The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 455 Unconditional Trust

Bell, who accidentally discovered the truth, had no time to find out whether his guess was true or false.

He looked down at the four fishmen floating in front of him, holding his chin with his right hand, and fell into deep thought.

Judging from the current situation, it can be said that it is unrealistic to hide this matter.

There was no way he could rush into the murloc's hiding place alone and modify all the murlocs' memories.

Regardless of whether there is enough time, the fluctuation of magic power caused by a battle of that scale will inevitably attract the attention of the wizards on the shore. It will eventually be exposed.

In other words, there is only one way left now.

That's... dump! pot!

It is impossible to admit a mistake, not even in this life.

And Bell would rather go to Snape, the old bat, to admit his mistake and be severely cut with leeks than to admit his mistake to Dumbledore.

It was because Lao Deng's rank was too high. Bell was afraid that he would be betrayed by the other party accidentally. After that, he happily helped count the money.

Therefore, finding someone to take the blame and take out Shanna and others is the best way he can think of now.

Coincidentally, according to his previous speculations and the intelligence obtained not long ago, there is now a candidate who is most suitable to take the blame.

Bell placed the wand on the heads of the five fishmen one after another, and used the forgetting spell to modify their memories.

Based on their new memories, under the leadership of the mature and prudent Wu Gali, the five people rushed towards the shore as quickly as possible while ensuring their concealment.

As a result, when they arrived not far from the shore, they unexpectedly discovered that the 'element-devouring beast' had actually come here to ambush them!

Moreover, what frightened them the most was that at this moment, the terrifying 'Element Devouring Beast' turned out to be like a docile and well-behaved kitten, lying in the arms of a wizard and letting him caress it.

They hid immediately, so nervous that they didn't dare to take a breath.

By eavesdropping on the wizard's soliloquy, they learned that the 'element-devouring beast' was actually sent here under someone's instructions! ?

Due to the distance, they were not able to hear the other party's specific purpose clearly.

But they overheard that the wizard was comforting the 'element-devouring beast' and said that among the wizards on the shore, there were also undercover agents of the other party. So even if they were lucky enough to escape the ambush of the 'Element Devouring Beast' and successfully reach the shore, they would still be dead in the end! ?

This scared them!

I didn’t expect that there was such a deep conspiracy behind this incident!

The few people who did not dare to act rashly finally decided after a short discussion to change their plan to go to the shore to seek help from wizards, and instead chose to go back and inform the village of their findings, leaving it to the more wise elders for judgment.

In order not to be discovered by the 'Element Devouring Beast' and the wizard, a few people decided to put safety first!

Therefore, it is understandable that the return speed is a little bit slower.

After modifying his memory, Bell nodded with satisfaction. He used the principle of setting up magic traps to set delayed recovery spells on the five fishmen, and then quickly disappeared into the dark bottom of the lake.

He has done everything he can, and now he can only leave it to fate.

Moving forward at high speed in the lake, Bell soon arrived outside the fishman village.

In the distance, bursts of laughter like silver bells reached Bell's ears through the vibration of the lake water.

Looking at Shanna and Gabrielle playing happily in the village in the distance, Bell really didn't know whether to praise these two little girls for their strong hearts. Or should I say that the two of them are heartless?

And while Zannah and Gabrielle were running around the village, observing the facilities in the murloc village, and occasionally reaching out out of curiosity to demolish one or two murloc buildings, it was almost like they were possessed by Erha, Phyllis and Lena behaved much more normally.

At this time, the two of them were gathering together with sad faces. Looking at the empty fishman village in front of them, they scratched their heads anxiously.

‘How can this be done? ’

"Ah! It's brother! Brother~! We are here~!"

After Bell approached a certain distance, Zannah, who had maintained her perception field at the maximum range, immediately discovered her brother's aura.

Seeing that his sister did not let down her guard, Bell nodded with satisfaction, and then quickly came to Shanna.

"Brother! Look! These murloc things are so fun!"

With that said, Shanna held up a large conch as if she was showing off a treasure and handed it to her brother.


Bell looked at his sister's heartless smile in silence, then reached out and took the conch from her hand.

By the way, where did these fishmen get the conches?

"Brother-in-law, are you here to save Gabrielle too?"

Little Gabrielle looked at Belle happily.

Although Gabri was very happy that Sister Shanna and the others could come to save her. But after seeing Bell appear, the little girl became even happier.

When she thought that her sister would come to save her later, she would be even happier. She was so happy that she wanted to sing a song.

"Technically speaking, I'm here to wipe your butts."

After rubbing Gabriel's little head vigorously, Bell said helplessly and dotingly.

"Huh? But I didn't go to the toilet? And Gabrielle is not a child anymore. Gabrielle can wipe her own butt. Besides, my sister said that boys can't see Gabrielle's little butt. .Although I think it doesn’t matter if it’s a brother-in-law?”

Gabrielle tilted her little head and looked at Bell suspiciously.

"No! It's a big deal!"

Bell waved his hands hurriedly and said.

Fortunately, there are no police here, otherwise based on what little Gabriel said just now, he would have been in there for three years.

Speaking of which, Bell also thought it was quite strange. Obviously he didn't have much interaction with little Gabrielle. In comparison, Shanna and the others had more communication with Gabri. But Gabrielle would trust him unconditionally.

To this, Bell just wanted to say...this is really great!

Ahem, he definitely has no hobbies in that area, he just enjoys the feeling of being unconditionally trusted. real!

"And when I say 'wipe your butt', I don't mean something you do after going to the toilet, but I mean helping you deal with the aftermath and solving any troubles that may arise later."

Bell explained the meaning of 'wiping one's butt' to little Gabrielle seriously.

I don’t know what Furong would think if she saw this scene.

I'm afraid that even if he knew he couldn't beat him, he would still die with Bell.

"Brother, what should we do next?"

Before little Gabrielle, who was very curious, could continue to ask about the trouble, Shanna asked first.

Although Shanna looked careless before, she was still able to handle the situation clearly.

And the reason why she didn't look as sad as Phyllis and Reina beside her was just because the little girl trusted her brother unconditionally.

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