The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 488 Potion Master

"Don't move!"

Hermione slapped Bell angrily. She didn't know whether she was blaming Bell for rubbing against her chest, or blaming Bell for gloating over his misfortune.

By the way, knowing that Bell's injury had not yet healed, Hermione slapped him very lightly. Even compared to patting, maybe stroking is more appropriate?

"Bell, tell me, will there be any trouble?"

When Bell finally had enough, Hermione asked worriedly.

She is from the Lawful Good camp and feels very uneasy about the chaos shown in the live broadcast.

"Don't worry, Voldemort has been killed, what else can happen?"

Trouble is bound to happen.

And the culprit who caused the turmoil was none other than Bell, who was watching the fun in his girlfriend's arms.

After all, as the largest 'reactionary force' in the British wizarding world, how could the Menethil family let go of such a good opportunity?

This time, all the credit for annihilating Voldemort and the Death Eaters was placed on the head of Snelly Vastod.

(Snelly Varstord, a member of the Menethil family, was arranged to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic and currently serves as the captain of the Auror squad.)

Through this feat that even Dumbledore failed to accomplish, I believe that Snelly's status and voice in the Ministry of Magic will be greatly improved.

Even taking over Fudge's position and becoming the new Minister of Magic is not completely impossible.

Finally, becoming the Head of the Auror Office was always no problem.

After all, there are really few people doing serious work in the Ministry of Magic now. After Fudge steps down, the number of people who are capable and qualified to take over the position of Minister of Magic can be counted on one hand.

Among them, Rufus Stringer, who is the director of the Auror Office, is the most powerful candidate.

However, Bell's head hurt just thinking about these messy things, and it was even less possible for him to explain them to Hermione in detail.

It's not a big deal anyway. With that time, he might as well think about what to eat for lunch.

In the entire British wizarding world, Bell is probably the only one who thinks that the replacement of the position of Minister of Magic is no big deal.

The time of happiness is always short.

In the evening, after dinner, Bell walked alone in the corridors of Hogwarts, walking toward the underground of the castle in a familiar way.

‘Dong dong~’

After gently knocking on the wooden door in front of him twice, and hearing the sound of 'enter' coming from the door, Bell opened the door and walked in slowly.

"Bell? What can you do?"

Seeing this rare visitor entering his office, an ominous premonition struck Snape's heart.

Unlike other professors, Snape, who had a delicate mind and had many contacts with the Bell brothers and sisters, was very clear about it. The most trouble-making person in Hogwarts now is actually not their Slytherin house Zannah, but the usually silent Bell in front of her.

How did you say that?

A biting dog doesn't bark!

It's a pity that Professor McGonagall doesn't know Snape's inner thoughts, otherwise the relationship between the two would have been greatly improved, and their favorability would have been increased by at least 50 points.

Increased from -500 to -450.

However, as his largest material supplier, Snape really couldn't afford to offend Bell. Therefore, he could only grit his teeth and watch this hateful kid do whatever he wanted.

"Professor, what's that look in your eyes? I'm here today, but I have something good to tell you. I'm very hurt when you do this. Let me tell you."

Noticing the disgust and resistance in Snape's eyes, Bell's face was full of grievances.

So today he is obviously playing the role of a little god of good fortune, but why is he being disliked by people as if he is a little god of bad luck?


"Professor, regarding the supply of materials for next month..."

"Ahem! I mean, have you eaten tonight? If not, I happen to have some food here that I just brought from the kitchen. Would you like some?"

As the saying goes, 'When people are under the roof, they have to bow their heads.' Even as fierce as Snape, he still has a soft side in his heart.

"No, I've already eaten."

Just kidding, Bell wouldn't dare eat the food Snape gave him.

Who is Snape?

That's a potions master!

He is also a cunning Slytherin Potions Master!

Even the healing potion used in the school hospital, Snape dared to add ingredients to it.

Who knows what kind of messy things were added to the food he took out?

If he accidentally fell into this trap and was controlled by Snape, Professor Moody, who had taught him for a long time, would be furious to death!

Considering that old Professor Moody is still recuperating at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, Bell is really embarrassed to cause trouble to the old man anymore.

"Okay, professor, let's stop joking. I'm here today because I have serious business."

After adjusting his unreliable expression, Bell looked at Snape seriously.

"Business? Did something happen again at Shanna's place?"

Apart from Zannah, Snape really couldn't imagine that Bell would come to him with any so-called serious business.

So whose wand did Zannah break this time?

"No, Shanna has been doing well recently, but it's something else.

Professor, do you want to be the Headmaster of Hogwarts? "

Standing in front of Snape's desk, Bell leaned forward and said with a meaningful smile on his lips.

"Principal? Ha! Are you afraid you haven't woken up yet?"

Although I don’t know what happened specifically, it seems that the other party lost his mind today?

So should he take the opportunity to trick the other party into drinking the bottle of magic potion that he had prepared long ago?

"I'm awake now, Professor, you can take a look at this."

As he spoke, Bell took out a roll of parchment from his pocket and placed it in front of Snape, indicating that Snape could open it and read it.

Then, he pulled up a chair and sat on it casually.

After giving Bell a confused look, Snape took the roll of parchment as he was told and opened it to read.

"How can it be!?"

In less than a minute, Snape read the entire piece of parchment from beginning to end.

Then he stood up abruptly, and the chair beneath him was brought down to the ground, making a "snap" sound that echoed in the quiet office, which was very harsh.

Staring at the magic mark at the bottom of the parchment with wide eyes, Snape confirmed it over and over again, fearing that he might be dazzled by the mistake.

But even if the eyes are blurry, the perception of magic is always correct, so Snape actually knows very well that all this is true.

"Nothing is impossible. Or, professor, do you think this decision is outrageous?"

Sitting firmly on the chair, Bell looked at the shocked Snape with a half-smile.

It is not easy to see this expression on the face of facially paralyzed Snape.

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