The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 453 Shanna’s ultimate move

"Zanna, what happened? Why did you suddenly call us back?"

Controlling the flying shoes under their feet, Felice and Lena drew two water lines in the water and swam quickly towards Zannah who was located in the center of the fish-man village.

In the previous call, Shanna only said that the plan had changed, the fishmen had run away, and asked the two of them to come back quickly.

Looking at the empty fish-man village, Felice and Reina had questions on their faces. They wondered what Zanna had done in the past ten minutes.

"I don't know what happened. As soon as those fishmen saw Fina, they all ran away!"

Shanna is still confused now. She planned to question Fina's dishonest little guy again when she got back.

"Ah? Then, what should we do?"

Ever since she learned that Shanna was going to come to the bottom of the lake to save little Gabrielle, Lena had always had an ominous premonition in her heart.

And now, this hunch has come true! They will definitely be severely criticized by the professor, and they may even be expelled?

Tears quickly soaked Lena's eyes when she thought of her parents' expressions when they learned that she was expelled from Hogwarts.

"Oh! Why are you crying!"

Seeing Reina's flat mouth and moist eyes, Shanna immediately became anxious. She hated seeing her friend cry the most.

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

In order to appease her good friend, Shanna had no choice but to decide to use her ultimate move in advance.

As for that little Fina over there who is still thinking so hard that her head almost explodes?

She never counted on the other party!

Shanna reached into her arms, took out her personal terminal, and dialed the magic number at the top of her address book.

"Brother! Fina is in trouble!"

As soon as the communication was connected, Shanna placed a big pot on Fina's head.


After being stunned for a moment, Bell made sure that he heard correctly and that his sister was indeed talking about 'Fina' and not 'Sanna', and then she asked:

"What did it do?"

"I don't know what it did. Anyway, as soon as those murlocs saw Fina, they immediately ran away. Now, we are the only ones left in the murloc village."

Shanna briefly described what happened.

"So brother, what should we do?"


Bell was silent.

How could he know?

However, even if he didn't know, he couldn't show it in front of his sister. Otherwise, where would his brother's face be?


"It's okay! You just have fun and leave it to your brother to handle it!"

Bell, who had a swollen face and pretended to be fat, tried his best not to sound strange in his voice.

"Okay, thank you, brother! Don't worry, brother, I will take good care of Fina when I get back!"

As she said that, Shanna glanced at Fina who was rolling on the ground not far away with a dangerous look. She had been playing by herself for some reason, causing the little guy to immediately stop on the spot and reveal his life. A look of lovelessness.

"Uh... this... almost..."

However, before Bell could plead for mercy on behalf of her cute pet, Shanna hung up the call.

Looking at the personal terminal that returned to the standby screen, Bell felt numb.

So what should he do?

"Bell, what's wrong? Did something happen to Shanna?"

Seeing Bell who fell into silence after hanging up the communication, Hermione didn't even need to think about it to know that her troublesome sister-in-law must have caused some trouble again.

"Well, there was a little accident. But don't worry, it's nothing serious. You can continue watching the game here and I'll take care of it."

With that said, Bell stood up and prepared to leave the audience.

No matter what, it's impossible to solve the problem by sitting here and doing nothing. So, let’s dive into the black lake first.

"Is it really okay?"

Hermione looked at Belle worriedly.

You know, although Shanna is very good at causing trouble, the little girl is also very good at solving problems.

But now, they actually need to ask Bell for help to solve the problem. No matter how you think about it, this is not a small matter.

"Don't worry, we'll talk about the details later. Lim~!"

After comforting Hermione, Bell called out his little butler.

"What are your orders, Master?"

Lim, who appeared through Apparition, bowed to Bell and asked.

"Pretend to be me and stay here with Hermione."

With that said, Bell took out his wand and cast an illusion spell on Lim's body, making him look like himself.

After preparing his alibi, Bell cast a disillusionment spell on himself and jumped from the back of the auditorium.

Moving quickly along the shore of the Black Lake, he wanted to find a place far away from Dumbledore to enter the Black Lake.

Soon, Bell appeared in a patch of reeds. He showed his body, waved his wand, and deflected a sudden spell.

"Sorry, Master! I didn't know it was you!"

At this time, an adult wizard suddenly emerged from the reeds on the side.

This was one of the members of the Menethil family arranged by William into the Ministry of Magic, who happened to be arranged to maintain the security of the Triwizard Tournament. This was where Zannah sneaked into the Black Lake before.

Gero looked at Bell nervously. After he noticed someone appearing in his guarded area before, he launched an attack without saying a word. Unexpectedly, the intruder turned out to be his own young master.

"It doesn't matter, you did a good job. I'm going to enter the black lake now, you continue to be vigilant."

Waving his hand, Bell told the other party not to worry.

"Did something happen to the lady?"

Gro asked nervously.

"A little accident happened. It's no big deal. Don't worry about it."

After speaking, Bell walked towards the black lake without giving the other party any more time to ask.

Time was running out, and he had to stop the fishmen before they ran to complain to Dumbledore.

Under Gro's worried gaze, Bell quickly disappeared into the black lake.

‘Magic detection! ’

The ripples of magic power spread out in circles with Bell as the center. Bell is like a radar, detecting the location of the fish-men in the black lake.

At the same time, in order not to be noticed by Dumbledore, he had to reduce the intensity of the magic detection to the minimum, and then increase it step by step to ensure that the detection range would not spread to the shore.


Dumbledore in the audience suddenly frowned. He just felt a familiar wave of magic power passing through him.

Although this fluctuation was very weak, it still could not escape his perception.

"What's wrong? Dumbledore?"

Bagman, who was sitting next to Dumbledore, obviously noticed something strange about the old professor.

"No, it's nothing."

Dumbledore glanced vaguely at Bell in the audience.

I wonder what this kid is up to?

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