The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 469 Buy one get one free?

In order to prevent his sister and girlfriend from being affected by Dumbledore's plan, Bell believes that it is necessary for him to keep abreast of the basic dynamics of the matter.

As for Dumbledore, could it be that because he had never experienced that kind of ultra-long-distance space movement, Dumbledore was kept in the dark and didn't notice that the trophy had been replaced with a door key?

Haha, Bell has never had such naive thoughts.

So is this looking down on the greatest white wizard of this century?

Be careful of being beaten to death.

Next, Bell began to think about what Dumbledore planned to do? After all, why did he give Harry to Voldemort?

It didn't take long for Bell to investigate Dumbledore's purpose - to help Voldemort resurrect!

What? How did Bell investigate this, you ask?

It can only be said that the Black family, as one of the oldest pure-blood wizard families in the British magical world, really deserves its reputation.

Before, after acquiring all the collections of the Black family from Sirius Black, Bell didn't even have time to take a good look at them.

And this time, for the purpose of investigating Dumbledore, Bell deliberately dug out all the black magic knowledge treasured in the Black family.

(Looking at Voldemort’s appearance, you can tell that what he cast is not white magic.)

Compared to white magic, the number of black magic is always small.

Thanks to this, it didn't take long for Bell to find relevant knowledge.

Combined with the relationship between Harry and Voldemort, as well as Voldemort's recent whereabouts, Bell quickly deduced Dumbledore's specific plan.

Now, Bell couldn't sit still.

Although Bell looked down on that madman Voldemort, it didn't mean that he could ignore his opponent's fighting power.

Don’t you know that madmen are generally better at fighting than normal people?

Have you ever seen that when a mental hospital subdues a madman, it requires several people to go in together to suppress it?

Therefore, Dumbledore's desire to help Voldemort resurrect has seriously endangered the safety of Zannah and Hermione, and has also seriously touched Bell's bottom line, so that he can no longer sit idly by.

Hence Bell's series of actions tonight.

"Master, why don't we do it now?"

Standing next to Bell, Captain Goodwin McBride of the First Special Operations Group said softly.

He really couldn't understand why his young master kept making them wait?

As early as the first time he discovered the mysterious man, Goodwin had suggested that there was no need to talk to the other party about morals, just that everyone could draw their wands and kill him!

After all, anyone who is not blind or stupid can see how weak the mysterious man is in his current state.

So this is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

If we let it go and allow the mysterious man to do what he wants, God knows when that terrifying guy will regain his strength?

By then, Britain will be in danger!


"Goodwin, shut up! Just obey your orders!"

Sebas glared at Goodwin and scolded him sternly.

Sebas really ‘loves and hates’ his man, Goodwin.

Goodwin has unswerving loyalty to his family and is also very talented in magic. Ordinary players, even if 10 of them join together, are no match for Goodwin.

This is also why Goodwin can become the captain of the Menethil family's most powerful team, the First Brigade of the Special Operations Team.

But compared with these advantages, Goodwin also has a big shortcoming, that is: 'too straight-minded'!

No matter what he says or does, Goodwin has always been one-minded, which makes Sebas worry about him a lot.


After being scolded by the captain, Goodwin obediently kept his mouth shut.

If anyone in the family scares Goodwin the most, it's neither William, the patriarch, nor Elena, the patriarch's wife, who has a higher status than the patriarch, but the family manager in front of him, the member of the special operations team. Captain-Sebas.

If this old man got angry, Goodwin thought, he might be more terrifying than the mysterious man in his heyday!

"It's okay, Sebas."

Bell smiled and waved his hand, acting as a peacemaker.

He certainly didn't mind Goodwin's questioning. It would be better to say that he likes to associate with this kind of straight person, which saves worry and effort.

Anyway, there is no need for him to formulate a specific battle plan.

"Goodwin, you have to know, like v-ahem..."

Bell quickly covered his mouth. He almost said Voldemort's name out of habit.

Although he would not dare to say the other person's name because of fear of Voldemort like others.

But the problem is that Voldemort is not far away from him now. Even though the other party was very weak now, at such a close distance, Bell still couldn't guarantee that Voldemort would not sense that someone said his name.

If Voldemort sensed this, their ambush tonight might be ruined.

"I mean the mysterious man, a rare event like the mysterious man's resurrection, of course we have to make good use of it in order to maximize profits.

Therefore, simply pressing the opponent to death would be a waste. "

Anyway, he was idle now, so Bell simply explained to Goodwin.


Goodwin nodded.

He didn't understand a word!

So what do ‘activities’ and ‘profit maximization’ mean? Why does he understand every word, but when connected together, he has no idea what it means?

This is really amazing!

He is indeed his young master. No wonder everyone praises him for his intelligence.

Sebastian, who was extremely familiar with the fool Goodwin, could tell at a glance that he was pretending to understand. He rolled his eyes and wanted to send Goodwin aside so as not to be an eyesore in front of him.

If this makes the young master mistakenly believe that the members of the action team are all of Goodwin's level of IQ, then he, the person in charge, will have to commit suicide to apologize!

"Goodwin, go over there..."

‘Pa~! ’

The sound was not loud, but in the ears of Bell and others, the explosion that shocked them all suddenly sounded, and Sebas swallowed back the second half of his words.

The members of the action team hiding in the shadows of the woods all looked towards the cemetery outside the forest. There, except for the Egyptian wizard who had been standing for a long time and his legs were probably going numb from standing, there were many more people at this time. Two figures emerged.

"By the way, what day is it today? Why are you bringing buy one get one free?"

Looking at Cedric lying next to Harry in surprise, Bell wanted to interview him at this moment:

‘Why is he here? Giving someone a gift from a thousand miles away, is it light on courtesy but heavy on affection? ’

I don’t know if Cedric’s appearance here is also part of Dumbledore’s plan?

Anyway, the current situation is beyond Bell's expectation.

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