The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 503 American Magical World

Magical Congress of the United States of America, transport room on the second underground floor.

In the silent transfer room, a buzz suddenly sounded.

A golden, delicate pocket watch suddenly appeared in mid-air in the center of the transfer room. After a brief pause, it fell downwards.

A hand suddenly appeared under the pocket watch out of thin air, stopping its fall.

'so close. ’

Bell couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Although there is indeed no problem in theory, it is the first time for him to apparate at such a long distance, so it is understandable that he is a little unfamiliar with the operation.

And the most important thing is that he is not familiar with the United States at all, let alone what the teleportation room of the Magic Congress of the United States looks like.

Therefore, he had to follow the door key and track the spatial vibration caused by it in order to confirm the location of the appearance.

All this resulted in him apparating more than a second later than the Portkey.

Fortunately, those who are responsible for monitoring the transfer room are usually sent to such a place to do odd jobs because they are disliked by their superiors or ostracized by their colleagues.

And these people will not be so bored that they stare at the monitoring room all the time. The time difference is less than 2 seconds, and no one should notice it.

The fact was just as Bell expected, the three people walked out of the transfer room and came to the registration office as if nothing had happened, without encountering any suspicion.

"from where?"

The registration clerk sitting behind the long desk asked weakly.


Elena replied.


The wizard looked at the Bell family of three curiously. Even in his current job, it was difficult to meet foreign wizards, especially wizards from Europe.

You must know that the United States is a country of immigrants. The original owners of this land were yellow-skinned Indians, not European whites.

I don’t know why, but they are all in a very primitive tribal society. There are a lot of witch doctors in the major tribes in Africa, but there are no witch doctors in the Indian tribes in North America. The individual existence of magic.

Therefore, the Indians had no ability to resist the European invasion.

When this situation was learned by wizards in Europe, some wizards regarded the North American continent as a "magic-free land" and stayed away from it.

Later, the name "Land Without Demons" spread to Muggles, and gradually, Europeans called the North American continent "The Land Forsaken by Gods".

At the same time, another group of curious, or bold wizards were very curious about the reason why no wizards were born on the North American continent.

They traveled across the ocean, followed Muggle merchant ships to North America, and conducted an exciting exploration.

Of course, these wizards ended up with nothing.

Some wizards returned to Europe, and some carefree wizards chose to stay in North America. This is the original source of American wizards.

Therefore, whether it is a European wizard or an American wizard, in the eyes of everyone, Europe is the birthplace of wizards, while the American wizarding world is synonymous with backwardness.

After all, none of the wizards who stayed in the United States were from pure-blood families. This also means that the background of these people is relatively shallow.

This also leads to the fact that when European wizards come to the United States, they are often welcomed by American wizards, who are eager to obtain more profound and powerful magical knowledge from European wizards.

This is why Bell's grandparents were able to take root quickly after they came to the United States.

Of course, a situation like Newt Scamander's smuggling into the country was another matter.

Although the American wizarding community has insufficient foundation, this does not mean that American wizards are weak.

You know, those wizards who came to explore the North American continent back then were not only brave, but also had two skills.

After all, anyone who dares to be bold without two brushes will usually be cold by now. Especially practical combat skills can be said to be the strengths of those wizards.

This tradition has also been perfectly inherited by the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States.

When Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry trains students, it attaches great importance to students' practical abilities. There will never be a situation like Hogwarts where graduates cannot even cast the Iron Armor Curse.

According to his grandfather, students in Ilvermorny will not be issued diplomas if they cannot even successfully cast the Iron Armor Curse.

Closer to home, Elena felt very unhappy when faced with the looks of the MACUSA staff looking at aliens. She knocked on the table dissatisfied and said:

"Yes, Britain. We should have submitted an application before. Please hurry up, we are in a hurry."

"Sorry, ma'am, I'll confirm it right away."

After receiving a dissatisfied glare from Elena, the staff member realized that his previous behavior was indeed too rude.

After apologizing, he quickly flipped through a book at hand.

If he remembered correctly, he seemed to have seen before that a British family would apply to enter the United States today.

"Lady Menethil, and your two children?"

The staff confirmed.


Elena nodded.

"Excuse me, where is your husband? According to the information, your husband should also have applied for entry."

"He has been very busy recently, so he postponed his entry time. The application should have been submitted. You can confirm it."

"Okay. You three, please go this way. I still need to do a simple check on your wands."

After nodding, the staff member stood up and led the Bell family towards one end of the corridor.

After handing the Bell family to the relevant personnel of the wand inspection department, the staff member quickly walked to the ground.

He wanted to confirm whether the relevant departments had actually received William Menethil's application for deferring entry.

Although his job is boring as hell, he still has all the benefits he deserves. Therefore, he must take it seriously and do what he should do.

You know, although inside the Magic Congress, monitoring the teleportation room is a boring job that no one wants to do, but outside the Magic Congress, there are many people vying to do this job. He couldn't leave any excuse for those people to find an excuse to take him down.

After handing the wand to the staff of MACUSA, the Bell family sat boredly on their chairs and waited.

"Speaking of Zanna, you should have cast a lot of basic magic spells as I told you before, right?"

Only then did Bell remember that he had been so obsessed with studying the origin of life with Hermione that he had forgotten to confirm whether his sister had done what he had told her to do.

It would be great fun if during the inspection, the flashback spell reproduced a lot of life-killing curses from Zannah's wand.

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