The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 487 Owl Bomber

You know, the destruction of a pure-blood wizard family and the elimination of several pests in the magical world - Death Eaters, are two completely different concepts.

In a fierce battle, you can also take the opportunity to kill the opponent on the pretext that the opponent is too powerful to hold back.

But if under other circumstances, killing a pure-blood for no reason, or even completely annihilating a pure-blood family, is not good, it will cause the Menethil family to be boycotted by pure-blood wizards across Europe.

Didn't you see that those die-hard fans of Voldemort can rely on their pure-blood status to still linger in Azkaban?

Although they may prefer to have a good time.

What if it were a mixed-race or a wizard from a Muggle family? The grass on the grave is already 1 foot tall!

Therefore, it is impossible for the Menethil family to risk the disapproval of the world and kill all these pure-blood families.

Bell does not intend to use his family's strength to fight against the entire Europe, or even the entire world.

At least I don’t have that plan now…

"Wow~! Brother is so awesome! Brother, come on! Beat him! Beat him hard!"

While Bell was enjoying Hermione's massage and thinking wildly, Zannah, who was watching the record of last night's battle (uncut version) with her two good friends, was dancing and shouting excitedly. .


After giving his sister a speechless look, Bell always felt a little bit inconsistent.

So he is clearly here, but his sister is cheering loudly for him in the video. It always feels like...his sister has been snatched away by him?

This made Bell feel very complicated.

So what should he do? Hit yourself?

Unlike Shanna who was yelling and screaming, Phyllis and Reina looked confused.

From their perspective, they could only see the afterimages passing through the sky. Through the flashes of thunder and lightning from time to time, they could vaguely see that there seemed to be something darker under the dark night sky. Things exist?

In short, it looks like I don’t know how serious it is.

"Zanna, drive slowly, haven't you seen that Felice and Reina's eyes are about to turn into mosquito coils?"

Bell reminded aloud.

"Wait until I finish watching this one time, and then play it slowly."

Zannah responded without looking up.

She didn't want to watch the scene in slow motion. The feeling of a group of people doing something in slow motion can make someone anxious to death.

And the brother in slow play is not so handsome!

Shaking his head helplessly, Bell stopped caring about the three little ones over there.

He was also looking at the personal terminal in his hand with Hermione at this time. It's just that what is being played on his personal terminal is not the battle record from last night, but the live news.

After the morning news of the Daily Prophet ended in the morning, the entire British wizarding world was completely detonated.

The terrifying mysterious man is resurrected! ?

Not long after his resurrection, he was killed again by the passing "enthusiastic people"! ?

But the Auror who killed the mysterious man said that the mysterious man was probably not completely dead yet, and there was a possibility of resurrection! ?

This is really... people don't know where to start complaining...

But no matter how outrageous things are, the facts are right in front of us. There is a picture and the truth, and there is no room for wizards not to believe it.

In particular, families with children currently studying at Hogwarts learned from their children that an Auror had arrested a Death Eater who had sneaked into Hogwarts in public, and learned from the Death Eater's memory After learning the full plan of the mysterious man, he confirmed the content in the video from the side.

Therefore, wizards whose hearts are dominated by emotions such as fear, surprise, etc., urgently need a channel to vent their many negative or less negative emotions.

So, is there any institution that is a better target for venting than the Ministry of Magic?

Without a doubt, no!

After all, wizards can't rush into Azkaban and complain to the die-hard fans of the mysterious man who have been imprisoned there for more than 10 years.

As a result, wizards with convenient means of movement such as Apparition, Floo powder, and Portkeys gathered outside the Ministry of Magic in a short time.

Facing the impact of this group of 'mobs', Fudge, who had not yet recovered from the 'cruel' reality, decisively issued a stupid order.

‘Seal the Ministry of Magic to prevent outsiders from entering! ’

As the headquarters of the British wizarding government agencies, the Ministry of Magic's defensive barrier is undoubtedly the best.

Even more than 10 years ago, when the Death Eaters were raging, Voldemort was not able to truly attack the Ministry of Magic, let alone the 'rabble' who came to the Ministry of Magic just on a whim to cause trouble.

Looking at the locked door of the Ministry of Magic in front of them, the wizards who had just come here to vent their anger and join in the fun were now really angry.

‘Ya-ya, what a bastard! I pay so many Galleons every year to support you, the staff of the Ministry of Magic, but now something has happened, you have actually become a coward! ’

The wizards, who couldn't stand the inaction of the Ministry of Magic, worked together and finally came up with a good solution.

Since people can't get in, then owls can always get in, right?

After all, senior officials within the Ministry of Magic also need to understand the external situation in real time.

After William very insidiously blocked the personal terminal signals of the anti-Menethil family faction headed by Fudge, these poor guys who once returned to the pre-reform period could only pick up the group that was about to be destroyed. Starving owls.

And this means that the Ministry of Magic's barrier does not block the owl's entry and exit.

The wizards who discovered this (actually the news was deliberately spread by members of the Menethil family), found the owls after a long absence, and solemnly handed a letter to the owls' talons.

The owls, who had just experienced a crisis of skyrocketing unemployment and realized how difficult it was to survive, were extremely motivated when faced with this opportunity for re-employment, flying at least 10 kilometers faster than usual. percentage point.

As a result, owls transformed into bombers, carrying red 'bombs' and plunging into the Ministry of Magic.

Through the real-time broadcast of the reporters outside the Ministry of Magic, Bell could hear a long, long and memorable 'Ah——! ’, came out continuously from the Ministry of Magic. It was as if there were countless groundhogs holding a concert in the Ministry of Magic.

Even through the screen, he could clearly see that the heavy and solid door of the Ministry of Magic was shaking slightly.

This is really... so interesting!


Bell couldn't help but laugh out loud, and took the opportunity to turn around and hug Hermione, rubbing her tightly in her arms.

Don't get me wrong, he didn't mean to eat Hermione's tofu.

joke! Hermione is his girlfriend, okay? So this is an extremely normal intimate contact between lovers, and has nothing to do with eating tofu or anything like that!

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