The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 483 Who is this ugly guy with no nose?

"Uh... I don't want to say it, but if you want to hear it, you need to wait a little longer."

Seeing his girlfriend pouting so hard that she could hang a bottle of soy sauce, Bell hurriedly explained.

He didn't feel the need to hide what happened last night from Hermione. After all, the business was done, and he had plenty of time to listen to the other party's complaints and complaints.

But it really wasn't possible now. He was busy eating and could barely squeeze out a little time to say a few words to Hermione briefly.

It's not that Bell values ​​breakfast more than Hermione, but that his body now desperately needs a lot of nutrients.

Last night, he took a 'medicated bath' all night long, and his body was almost swollen, and he finally restored himself from a cooked state to a fresh state that had just been thawed.

The treatment of injuries, even with the help of magic and potions, still requires the body to provide nutrients.

Last night, he was so mentally exhausted that he fell asleep without even having time to eat. Therefore, he is really hungry now so that his chest is touching his back.

If he doesn't get enough nutrients quickly, his body may have problems!

‘Ah woo! ’

( ̄~ ̄)

After taking a big bite of meat, Bell's mouth was filled with oil.

As the saying goes, you eat what you eat to make up for it. He had a lot of necrosis in his muscles and skin before, but he had to eat more meat to make up for it.

‘Gudong! ’

After swallowing the meat in his mouth, Bell had time to continue:

"I'm really hungry now. When I finish eating, I'll tell you whatever you want to hear."

"Really, really? You don't have to force it."

Hermione glanced at Zannah cautiously, fearing that Bell would be blamed by her family for such behavior.

"Don't force it, it's not a big deal anyway."

It's just that I went to kill a big lunatic last night and took care of a group of little lunatics.

Even if the matter is exposed, the Menethil family, which holds absolute justice, will not be harshly punished.

At most, the remnants of the relevant families may be secretly causing trouble for the Menethil family.

However, those things belong to the areas that his father needs to worry about and are not within his scope of concern.

In comparison, he still felt that making his girlfriend happy was more important.

After all, this is directly related to his happiness index in the next period of life.

However, in order to prevent his father from finding excuses to annoy him, Bell still warned Hermione:

"Pay attention to maintaining the Occlumency Technique at ordinary times. Once you sense someone trying to invade your brain to search for relevant memories, you will let a snake bite him immediately!"

Even Dumbledore would have been in a panic for a while when faced with the sudden attack of ten thousand snakes.


Hermione nodded happily.

The knot in my heart that night disappeared without a trace in just a few words from Bell.

"Eat more, these fried chicken wings are also delicious!"

Hermione, who was in a happy mood, also followed Zannah's example, taking plate after plate of food and feeding it to Bell.

(No way, Bell’s hands are already too busy.)

"Brother, it's about to start."

I don’t know how long they had been eating, but when Bell had eaten about half of the large amount of delicious food that Lim had prepared all night, Shanna suddenly spoke.

The little girl always paid attention to the time. Seeing that the hands of the clock reached 7:59, she immediately took out her personal terminal and placed it in front of her brother.

As the second hand completed one circle again, the long-awaited program finally began.

‘Good morning everyone, and welcome to the morning news program brought to you by the Daily Prophet.

Today is June 25th, a very ordinary day.

But in the early hours of today, our reporter received a big news.

Regarding the news content, please allow me to give you a hint here. Next, please watch a video. ’

After saying that, the host's figure disappeared from the screen, replaced by darkness.

If it weren't for the sound of rustling leaves coming from the screen from time to time, everyone would have thought it was a live broadcast accident.

Unlike most wizards who were confused and didn't understand what the Daily Prophet was doing, the young wizards in the auditorium were all staring at the personal terminals in their hands with bated breath, not daring to take a breath.

Their intuition told them that next, they would witness with their own eyes how the mysterious man was resurrected!

Everyone was not disappointed. After a while, the picture on the screen changed.

The screen slowly moved forward, and soon, a clearing appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Through the dim moonlight, everyone could tell that what was in the picture should be a cemetery.

Even though the sun was shining brightly this morning, at this moment, the little wizards in the auditorium still felt a chill on their backs.

Could it be that the mysterious man will crawl out of the cemetery later? ?

Fortunately, that kind of restricted scene did not appear. Instead, there was a wizard wearing Egyptian national costumes.

The Egyptian wizard was standing in front of a tombstone. Next to the tombstone, there was a huge stone crucible.

"Harry! It's Harry! Oh, my God!"

The sudden exclamation made everyone who was watching the movie engrossed in it startle with fear.

It's Ron.

As the scene slowly approached, he recognized at a glance that the person tied to the tombstone was his good brother who suddenly disappeared last night.

Even though everyone was shocked by Ron, no one had the intention to blame Ron at this moment.

After hearing Ron's exclamation, everyone immediately looked at the poor guy tied to the tombstone.

Some young wizards who had more contact with Harry quickly recognized Harry's identity through various details.

Thinking back to what the Auror said last night, could it be that the Egyptian wizard was the mysterious man! ?

By the way, when did the mysterious man change his nationality?

Before anyone could figure out this profound question, the Egyptian wizard on the screen, who seemed to have been muttering something, made a new move.

Next, the video clearly showed Voldemort's resurrection ceremony. It was not until Voldemort crawled out of the crucible naked that everyone who had held their breath at some point was able to exhale for the first time in a long time.


The screams one after another echoed over the auditorium, making people's heads hurt.

The little wizards only felt that their brains went blank and they completely lost the ability to think. They didn't know why they were screaming, but they just wanted to scream!

Until a childish voice broke the ensemble composed of screams.

"Sister, who is this ugly guy without a nose?"

Little Gabrielle looked at her sister with confusion.

The little girl had never seen a photo of Voldemort, let alone the new Voldemort, who was even more uglier than when he failed to undergo plastic surgery.

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