The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 478 Don’t let the warriors feel cold

"Master, this...isn't this appropriate..."

After hearing his young master's bad idea, even Sebas couldn't help but reach out and rub his forehead.

"Uh...well, it's indeed inappropriate."

When he thought about Cedric's parents going to pay homage to a stranger's grave every year from now on, Bell felt that his idea was simply immoral.

"Otherwise, let's just cremate him and give the ashes to Cedric's parents."

Although that would mean that the Diggorys wouldn't be able to see Cedric for the last time. But after all, ashes are more acceptable than mutilated pieces of meat, right?

"Let's just say that Cedric fought bravely with the Death Eaters for a long time and caused a lot of damage to the Death Eaters. He is worthy of his name as a warrior!

In short, it comes as great as it is.

By the way, help Cedric apply for a medal of the Order of Merlin, just first level. "

"Master, I probably won't be able to apply for a first-class medal."

Sebas said awkwardly.

I don’t know if it’s because of the serious injuries? Sebas found that his young master's words were becoming increasingly irrational.

You know, that is the first-class medal of Sir Merlin! It is the highest honor of Sir Merlin! Where can I apply easily?

‘By the way, the young master must have injured his brain, right? ’

Sebas thought worriedly.

"Hey!? But, Cedric has already sacrificed his life! Can't he even get a first-class medal?"

Hearing this, Bell was really surprised.

Aren't the medals of Sir Merlin easily obtainable?

"Young Master, the awarding of the Order of Merlin's medal mainly examines the extent of the wizard's contribution, rather than the extent of the wizard's sacrifice."

Just kidding, if you can get a first-class medal of the Order of Merlin as long as you die in the battle against the Death Eaters, then more than 10 years ago, when the Death Eater activities were at their most rampant, the first-class medal of the Order of Merlin Medals are already in ruins.

"Like this!?"

This was really the first time Bell had heard of such a thing.

"Then let's settle for the next best thing and build a second-level one. There will always be no problem with the second-level one, right?"

Even Lockhart has a third-level Order of Merlin medal. Now that Cedric's life is at stake, it would be too shabby if he wasn't even given a second-level medal!

"There should be no problem with Level 2. As long as our family works behind the scenes, it shouldn't take long to apply.

But using the power of the family requires authorization from you or the head of the William family. "

"I've granted it. Later, go to my father and ask for authorization. Just say it was given by me."

Bell was too lazy to sign the authorization contract, so he could only trouble his father.

While Bell and Sebastian were chatting, the initial treatment had been completed.

Because the injury is so severe, it would take a lot of time to completely heal it at once, not to mention shortening your lifespan. So next, Bell will have to take good care of his injury for a while.

But there is no need to bother others with the subsequent treatment. After the magic power in the body is restored, Bell can use the healing spell himself. Coupled with the help of magic potion, he will be able to jump around again in less than a week.

"I will leave the finishing work to you, and I will go back first.

In addition, please send me a copy of tonight's video. I want the original unedited video. "

After struggling to stand up and cleaning the stains and potions on his body, Bell planned to return to Hogwarts.

He is so sleepy! Now I just want to lie down on the soft bed and sleep comfortably, without delaying for a second.

"Master, let me take you back."

Sebas said quickly.

With his young master's current condition, he couldn't trust him to leave alone.

"No need. Don't worry, I'm much better."

After waving his hand, Bell rejected Sebas' proposal.

The other party still has a lot of things to be busy with next, and he doesn't want to waste the other party's time because of his own trivial matters.

“I’m looking forward to tomorrow morning’s Daily Prophet Morning News.

That's it, goodbye. "

Without giving Sebastian a chance to continue his persuasion, Bell waved his wand and disappeared in a burst of space distortion.


Reluctantly retracting his outstretched hand, now that the matter was over, Sebas had no choice but to suppress the worries in his heart and turn around to continue executing the next plan.

Time moves forward a little.

When Bell returned the cat's peeping in the woods, Snape left the scene of the third match of the Triwizard Tournament in a hurry.

At this time, the competition scene was plunged into chaos due to the sudden disappearance of Harry and Cedric.

Under the cover of chaos, no one noticed Snape's sudden departure.

'damn it! What on earth is Dumbledore planning to do! ’

Snape clutched his left forearm tightly, and drops of cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

The moment Harry was teleported away, Snape turned to look at Dumbledore on the referee's bench.

Unsurprisingly, he didn't see any surprise on Dumbledore's face.

This is perfectly normal! Snape didn't believe that someone could secretly replace the Triwizard Tournament trophy with a portkey under Dumbledore's nose without Dumbledore noticing.

Even though Dumbledore, that bad old man, has lived for more than a hundred years, and keeps talking about nonsense like "I'm old~I can't do it anymore~" all day long, Snape dares to risk his own life. Guaranteed, this old guy is a thief!

An old man who does not die is a thief, and he is Dumbledore!

However, no matter how dissatisfied he was in his heart, Snape would not be able to question Dumbledore on what he planned to do in such a public place.

Mainly because it was useless for him to ask. If Dumbledore didn't want to say it, there was nothing he could do.

Who says fists are not as big as others?

But what happened next made Snape completely unable to sit still.

It turned out that not long after Harry disappeared, Snape felt sudden bursts of burning pain from the Dark Mark on his left forearm.

He had not felt this kind of pain for more than 10 years.

But even if another 100 years pass, he will never forget this feeling!

This is Voldemort summoning Death Eaters!

But how is this possible! How could Voldemort have the ability to activate the Dark Mark! What exactly is going on! ?

While walking quickly, Snape was worried about Harry's safety in his heart.

Soon, he left the playing field and came to the grass not far from the school gate.

There was no one here at this time, and he could safely check the abnormality of the black devil's mark on his arm.

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