The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 484 Enthusiastic Masses

Silence...dead silence...

Little wizards, you look at me and I look at you, both of them look embarrassed.

Who is this ugly guy with no nose?

I do not know!

Then why were they screaming just now?

Still don’t know! the news, watch the news.

"I don't know, maybe it's the mysterious person whose name is said to be unmentionable?"

Fleur also looked puzzled.

As a Frenchman, Fleur wasn't actually that afraid of the mysterious man.

After all, everyone knows the relationship between Britain and France. Even wizards will inevitably be affected.

Therefore, the fact that the mysterious man caused a stir in the British wizarding world has always been treated as a joke in the French wizarding world.

Of course, no one dared to mention Voldemort's name.

After all, Britain and France were so close, if Voldemort sensed it and came to their door, few people would be able to survive it.

"Then I'll ask my brother-in-law. He will definitely know!"

As she said that, little Gabrielle wanted to jump off the chair and go to her brother-in-law to answer her questions.


Fleur held down Gabrielle's shoulders, stopping the little girl from running away.

For this little traitor with her elbows turned outward, Fleur was really pissed off! In desperation, she could only try her best to prevent Gabrielle from getting close to Belle.

Children are always acting on a whim. Maybe after a period of isolation, Gabrielle can forget about that hateful Belle?

Although she knew it was not very reliable, Furong could only use this idea to deceive herself.


Little Gabriel pouted in dissatisfaction.

Now she really wanted to go find her brother-in-law to have breakfast with her.

Even from such a distance, she could vaguely smell the alluring aroma coming from her brother-in-law.

This made the delicious meat in her mouth no longer taste good.

She wants to eat something better!

While sisters Fleur and Gabrielle looked at each other unwillingly, the video on the news continued to play.

After Voldemort was resurrected, he immediately summoned his Death Eaters.

And when dozens of Death Eaters in black robes appeared on the screen and shouted the name of the 'Dark Lord', everyone's doubts were finally answered.

This ugly noseless guy is indeed the legendary mysterious man!

But the scream that should have resounded through the sky did not sound again.

After the embarrassing experience before, the little wizards at this moment are not shouting, and they are not shouting... In short, they feel something is wrong...

And when the little wizards in Hogwarts were struggling, after seeing the scenes played in the video, the entire British wizarding community was in an uproar.

At this moment, countless housewives burned down their kitchens while cooking. I don’t know how many wizards who were shaving accidentally cut off their noses.

What's more, some timid adult wizards were so frightened that their magic went crazy, and they were admitted to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries with their neighbors.

But no matter what kind of weird reactions the wizards have, it will not affect the continued playback of the video.

Next, it's time for Bell to make his debut...

Ahem, sorry, that part was cut and not broadcast.

After all, Bell's identity was difficult to show, and he didn't want to show his face.

Therefore, next, the scene turned and a pale golden barrier enveloped the entire cemetery.

A large number of wizards appeared one after another and launched a fierce attack on the Death Eaters.

Seeing that a fierce battle was about to take place, everyone had prepared Coke and popcorn, but this scene turned out to be different!

The pitch black fireball with traces of bright red floated in mid-air, and the figure of the mysterious man struggling and wailing could still be vaguely seen (post-production special effects).

I saw the mysterious man's struggle getting weaker and weaker, and his wails getting deeper and deeper. Eventually, the flames died out, leaving not even a trace of ashes in its place.

The mysterious man is dead...

died! ?

Everyone rubbed their eyes and wanted to read it again carefully. They felt that they must have missed something very important.

After all, he is a mysterious person! How could he die so easily?

Harry Potter hasn't made a move yet!

However, what everyone is watching now is the live broadcast of the morning news, not the video that has been uploaded to the Magic Network. The playback progress cannot be freely adjusted.

Therefore, everyone could only watch blankly as the host's figure reappeared in the center of the screen.

'Next, I'm going to read out some explanations from the Aurors.

First of all, those who participated in the battle last night were many Aurors led by the Auror Squadron Captain - Snellie Warstood, as well as some brave and enthusiastic people.

Taking into account the possibility that there are still remnants of Death Eaters surviving, Mr. Wastod promised to keep these enthusiastic people secret, so the identities of these people cannot be announced. We hope for your understanding.

Secondly, last night, after paying a heavy price, the Aurors finally wiped out all the Death Eaters present and killed the mysterious man again.

Considering that the picture is too bloody and brutal, the relevant battle scenes have been cut out. We hope you will understand.

Third, regarding the identity of the mysterious person appearing in the video, Auror, after obtaining the consent of Mr. Harry Potter, extracted the relevant memories of the scene at the beginning of the video.

Through repeated research, combined with the words and deeds of the Death Eaters, it has been completely determined that that person is the second generation Dark Lord who was defeated once more than 10 years ago.

Considering the mysterious man's resurrection this time, the Aurors concluded that the mysterious man might have cast some strange spell on himself.

Therefore, it is still not possible to determine whether the mysterious man is completely dead.

The Auror Office reminds the general public of wizards to be wary of suspicious persons when going out. If you find any, please report it to the Auror immediately. You must not listen to the instigation of some dark wizards.

Next, we would like to invite our hero, Captain Auror—Mr. Snelly Wastod, to explain to you in detail what happened last night. ’

"Bell, could it be that last night, you..."

Hermione looked at Bell in disbelief, who had started eating frantically again at some point. A crazy guess emerged in her mind.


Bell puffed out his chest proudly.

By the way, after watching the edited video and feeling that there was nothing wrong with it, he was no longer interested in watching it any more.

He's not full yet!

"Are you going to be a member of the enthusiastic crowd!?"

Hermione exclaimed.

She couldn't believe it, when did her Bell become so kind?

Could it be that he drank the wrong potion?



Bell was so stunned that he sprayed Hermione's face with a mouthful of salt soda.

What the hell is an enthusiastic crowd?

Who on earth came up with such an idiotic title! ?

Well, it seems to be him...

"Hermione, this matter is more complicated. After we finish eating later, we can go to my room and chat slowly. All you need to know now is that I am not some enthusiastic crowd!"

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