The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 492 The good days are gone forever

As for strictly upholding school rules, will it affect my younger sister's play?

You can rest assured of this.

As the saying goes, 'If you don't get caught, it's not a violation of school rules.' Bell is very confident in his sister's strength!

‘What are the requirements of the board of directors? I think they are more or less your requirements. ’

Snape cursed in his mind.

Of course, it was impossible for him to say such words.

Just kidding, the other party can even get rid of a terrifying existence like Dumbledore. Isn’t dealing with him just like playing?

He hasn't even sat on the principal's chair yet, and he's not willing to be left alone like this.

"I understand, don't worry and leave it to me."

In fact, these two requests made by Bell were very much in line with Snape's wishes, so he readily agreed.

He also didn't want something shady to get close to Lily's son. I don't even want to see Harry's smug expression on his face that looks like that bastard James!

By now, he had basically despaired of Harry's stupid brain inherited from James.

Therefore, trash is trash. As long as Harry can live his life safely, he will be satisfied.

the next day.

One wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen.

Before they could recover from the shocking fact that the mysterious man died and came back to life, lived and died again, and died and might live again, the majority of wizards were once again shocked by what was announced on the morning news of the Daily Prophet. A piece of news, and I was shocked again.

Dumbledore was kicked out of Hogwarts?

What an international joke!

Many parents of students have expressed serious dissatisfaction with this stupid decision of the Hogwarts Board of Directors.

But in the face of the reasons given by the board of directors, everyone was speechless.

A Death Eater infiltrated Hogwarts for nearly a year. No matter what, Dumbledore, as the principal of Hogwarts, has an unshirkable responsibility. This cannot be washed away.

Therefore, even if they are unhappy, everyone can only reluctantly accept this established fact.

After all, at this time, people's energy is still focused more on the mysterious man's incident, but there is no spare time to care about such trivial matters as 'Hogwarts changing principal'.

Unlike the outside world, when the little wizards in Hogwarts learned the news, everyone was dumbfounded.

Compared to Dumbledore's dismissal as principal, the previous mysterious man incident was nothing good at all! They are not familiar with the mysterious person.

And the most important thing is, even if Dumbledore no longer serves as the principal, shouldn't Professor McGonagall, the deputy principal, be the next to take over?

No matter how you think about it, it's not Snape's turn!

Therefore, there is only one truth! This news is false!

It's true that the Daily Prophet is the largest newspaper in the British wizarding world. It has to confirm the authenticity of the news before reporting it.

This is already the 20th century, how can we still make such a stupid mistake?

Ha ha! Hahaha……

So why isn’t today April Fools’ Day? ! !

What a pity, when breakfast was about to end and Dumbledore and Snape walked into the auditorium together; when Dumbledore announced his resignation as principal in public and Snape took over; when Snape sat down with a happy face. In the center of the professor's seat, the seat that should have belonged to Dumbledore.

The little wizards only felt that the sky was falling...

Except for some little snakes in Slytherin who let out excited cheers, everyone in the other three houses seemed to have eaten... excrement.

His expression is so tangled and desperate that it can be said to be an emoji for everyone.

Ignoring everyone's objections, Snape then gave an impassioned speech.

This is what he carefully prepared since he didn't sleep all night last night.

A brief summary is:

'Little bastards, your good days are over! ’


Of course, the content of Snape's speech cannot be like this. He still has to pay attention to his image.

But no matter what Snape said, to the ears of young wizards, it can be summed up in the above sentence.

I didn't see Harry's trio, and they all had expressions of hopelessness.

Bell seriously doubted that if Dumbledore gave the order at this moment, many young wizards would rise up without hesitation and crush the evil Snape.

"Bell, why Snape? Why not Professor McGonagall?"

Hermione only learned the news this morning.

She was very unhappy about this.

You know, if Hermione were asked to choose the most annoying person among everyone in Hogwarts, she would definitely choose Snape without even a second of hesitation.

She has always respected professors, but she would not add the word "professor" when calling Snape. This shows how much she hates Snape.

And if Hermione were asked to choose a favorite person...ahem, favorite person besides Bell, then she would not hesitate for a second and choose Professor McGonagall.

Therefore, for Hermione, the current situation is that the person she hates the most has taken the position of principal from the person she most... second loves. How can she be happy? Breakfast doesn't even taste good anymore, okay?

"Of course it's because Professor McGonagall is not suitable."

Bell responded without looking up.

In addition to Professor McGonagall being a big fan of Dumbledore, another very important reason why he chose Snape to take over the position of principal is that Dumbledore was more accepting of Snape than Professor McGonagall. .

Indeed, Professor McGonagall would obey Dumbledore most of the time, which was much easier to use than Snape, a dishonest young man.

But there is only one thing that Professor McGonagall can never compare to Snape, and that is the importance he attaches to Harry.

Of course Professor McGonagall also valued Harry, but that was only because Harry was a student at Hogwarts.

To the old professor, Harry was nothing special compared to other students.

Besides preferring to cause trouble...

But Snape was completely different.

For Snape, Harry was the continuation of the life of the woman he loved most. Therefore, at a critical moment, he was even willing to exchange his own life for Harry's.

As for other students, Snape didn't pay that much attention.

Even though Voldemort's resurrection failed before, Dumbledore knew very well that Voldemort was not completely dead yet.

Therefore, Harry's safety is still crucial at present, and he will never allow Harry to have an accident.

To sum up, in fact, in Dumbledore's mind, the best successor is not Professor McGonagall, but Snape.


"Okay, Hermione, let the adults worry about these adult matters. Come and try this bacon omelette, it tastes great."

Interrupting Hermione's chatter, Bell fed Hermione a piece of bacon and fried eggs, gagging her.

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