The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 485 Malfoy is inexplicable grief

Unfortunately, after breakfast, Bell was not able to take Hermione back to the room to explain the details of last night alone.

Because, Shanna discovered that her brother was always secretly in the room with Hermione recently, not knowing what they were doing.

The little girl was very jealous of this. She suspected that Hermione had done something to her brother when she wasn't paying attention, so that he would leave her alone from time to time to accompany him.

After deeply reflecting on her negligence, Zannah decided that she must take good care of her brother and never give Hermione another chance!

Therefore, throughout the day, Shanna stayed by her brother's side.

My brother had just been seriously injured. If he was attacked by Hermione at this time, he would definitely be affected even more!

And this little girl's move also caused Hermione to double-click again that night and stay up all night...

While Bell was pained and happily enjoying the jealousy between his sister and his girlfriend, the Slytherin common room was filled with an apocalyptic atmosphere of sadness and despair.

As we all know, Death Eaters are mostly from pure-blood wizarding families.

Therefore, after the morning news ended, unlike the excitement and excitement of the other three little wizards of the academy, the Slytherin little snakes looked confused.

This is also something that can't be helped. After all, no matter who wakes up and is suddenly told that their father (mother) is gone, they will always wonder if they are actually still dreaming.

‘What a joke! ’

Thanks to the popularity of personal terminals, little wizards have a means of timely communication.

Therefore, after a brief escape from reality, someone dialed the family's communication line.

Draco Malfoy was one of the quickest responders.

Looking at the screen waiting for a response, Malfoy felt anxious. In just a few seconds, he felt as if a century had lasted.


Finally, Malfoy's mother, Narcissa, appeared on the screen.

"Mom! Dad, he..."

Malfoy paused.

Looking at his mother whose eyes were red on the screen and whose tears were still uncontrollably overflowing even though she was trying to hide them, Malfoy's question was answered without even having to ask it.

An indescribable sadness hit Malfoy's heart.

He couldn't believe how his father, that strong, serious, elegant man, the patriarch of the great Malfoy family, could die?

At this moment, Malfoy felt extremely hateful! He hated the self that once worshiped the mysterious man, and hated the self that once wished to become a Death Eater!

Of course, what he hates most are the murderers who killed his father!

"Draco, although it may be a little early, you must shoulder the glory of the Malfoy family. You must work hard to become an excellent wizard and an excellent patriarch, and make your father proud of you!"

Looking at the son in front of her who looked more and more like his father, Narcissa choked and said.

"Mom, I can!"

Malfoy responded firmly.

At some point, his face was covered with tears.

But Malfoy didn't cry, and he didn't allow himself to cry.

Even though his father is gone, he is the backbone of the family! So he can't show his weak side, that will make people think that the Malfoy family is weak and can be bullied!

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely support the Malfoy family! I will also make those who killed my father pay a heavy price!"

Malfoy said through gritted teeth.

The hatred for killing my father is irreconcilable!

"No! Draco! You can't do that! Your father wouldn't want you to do that!"

Seeing her son's face full of hatred on the screen, Narcissa hurriedly exclaimed.

Unlike those ignorant 'bastards', as a noble pureblood and a member of the great Malfoy family, Narcissa would not naively believe that there really was any 'enthusiastic crowd'.

Even though there was no evidence, Narcissa had already figured out from the previous morning news video, from the attire and methods of those wizards, that those people should be the group that the Menethil family had been hiding in secret. Special Forces.

She and her husband Lucius had long known about the existence of this special force of the Menethil family, but what they didn't expect was that this force would be so strong!

So strong that even the powerful and terrifying mysterious man, the mysterious man that the Malfoy family did not dare to fight against, was ultimately defeated in the hands of this force.

If she had known that the opponent's strength was so terrifying, then she and Lucius would never have secretly been hostile to the Menethil family.

Instead, they followed the example of those weaker families and joined the Menethil family's camp long ago, even if they sacrificed some interests and face.

However, there is no such thing as "earlier knowledge". At this point, no matter how much you regret now, you can't change what has happened, and you can't save the lives that have been lost.

If Narcissa hates the Menethil family, there is no doubt that she wants to drink their blood and eat their flesh!

But she knew she couldn't do it.

She couldn't put her son, Draco, in danger because of the hatred in her heart.

Therefore, Narcissa decided to bury this secret in her heart until she took it to the grave.

She now only hopes that the Menethil family will not cling to Lucius's identity as a Death Eater, and can leave a way for them, the Malfoy family, and Draco to survive.

For this, she is willing to pay any price.

"Listen, Draco! Your father made a bad choice, and that's why he died.

Not just your father, your grandparents, your maternal grandparents, your aunts and uncles all paid a heavy price because of their wrong choices.

The demise of the Black family has given us enough warning, but we chose to turn a blind eye.

So, Draco, you must learn from our lesson, don’t think about revenge, don’t contact mysterious people or Death Eaters, let alone degenerate into a dark wizard!

You must always remember that you are the patriarch of the Malfoy family, and your most important and only task is to ensure the continuation of the Malfoy family!

Therefore, you are not allowed to do anything that may threaten the continuation of the Malfoy family! "

Narcissa taught her son sternly. Speaking of which, this was the first time since her son was born that she had spoken to him in such a stern tone.

"But, mother..."

"No but!

Draco, you must adapt to your new identity as quickly as possible.

You are no longer the heir to the clan leader. You are already a clan leader! "

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