The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 454 Fish and Cat

At this time, Bell, who was in the black lake, had cold sweat on his forehead.

He just accidentally injected too much magic!

No way, this is Bell's first time using magic detection underwater. The existence of water bodies had a great impact on his detection.

Moreover, what he didn't expect the most was that water pressure would also affect the consumption of magic power!

He was now at the bottom of the Black Lake. Originally, he was increasing the amount of magic power injected step by step according to the consumption situation of the magic power transferred back.

As a result, who would have thought that when the detection range is close to the water surface, due to the reduction of water pressure, the loss of magic power also decreases sharply. This also caused the detection distance to increase significantly, so that it eventually reached the shore.

Now Bell only hopes that Dumbledore can ignore his insignificant fluctuations in magic power.

Otherwise, if Dumbledore ran into the water to investigate the situation, he would be ready to work as a hard worker for Hogwarts.

By then, Lao Deng will probably have to do all the dirty work on his head.

Suppress the worries in your heart. No matter how much you think about something that you can't do anything about, it's a waste of time.

Moreover, he had successfully detected the location of the fish people just now. As expected, several fishmen were swimming quickly towards the shore. He had to stop them before the fishmen landed.

‘Magic transformation! ’

The azure magic power seeped out from Bell's body surface, and under his control, it transformed into a spindle shape outside the body.

Magic power was injected into the flying shoes, and Bell disappeared silently, rushing towards the target detected in the distance.

Even though the fish-man swims very fast in the water, it is still no match for Bell with the help of magic power.

Therefore, within a few minutes, Bell appeared in advance on the path that the fish people must pass.

‘Body transformation! ’

With a tap of the wand on the body, Bell's body quickly shrank, his limbs turned into small claws, bright yellow hair grew, and a tail extended from the tail vertebrae.

Bell turned into Fina!

Of course, the Fina transformed by Bell was just superficial. He couldn't use any of Fina's innate magic. But if you just fool those fishmen who are afraid of Fina for some reason, I believe it won't be a problem.

Bell moved his limbs and tried his best to become familiar with this new form.

Fortunately, he was in the water now, and he only needed to control his body to float in the water. If this were on land, he might even fall down while walking.

With four short legs kicking hard, Bell slowly and leisurely swam in the direction of the fish people.

After a while, five fishmen appeared in Bell's field of vision.

"What do you think the wizard will propose?"

A fishman asked the other four people.

Speaking of which, he had never taught a wizard before. The understanding of wizards only comes from the stories told by the elders.

"As long as that 'Element Devouring Beast' can be eliminated, any conditions will do!"

Another fishman said in horror.

He was one of the patrols that was 'attacked' by Fina before, and he still has lingering fears until now.

"That 'Element Devouring Beast' was really terrifying! You don't know, at that time I only saw a black shadow, flashing past my eyes, and then, the captain, he..."

As he spoke, the fishman's voice became choked with sobs. I don't know if he was feeling sad for the 'passed' captain, or was he simply frightened?

"Alas! What a troubled time!"

One of the fish-men who looked to be the oldest couldn't help but sigh.

"Elder Wugali, you are the oldest and most knowledgeable. What conditions do you think the wizards will put forward before they are willing to help us eliminate the 'element-devouring beast'?"

As soon as these words came out, the other four fishmen looked at Ugali, expecting to get the answer from each other.


Wu Gali sighed again and then said in a deep voice:

"To be honest, even now, I don't agree with asking wizards for help.

Yes, the 'Element Devouring Beast' is terrifying. It will eat our flesh and drink our blood.

But no matter how terrifying the 'Element Devouring Beast' is, it cannot be as terrifying as a wizard!

The wizards will tear out our bones and suck out our marrow! "

Although he has not interacted with wizards for many years, Ugali still clearly remembers that when he was just a little fish-man, he could cast all kinds of magic, or magic in front of those with wands in their hands. When he was a wizard with a terrifying curse, he was so small and powerless.

"Ah!? Then, what should we do!?"

A young fishman was completely frightened to death when he learned that the wizard he regarded as his savior was actually more terrifying than the 'Element Devouring Beast'.

"What else can we do? Take one step at a time...wait!"

Ugali suddenly stopped.

Facing the doubtful looks of the other four people, he stretched out a trembling finger, pointed forward and said with difficulty:

"Look, look, what is that?"

At this moment, Wu Gali was looking forward to it extremely much. Because he was old, his eyesight was blurred and he even had hallucinations.

"Eating, element-eating beast!"

However, the horrified shouts of others finally broke Ugali's luck.

It’s really that terrifying ‘Element Devouring Beast’!

In the direction where the murlocs were heading, a cute little figure was seen swimming towards the murlocs crookedly, looking like it had drunk too much.

"Hurry, run quickly! The 'Element Devouring Beast' is coming to block us!"

With a cry of surprise, several fishmen immediately fled in all directions without looking back.

Just kidding, when nearly a hundred fishmen gathered together, they could barely compete with each other. And now there are only five of them. If they don't run away, will they stay and serve each other as dessert?

5 White lights flashed one after another, and the five fishmen fell into a coma without any ability to resist.

Bell would not let these fishmen escape.

He is only one person and has no skills at all. If these fishmen were allowed to escape, it would be very troublesome for him whether they had to take a detour to Dumbledore to complain, or run back to the lair to report the news.

After a period of distortion, Bell returned to his original appearance. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his throat with a sad look on his face.

This was the first time he had cast a spell with a wand in his mouth, and it felt terrible!

With a wave of his hand, the five fishmen floating in the water gathered in front of Bell.

Seeing the extremely frightened expressions on the five people's faces, Bell couldn't help but feel curious.

So what did Fina do to these fish-men? Will they feel like a fish seeing a cat when they see Fina?





'No way……'

After chewing her teeth, Bell felt that maybe after going back this time, Shanna really had to take care of Fina.

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