The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 468 The suspicious wizards

Regarding the Egyptian wizard who appeared in his field of vision, Bell said that he was somewhat familiar with him.

During the previous summer vacation, the Egyptian wizard had been active near the Quidditch World Cup, selling his country's specialty - flying carpets.

I wonder if it's because among the tents in the forest, the cabin where Bell and others live is a bit too eye-catching?

In short, this Egyptian wizard came to knock on the door and provided door-to-door delivery service for Bell and others.

Since this was the first time he saw the legendary flying carpets, and the patterns on some flying carpets were indeed quite beautiful, Bell bought a few and gave them to his sister and girlfriend respectively.

I don’t know if no one except Bell bought the flying carpet?

In short, after that, the Egyptian wizard would come to Bell and knock on the door every now and then, and every time he would bring out some flying carpets with exquisite workmanship and beautiful patterns.

Unable to control his enthusiasm, Bell would pick a few every time.

Bell sent flying carpets to his parents, his teachers and mistress, senior Penello, Zannah's two good friends, Hermione's parents, etc., as long as they could think of it.

Even so, Bell still had several flying carpets left in his hands.

The blanket that is placed next to the bed in his dormitory to rest his feet was bought during the previous summer vacation.

At first, Bell was quite surprised when he learned that the Egyptian wizard actually went to hang out with Voldemort.

So what the hell is he, an Egyptian, who came to England to support Voldemort? Could it be that Voldemort promised the other party that once he rules the British wizarding world, he will give him the exclusive right to sell British flying carpets?

Do wizards today work so hard to do business?

Bell thought, maybe his father would have something in common with this Egyptian wizard?

Having said that, the reason why he was able to find Voldemort so smoothly was really thanks to this Egyptian wizard.

On Halloween before, after Harry became the fourth warrior, Bell suspected that there was a conspiracy by Voldemort.

Of course, there must be someone from Lao Deng in this...

Bell has not forgotten that when he was in first grade, part of Voldemort's soul escaped and has not appeared yet.

So after the dinner that day, Bell immediately ordered the relevant departments at home to search for suspected wizards in the country.

As a result, you really don’t know if you don’t check it, and you will be shocked if you check it.

There are too many suspicious wizards in Britain!

Now that the "Secret Law" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, these wizards really do everything in a sneaky way, as if they are afraid that others will misunderstand that they are good people.

Just last time, the supervisory department discovered a sneaky wizard in a Muggle city through a magic satellite, and immediately notified the special operations team.

As a result, when the members of the action team disapparated and rushed over, they found that the wizard was very nervous because he had never used a Muggle public toilet before, and wanted to avoid the eyes and ears of others and study alone. Let’s take a look at how to use modern toilets.


God knows how big the shadow in the hearts of the two members of the action team was after learning the detailed reasons.

But Bell knew that he had murderous intentions.

Because, after studying for a long time, those three idiots still couldn't figure out how to use the flush toilet!

In the end, Bell taught them step by step how to flush the toilet through a video!

'I...¥ # %%¥...'

Just when Bell began to despair about the professionalism of his family, the inspection department accidentally discovered the Egyptian wizard.

Due to the different concepts of spellcasting between the two, it is rare for Egyptian wizards to stay in the UK. As a result, this Egyptian wizard, who wears national costumes all day long, always goes to remote mountains and forests that are inaccessible?

It's impossible for him to go to the deep mountains and forests to study how to use flush toilets, right?

As a result, the investigation department quickly determined that this person was really suspicious.

Under the covert tracking of the special operations team, the whereabouts of the Egyptian wizard were quickly revealed.

Of course, Voldemort's location was also exposed.

After getting the footage taken by the magic satellite, Bell was extremely surprised.

Speaking of which, Lao Fu is too ugly... No, I can't even say it's ugly, I should say it's disgusting!

So what is this guy thinking? He actually made himself look so disgusting.

Sure enough, the world of neurosis is incomprehensible to normal people?

After silently vomiting in his heart, Bell ordered the action team to stay put and only maintain close surveillance of the opponent.

It is said that the captain of the team who was assigned the surveillance mission shed tears of excitement on the spot.

This is spying on the Dark Lord! This is simply... scary to death, isn't it?

If there were no special reasons and the special operations team was not allowed in or out, that team might have resigned en masse on the spot.

After locking Voldemort's location, Bell breathed a sigh of relief.

He finally doesn't have to read those weird reports every day! He feels that his blood pressure has increased a lot recently!

Next, Bell's life returned to peace. He had no intention of getting involved in the game between master and disciple, Old Deng and Voldemort.

Until... Bell was surprised to find that Dumbledore actually planned to send Harry to Voldemort! ?

Don't ask Bell how he found out.

With such a big door key lying there, do you really think he is blind? Can't see this?

Of course, the door key disguised as a trophy is indeed very well made, and the spatial fluctuations it emits are also very weak.

Maybe it's the production method of Voldemort's true biography?

However, Bell is more willing to believe that it was Dumbledore who secretly weakened the spatial fluctuations on the portkey.

Therefore, if it were an ordinary wizard, perhaps he would not be able to discover that the Triwizard Tournament trophy has been replaced by a door key?

Anyway, Bell didn't know whether the professors in the school were really unaware or were they pretending to be deaf and dumb?

But Bell is no ordinary wizard, he is a man who has been to Mars!

After experiencing that kind of ultra-long-distance space movement, he now has extraordinary sensitivity to the fluctuations of space.

Not to mention, Apparition and Apparition have always been Bell's main research projects.

Therefore, after sneaking into the staff room and seeing the trophy, Bell discovered that the trophy had been replaced with a door key.

Don't ask why Bell snuck into the staff room just to see the trophy.

As the saying goes, be prepared and be prepared.

Although Bell really doesn't want to get involved in the game between Lao Deng and Voldemort if it is not necessary, he thinks that he is still not qualified at the moment.

But the problem is, Lao Deng has too many criminal records!

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