The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 486 Kill two birds with one stone

"Yes, Mom, I understand."

Malfoy lowered his head and spoke with difficulty in a hoarse voice.

He couldn't let go of the hatred of his father's murder, and he couldn't forgive the Aurors who killed his father, or the mysterious person who caused his father to be killed.

But he also knows that he, who has been living under the protection of his parents, is still very immature. He should obey his mother's instructions and learn to become a qualified clan leader.

Looking at her son's sad and painful look on the screen, Narcissa felt extremely heartbroken. She softened her tone slightly and said softly:

"Draco, do you still remember the two tasks your father gave you when you first entered school?"

"Remember, befriend Harry Potter and Belle Menethil. What's wrong, Mum?"

Malfoy failed in both tasks.

But apart from feeling very unwilling to accept Harry being snatched away by that little red guy from the Weasley family, he actually didn't care much about anything else.

After all, when his father learned that all his missions had failed, he just said a few words indifferently, and then nothing happened.

Therefore, Malfoy was very curious that his mother would suddenly mention those two tasks that he had almost forgotten at this time.

"You don't have to worry about Harry Potter, but I ask you to use the shortest possible time to ease the relationship with the heir of the Menethil family. You don't want to be friends with the other party, but at least let the other party not I hate you again."

Holding back the tearing pain in her heart, Narcissa tried hard not to show any strangeness in her expression.

Narcissa was extremely reluctant to beg for mercy from the descendants of her enemies.

But for the continuation of the Malfoy family and Draco's safety, she must use all means! Even if you suffer endless shame for this, it doesn't matter!

Although according to rumors, the heir to the Menethil family is not favored by the current patriarch William. But if the relationship between Draco and the other party eases, and even becomes friends, I believe it should be able to weaken the hostility of the Menethil family to some extent.

"Why? Mother? Didn't father say at the beginning that the Menethil family is our enemy?"

Malfoy asked confused.

He still clearly remembered that in recent years, his father had become increasingly disgusted with the Menethil family.

At the beginning, he was told to have a good relationship with that Bell, but later on, he even often cursed the Menethil family.

You know, my father, who has always regarded himself as a pure-blood noble, pays great attention to etiquette. To be able to make such a father unable to help but say dirty words shows that the bastards of the Menethil family really made his father very angry.

"This time, that time...

Draco, you have to know that our Malfoy family is now at its weakest period in history.

In this special period, we must reduce the hostility of the outside world towards the Malfoy family as much as possible.

A thousand-mile embankment collapses in an ant nest.

Even the slightest hostility must be eliminated as much as possible. "

In order to prevent her son from becoming suspicious, Narcissa took great pains to come up with a perfect and reasonable excuse.

Even she herself would have been almost convinced if she hadn't known that the Menethil family were the murderers of her husband.

"Okay, mother, I will go and talk to Menethil later."

Although he was extremely reluctant, Malfoy still obediently agreed.

"No, not later, you go now, start taking action from now on."

Narcissa urged.

In fact, Narcissa also wanted to talk to her son for a while longer.

After all, apart from her sister who was imprisoned in Azkaban and acted like a madman, Draco was the only relative she had left in this world.

So, at this fragile moment of losing her husband, she wanted to be with her son. Even if it’s just being together across a screen.

But she can't do that.

Because she could hardly bear the grief and hatred in her heart.

She didn't want her son to see her ugly appearance, and she was even more afraid that her smart son would find something strange in it.

Therefore, she had to hang up the communication with her son, and hang up immediately.

"Yes, Mom, I'm going to find each other now."

After saying that, Malfoy reluctantly hung up the video.

He walked out of the bathroom, called Crabbe and Goyle who were crying bitterly in the dormitory, and went to find Bell together.

Like his father, Crabbe and Goyle's father also died in the fierce battle last night.

Considering that Crabbe and Goyle's families should be facing the same dilemma as the Malfoy family, he planned to take these two younger brothers who were not very bright-minded to ease the relationship with Bell.

While Malfoy and his two younger brothers were wandering around the castle looking for Bell, Bell was leaning comfortably in Hermione's arms, enjoying the massage of her soft little hands.

After learning the general story of what happened last night and learning that Bell was currently seriously injured and still recovering from his injuries, Hermione was frightened.

If Bell hadn't repeatedly assured that he had undergone professional treatment and just needed to rest, Hermione would have really dragged her boyfriend to find Professor McGonagall to ask for leave, and then go with him. Went to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies.

"Bell, how's your strength?"

Hermione asked softly as she placed her hands on Belle's temples, rubbing them gently.

"Hmm...a little harder."

Bell said lazily.

At this moment, he only felt that his decision to challenge Voldemort last night was so wise and powerful.

Not only did he compete with the 'gold medal sparring partner' and improve his spell-casting ability, but he was also able to enjoy Hermione's meticulous care and attention afterwards. This was really killing two birds with one stone!

"Okay! Just this intensity, very good."

Bell hummed comfortably.

I don’t know if Narcissa learns that the culprit who killed her husband last night is actually enjoying life leisurely as if there is nothing wrong with her at the moment. Will she be unable to catch her breath and die of anger? ?

But there was one thing that Narcissa was really worrying about.

That is, it is impossible for Bell to take action against the Malfoy family. And Bell's father, William, is even more impossible.

Yesterday morning, when William suddenly received a report from Sebastian, he was cautious by nature and almost fainted from fright at the feat performed by his cheating son.

Even Elena, who was not afraid of anything, scolded Bell for nearly an hour this morning after learning the details of the matter.

(Elena: 'You brat, if you want to fight Voldemort, fight hard. Why do you want to fight in a one-on-one fight when you're full! What's the result? Is he seriously injured? I'm really angry!')

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