likes to eat delicious food, had to use her little brain again to think of new strategies in order not to become someone else's delicacy and be eaten.


Ignoring Fina, whose hair was almost bald from being scratched, Shanna turned around and continued her previously interrupted spellcasting.

‘Recover quickly! ’

The light of the spell disappeared in a flash, and soon, Gabrielle's eyelids were seen trembling slightly, and then she slowly opened her eyes.

"Sister Shanna? Why is it you? Where is my sister?"

After opening her eyes, she found that the sister who appeared in front of her was not the sister she expected. Little Gabriel felt very strange.

"Your sister hasn't arrived yet."

With that said, Shanna took off a section of the scarf around her neck and wrapped it around little Gabrielle's neck.

The snowflake pattern on the scarf shimmered slightly, quickly dissipating the chill on Gabrielle's body, and the little girl's face gradually returned to rosy.

Feeling that Gabrielle's young body no longer trembled in her arms, the resentment in Shanna's heart finally diminished.

She couldn't understand it. Those bad guys could have just knocked little Gabrielle unconscious and tied her under the water. The question is, why did they take away all the magic items from Gabrielle? Not even a thermostat badge?

That’s outrageous!

Sure enough, Dumbledore is a super bad old man!

"Sister Shanna, why are you here?"

Only then did Gabrielle realize that she was still under the water instead of being rescued on the shore.

"I'm here to find you. Why are you so stupid? Why did you agree to be a hostage?

You see, Hermione is usually such a hot and stupid idiot, but she even knows how to refuse to be a hostage. You are usually a very smart little guy, but why do you lose your temper at the critical moment? "

Zannah scolded little Gabrielle distressedly.

She liked this little guy who wanted to be her relative.

Hmm~ I probably like her as much as I like Fina.

"Because I believe in my sister, she will definitely come to save me."

Speaking of her sister, Gabrielle's whole little face seemed to be radiating light.

Even if she doesn't believe in herself, she will definitely believe in her sister.

However, maybe this time, Fleur will really let Gabrielle down.

Looking at the image displayed on the screen belonging to Fleur, Bell couldn't help but reach out and cover his face.

At this time, Fleur was being entangled by several Grindylows.

"Get away! You all get out of here!"

Fleur's voice came clearly from the screen. She waved the wand in her hand indiscriminately, but she couldn't hit the flexible Grindylow.

I have to say that Furong's performance was really subpar.

With her magical attainments, if she could calm down and concentrate on fighting the enemy, she should be able to repel or even completely kill a few Grindylows in just a few minutes.

However, at this moment, Furong's mind was filled with her sister's pale, haggard face, which made her unable to calm down at all.

She just wanted to rush to her sister immediately and didn't want to delay for a second.

But reality cannot be as satisfactory as Fleur was unfortunately attacked by Grindylow first. Then, because he failed to knock down the Grindylow immediately, several nearby Grindylows were also attracted.

Now, she was so anxious that she was completely trapped by Grindylow's siege.

Judging from the current situation, if Fleur still can't adjust her mentality next time, she might even be defeated by these Grindylows.

"Bell, what should we do? Fleur seems to be in big trouble."

Hermione, who had just eaten Fleur's jealousy, couldn't help but worry about the other party.

Although she was a student at Hogwarts and Fleur was affiliated with Beauxbatons, strictly speaking, the two of them should be hostile.

But Fleur was the only girl among the four warriors. Although Hermione didn't want to admit it in her heart, she did admire her.

Beautiful, powerful, and heroic, Hermione really hoped that she could become as good as the other person.

Not to mention, there is still little Gabrielle's affection.

Although Hermione has complicated feelings towards the little guy who always wants to steal her boyfriend...

"what can I do?"

After spreading his hands, Bell said that he was just an ordinary spectator. He couldn't rush into the field and interfere with the progress of the game, right?

Moreover, don't look at Hermione's extremely worried look now. Bell dares to use the stupid hair on the top of his own Fina's head to guarantee that once he really shows concern about Fleur, he will actually find a way to help her. If so, after the game is over, he might have to kneel on the washboard.

‘Don’t try to trick me! ’

"And don't worry, so many professors are watching, so Fleur won't really be in danger."

I didn't see Mrs. Maxim over there. If others hadn't stopped her, she would have already planned to rush into the Black Lake.

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