"Top secret...?"

Lowering her head slightly, Hermione felt disappointed.

It's not that she can't understand Bell's behavior. After all, she and Bell are not married yet. It's understandable that Bell hides some things from her.

However, although she can understand it rationally, she still feels uncomfortable emotionally.

This feeling of not being trusted made her feel very uncomfortable.

So why did Bell hide it from Hermione?

Of course not because of top secret or anything. Although his operation this time is indeed considered top secret, it is much more secret than the existence of the Mars base.

The reason why he didn't tell Hermione his whereabouts was simply because he was afraid of trouble.

After all, what he was going to do today was technically quite dangerous, so he didn't want Hermione to worry.

Once Hermione knows what he is going to do next, she will definitely clamor to find Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore, etc.

At that time, he would have to spend a lot of energy to appease Hermione's uneasiness and dispel her idea of ​​'suing the professor'.

Just thinking about it made Bell feel numb. He can't spare so much energy right now.

So, let’s keep it a secret for now.

Wait until he comes back to bear Hermione's 'storm'.

In the gloomy and dark woods, the space suddenly distorted slightly for a moment.

The next second, Bell's figure appeared in the woods.

Taking off the hood on his head, Bell raised his wand and drew a complex rune in the air.

"Master, you are here!"

As the last stroke of the rune fell, a wizard, also wearing a dark-colored windbreaker, quietly appeared beside Bell.

The wizard bowed to Bell and greeted him respectfully.

"Long time no see, Sebas. How are the preparations going?"

Bell was not frightened by the sudden appearance of the other party. He asked in a relaxed and casual tone.

This wizard is Sebastian Stovich, the chief steward of the Menethil family and the chief of the special operations team.

Tonight, the other party appeared in this remote forest in compliance with Bell's order. Even William did not know the whereabouts of Sebastian tonight.

There was no other way. Just like Bell didn't inform Hermione of this operation in advance, he was afraid of trouble and specifically told Sebas to keep tonight's operation a secret from his father.

Otherwise, God knows how nervous his father, who is cautious by nature, would be.

When everything is settled, my father will know what happened tonight without Bell needing to notify him.

"Yes, young master, for tonight's operation, I have arranged the personnel exchange in advance and transferred all the members of the First Brigade of the Special Operations Team.

At present, the arrangement of the array talismans has been completed. With just a command from you, the defensive enchantment and anti-Apparition enchantment can cover the target area. "

Sebastian explained.

"very good."

Bell nodded with satisfaction.

Currently, the Menethil family's special operations team has three brigades, each with 100 people.

Every member of the special operations team is an elite wizard carefully selected after rigorous testing. And the First Brigade is the elite among the elite, the kind that can crush ordinary Aurors one-on-one.

Of course, for elite wizards like this, the Menethil family would certainly not let them idle and grow moldy.

If Bell remembers correctly, the 10 teams of the First Brigade are all scattered in the family's important industries around the world.

Sebas was able to mobilize all these teams in a short period of time. The most important thing is that his father has not discovered it yet. It seems that the old butler has also taken great pains.

After secretly glancing at Sebastian, Bell was really curious. How did the other party hide this from his father? Could it be that he used the legendary honey trap?

I hope that what awaits my brother and sister when they return home this summer vacation will not be their father's tombstone.

"Master, how about I take full responsibility for tonight's actions? How about you just stand and watch from a distance?"

After hesitating for a while, Sebas finally persuaded Bell.

Tonight's action is too dangerous!

Even though he has lived for most of his life, Sebas has seen a lot of all kinds of things. But he still felt frightened when he thought about what he was going to do next.

"No. I don't want to miss such a rare opportunity."

After waving his hand, Bell rejected Sebas' proposal without hesitation.

"But, Master..."

“Okay, it’s settled.

By the way, have all the talismans been distributed? "

Bell, who didn't want to be bothered by Sebas anymore, changed the subject and asked.

"Yes, 100 flame talismans and 100 thunder talismans have been confirmed to be distributed to every team member."

After sighing silently in his heart, Sebas gave up his plan to continue persuading his young master.

Being familiar with the young master, he knew that once the young master made a decision, no one could dissuade him except his own young lady.

But the problem is, it would be nice if my own lady didn’t add fuel to the fire. dissuade? nonexistent!

Sebas secretly made up his mind that he would follow the young master every step of the way and never let anything happen to the young master. Otherwise, he would not be able to go back and explain to the master and his wife.

"Very good. When the battle starts, no matter what, just smash all the talismans over first. Don't let me save it. If anyone dares to have one left on his body, he will be severely punished when he returns!"

Although those talismans are all elementary, they are not very powerful individually. But if tens of thousands of them are stacked together, no matter who they are, they will lose their skin.

After explaining the precautions, Bell walked towards the edge of the forest.

"Let's go. The last game of the Triwizard Tournament should have started by now. The show is about to begin."

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Bell felt a rare feeling of blood boiling. He couldn't wait.

The hoarse cries of crows added an ominous tone to the dark night.

A light mist floated in the forest, soaking the clothes, making people feel sticky and uncomfortable.

But at this time, no one of the 100 special operations team members lurking in the darkness tried to use magic to dispel the moisture on their bodies.

Everyone was staring out of the woods motionless.

There, there is an abandoned cemetery.

At the edge of the cemetery, there is a small hill. On the hill, there is a simple cabin built.

Suddenly, a wizard wearing Egyptian clothes walked out of the cabin.

If you look carefully, you can see through the dim moonlight in the sky that there is a little baby in the arms of this Egyptian wizard.

Looking at this Egyptian wizard wearing national costumes, Bell couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

‘This is really a place where we don’t meet each other in life. ’

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