The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 479 Aurors Arrive

After a brief inspection, Snape finally confirmed that Voldemort was indeed resurrected!

Except for Lord Voldemort, the owner of the Dark Mark, no Death Eater can cause such a violent reaction to the Dark Mark.

At this moment, Snape's heart was very complicated. He was worried about Harry, angry at Dumbledore, fearful of Voldemort, and a trace of uncontrollable... excitement!

It was Snape's lifelong wish to completely kill Voldemort, preferably with his own hands!

As long as Voldemort is completely dead, he can complete his redemption and accompany Lily with peace of mind.

It seems that I have to have a good chat with Dumbledore later. He, the double agent, has rested long enough!

Just when Snape couldn't wait to go to Dumbledore to learn the details of tonight and make a plan to gain Voldemort's trust, a weak fluctuation of magic suddenly came from the direction of the school gate, attracting his attention.

"Who are you!? How did you get past the defensive barrier of Hogwarts!?"

Quickly drawing out his wand, Snape looked warily at the 10 wizards who appeared in front of him.

With just a simple glance, he could feel a strong aura from the other party.

One-on-one, he is confident that he can defeat one person. But if it's 1 vs. 10, he has no chance of winning.

But Snape was not afraid.

This is Hogwarts. There are many professors in the Triwizard Tournament not far away. Dumbledore was also there.

If the other party dared to take action, he was still confident that he could persist until Dumbledore arrived.


The leading man took out his ID and showed it to Snape.

"We received a tip that Death Eaters had infiltrated Hogwarts, trying to disrupt the Triwizard Tournament.

In addition, we obtained the Hogwarts pass from the Hogwarts Board of Directors.

Professor, please put down your wand and cooperate with our investigation. Otherwise, we will consider you to be obstructing law enforcement and take enforcement measures against you. "

"...Does Dumbledore know about this?"

After discovering that the Triwizard Tournament trophy had been replaced with a portkey, Snape knew that a Death Eater must have infiltrated Hogwarts.

And in his mind, he already had several targets of suspicion.

Actually it's not that difficult. Professors rarely leave Hogwarts, so it is difficult to pinpoint their whereabouts and carry out attacks.

In addition, everyone has been working together for several years or even more than ten years. Even if the relationship between some people is not good, they still understand each other very well.

It is not easy to pretend to be a professor and deceive everyone else.

Therefore, the infiltrator must be a new face that only appeared in Hogwarts this year.

"He'll know soon. Please, Professor."

Two Aurors came to Snape's left and right sides, staring at him with evil eyes.

After hesitating for a while, Snape finally chose to put down his wand and, surrounded by Aurors, walked quickly towards the Triwizard Tournament not far away.

"Who are they, Severus?"

As soon as he calmed down the little wizards, Dumbledore saw with confusion that a group of strangers were surrounding Snape and walking towards him quickly.

He had just sensed that someone had passed through the defensive barrier of Hogwarts.

However, because the other party used regular means to cross the barrier instead of forcing it through, he did not take any action, but stayed where he was and waited for the other party's arrival.

"Introduce yourself, Professor Dumbledore, I am Salomon Redman, Captain of the Auror Squad.

We received a tip that Death Eaters had infiltrated Hogwarts and intended to do evil during the Triwizard Tournament. "

Salomon is another member of the Menethil family arranged to join the Ministry of Magic.

William, who was eyeing the position of Minister of Magic, was racking his brains all day long and trying every possible way to fill the Ministry of Magic with people.

As the most important violent agency of the Ministry of Magic, the Auror Office is the focus of infiltration.

"Oh? There are actually Death Eaters infiltrating here? Can you tell me the source of your information?"

Dumbledore looked at Salomon in surprise.

He was really surprised. When did the intelligence agency of the Ministry of Magic become so impressive?

"Sorry, Professor, this is confidential, I'm offended."

Salomon waved his hand and saw the other nine team members behind him immediately ducking and appearing around Ludo Bagman and Alastor Moody.

They keep their wands firmly pointed at their target's vital points, and they will attack without hesitation if the target dares to show any intention of resisting.

"W-What are you doing? I am the Director of the Physical Education Department of the Ministry of Magic. How can you point a wand at me! Where is Rufus? I want to see your director! I want to file a complaint against you!"

Ludo Bagman looked at the Aurors around him in panic.

This was the first time he encountered this situation. He was afraid that these Aurors' wands would go off, and he would die unjustly!

"Kids, when I was an Auror, you were still drinking milk. How dare you point your wand at me now? Careful, I'll look good on you!"

Moody's magic eyes moved rapidly in his sockets, observing every move of the surrounding Aurors.

He was observing the Aurors and trying to find flaws in them.

"Since one of you is the Director of the Ministry of Magic and the other is a senior Auror, I think you should be familiar with our Auror procedures.

So, please give up your resistance and hand over your wand. After we check and confirm that you are innocent, we will naturally let you go.

In addition, if you want to make a complaint, you can do so anytime after tonight.

The premise is that you will still be safe and sound by then. "

Salomon said calmly.

He doesn't care if the other party complains about him.

As long as the plan succeeds, after today, the Menethil family will have a firm foothold in the Auror office, and will not be afraid of trivial complaints at all.

And if something goes wrong in the plan, the most he can do is take the blame and resign and return to the family to continue serving. To be honest, he would have preferred that.

As Salomon finished speaking, one of the Aurors surrounding Bagman and Moody slowly approached the two and reached for the wands on their waists.

Bagman gritted his teeth angrily and decided that after work tomorrow morning, he would go to the director of the Auror Office - Rufus Scrimgeour as soon as possible to file a complaint!

These Aurors are getting more and more arrogant!

But even though he was about to explode with anger, Bagman did nothing and allowed the Auror to take away his wand.

This is definitely not because he is a coward or anything! He was just following the rules of the Ministry of Magic!

After all, he is a director, so he can't bully others in public, right?

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