The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 493 The flagship is broken

While the outside world is becoming increasingly turbulent, the interior of Hogwarts is gradually returning to its former calm.

Apart from Gryffindor House's rapidly declining house points and the arrogant looks of the little snakes in Slytherin House, it was no different from usual.

It is worth mentioning that after the Triwizard Tournament officially ended, the students of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons returned to their respective schools within a few days.

According to the original plan, they were supposed to stay at Hogwarts until the summer vacation started.

But after all, so many things have happened, and the hospitality level of Hogwarts is really poor, let alone a home away from home, Madame Maxime and Karkaroff are ready to tear down Hogwarts. .

Therefore, after simply tidying up, the two of them came to say goodbye to the newly promoted principal Snape.

Especially Karkaroff, in just two or three days, the already thin old man lost a whole lot of weight.

For Karkaroff, the death of the mysterious man did not make him relieved. On the contrary, the fact that the mysterious man was indeed still alive almost scared him out of his courage.

He was now beginning to consider whether he should completely abandon the idea of ​​taking chances and go directly to the Chinese country in the east to seek refuge.

The decision made by the two principals to return early also received strong support from the students of both schools.

Although the food at Hogwarts is really good, as outsiders, they are always not as comfortable here as in their own school.

Not to mention, Hogwarts seems to be very dangerous?

Everyone felt frightened when they thought that they had been in such close contact with a Death Eater for more than half a year.

Although the Death Eater has been arrested, who knows if there are other Death Eaters still lurking in Hogwarts?

So, it is true that Durmstrang (Beauxbatons) is the best magic school in the world!

The only one who was dissatisfied with this decision, or even very, very dissatisfied, was little Gabrielle.

"No! I don't want to go back! I want to stay with my brother-in-law!"

On the grass outside Hogwarts Castle, little Gabrielle, who was saying goodbye to Belle and others, suddenly hugged Belle's thigh, and no matter how hard Fleur pulled, she couldn't pull it off.

Just kidding, the food here at Hogwarts is so delicious, and Sister Shanna and others play with her every day, and little Fina masturbates her every day, so she doesn’t want to return to France!

What is there to do in France?

After returning, she couldn't stay in Beauxbatons with her sister. After returning home, her parents were busy working all day, and she couldn't go out to play alone because of her bloodline.

bored to death!

"Gabriel! Don't mess around! It's Madame Maxime's decision to return to Beauxbatons today. How can we change the itinerary just because you don't want to?

The carriage is about to leave, please let go and go back with me! "

Fleur looked at Gabrielle angrily.

She had just dragged Gabrielle for a long time, and she was so tired that she was covered in sweat. She just couldn't pull her off Belle's lap.

By the way, why hadn't she noticed before that this little girl was so strong?

In fact, it's not that Gabrielle is strong. No matter how strong the little girl is, can it still be stronger than the power of the curse?

Therefore, it was just that Fleur was afraid of hurting Gabrielle and did not dare to use force.

"I don't care! We obviously agreed to stay here until the summer vacation! What happened to Madam Maxime? Can Madam Maxime just keep her word?

snort! So, you adults, none of the words you say can be trusted! "

Little Gabrielle righteously reprimanded Madame Maxime for her dishonest behavior, and said that she would resolutely fight against evil to the end!

"No nonsense! Madame Maxime also has many things to consider!"

After saying that, Fu Rong looked around guiltily.

If Mrs. Maxim heard what she said just now, she would definitely give Gabrielle a good lesson.

"Say something too!"

There was really nothing she could do about her sister, so Fleur had no choice but to point her gun at Bell.

Bell, who was lying on the gun, was scratching his head sadly as he faced the increasingly dangerous looks in his girlfriend's and Furong's eyes.

What can he do?

He is also very desperate!

"Um...Gabriel, listen to your sister and go back, okay?"

Bell didn't know what to do, so he could only persuade her calmly.

"Brother-in-law... you don't even want me anymore... Brother-in-law..."


Little Gabrielle looked up at Bell with tears in her eyes. Her pitiful eyes instantly penetrated Bell's armor plate, causing a 'center-breaking' blow.

"...Okay! It's decided! Gabrielle will stay!"

Bell, who has never been able to resist cute things, instantly rebelled against the camp.


Hermione is so angry!

So what are they here for?

They came to say goodbye! You're not here to cause trouble, okay?

Can you stand firmer?

Although she also liked the cute and exciting little Gabrielle, facing the tearful eyes of little Gabrielle, it was difficult for her to say no.

However, it’s okay if she doesn’t refuse, but it’s not okay if Bell doesn’t refuse!

It seems that she needs to increase the power of the anti-derailment radar and expand the age range of the warning targets.

So why does this guy Bell like to flirt with women so much?

(▼ plate▼ # )

"Ahem, no, I mean, that's right! The Magical Creatures Ecological Protection Park (referred to as the 'Ecological Park') will be officially opened on the first day of summer vacation. If you go back obediently, Gabrielle, I will Can I give you some tickets and take you to play with me?"

Bell, who had no idea that he had been unfairly wronged, had no choice but to cruelly ignore little Gabrielle's request and try to use inducements to avoid being kicked out of bed by Hermione in the following days. , forcing little Gabrielle to succumb.

"Really, really!?"

Hearing this, little Gabrielle's eyes immediately widened, and little stars one after another kept floating out of her eyes.

In recent times, apart from Voldemort's resurrection and Dumbledore's resignation, the most eye-catching news is the upcoming opening of the ecological park.

Under normal circumstances, this piece of news alone would be enough to keep everyone talking for a whole year. It is a pity that the opening of the ecological park did not receive much attention due to the untimely timing.

But this does not include the little girl Gabrielle.

The mysterious man, Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, etc. are not within the scope of little Gabriel's concern.

Therefore, the opening of the ecological park is the topic that the little girl is most concerned about.

It is said that there are many magical and interesting animals and plants in the ecological park. She has always dreamed of going to this first ecological park in history.

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