The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 504 Mother and Daughter

"Of course! Don't worry, brother."

Shanna promised, patting her chest.

Just kidding, she always completed her brother's instructions immediately and with high quality and quantity.

Facts have proved that Shanna is very reliable in her work, at least much more reliable than Bell, the older brother.

After about 20 minutes, the previous staff member came back with a magic wand for the three members of the Bell family.

"I've been waiting for a long time. The inspection has been completed and there are no problems. Please confirm your wand and sign here, and then I will lead you to leave the Magic Congress."

After taking back her wand and checking it a little to make sure there was nothing wrong, Elena signed her name on a registration form.

Following the staff, the Bell family turned countless corners before finally leaving MACUSA.

When leaving the hall, Bell also specifically observed the Magical Exposure Threat Level indicator unique to MACUSA.

The magic exposure threat level pointer hangs in the center of the hall as soon as you enter the Magical Congress. On a huge dial, the levels of safety, danger, high risk, and extreme danger are respectively marked.

Powerful detection magic is attached to the pointer, which can detect magic fluctuations in Muggle living areas throughout the United States.

Of course, due to the large detection range, the sensitivity of this pointer is actually very poor. As long as there is no large-scale team battle, or the wizard pays a little attention to restraining the magic power fluctuations when casting the spell, the pointer will hardly move at all.

I don’t know why, but even if you look around the world, the relationship between the MACUSA and the Muggle government is the worst. I really don’t know if I should say that the Magical Congress stretched its hand too far? Or should we say that the Muggle government is too lenient?

Maybe it's a bit of both.

Walking into a deserted alley, Bell grabbed his sister's hand and disappeared in a burst of distortion.

There was no other way. After moving from England to the United States, and taking two people with him, Bell didn't have much magic power left in his body.

Therefore, in order to be lazy, he could only let Shanna take him for a ride.

"Oh! My dear, you are finally here! I was worried that you might have had an accident."

As soon as the Apparition appeared outside an exquisite villa, an old woman came forward excitedly.

"Long time no see, Mom. There are still two minutes before the appointed time. Why are you in a hurry?"

With that said, Elena also opened her hands and faced her mother, Clara Jeslav.

Then she discovered to her embarrassment that her mother didn't even look at her. She walked around her in a flash and walked excitedly towards Bell and Shanna.

"Oh, dear, grandma misses you so much. Do you miss grandma?"

Holding her grandson and granddaughter tightly, Clara burst into tears with excitement.

"Yes! Shanna misses her grandma!"

Shanna said obediently.

"Oh! My little sweetheart! In the blink of an eye, you have grown into such an outstanding girl. Grandma is so happy!"

"Ahem! Mom! Let's go in quickly and don't keep others waiting!"

Elena looked unhappily at her mother who ignored her daughter as soon as she saw her granddaughter, and said loudly.

"Why are you shouting so loudly? I'm not old enough to be deaf yet!"

Clara glared at her daughter equally unhappily.

Didn't you see that she was making out with her granddaughter?

Even at such an old age, he is still very frizzy and has no eyesight at all!


"Grandma, I'm a little tired and want to go in and rest for a while."

Before his mother could argue, Bell hurriedly spoke.

He didn't want to watch the 'loving interaction' between his mother and his grandmother. If the flames of war burned over his head, then who would he speak for?

And he was indeed a little tired. After working hard day and night for half a month and night, and having just cast a long-distance apparation across the earth, all he wanted to do now was to paralyze.

"No problem! Come with grandma quickly, I've prepared a lot of delicious food for you!"

After hearing Bell's words, Clara's face changed instantly, and she instantly returned to a amiable look from her previous stern look.

Although she still wanted to have a good time with her grandson and granddaughter outside, after all, when she went in, three old people would come to compete with her for the position, but since her grandson said he was tired, she couldn't take it as such. did not hear it.

In this way, Clara enthusiastically held Bell and Shanna's hands and walked into the villa talking and laughing. This made Elena, who was ignored, roll her eyes angrily.

"Is my aunt's engagement ceremony held here?"

After walking into the villa and looking at the extremely gorgeously decorated hall in front of him, Bell asked curiously.

"Yes. Not many people will come anyway, so this place is enough."

Clara's voice seemed a little deep.

She takes the engagement ceremony of her favorite little daughter very seriously. She very much hoped to hold a grand ceremony for her little daughter.

But unfortunately, the Jeslav family was not a big family to begin with. Moreover, most of the family relationships are in the UK.

Although I have been in the United States for more than 10 years, except for some business partners with whom I have mutual interests, there are only a handful of people who can truly be called friends.

After all, they are outsiders. When faced with interest disputes, American wizards will still subconsciously form alliances with their own wizards.

The younger daughter's fiancé, Grandio Justin, is even more mixed-race and has fewer relatives and friends at home.

This also led to the fact that the scale of this engagement ceremony fell far short of Clara's ideal standards.

In fact, she has also considered holding the engagement ceremony in the UK. In this way, with the help of the growing power of the Menethil family in recent years, a grand engagement ceremony will be successfully held.

But unfortunately, the British wizarding world just recently caused a big mess with the mysterious man coming back from the dead and back to life.

Even though Elena had repeatedly assured that the British wizarding world was very safe now and that most of the Death Eaters were dead, Clara still felt very worried.

No one knows her eldest daughter’s unreliable temper better than Clara. Based on her years of experience, she usually listens to what her eldest daughter says.

Therefore, the more her eldest daughter comforted her, the more uneasy she became.

In addition, the younger daughter was considerate of her fiancé and did not want the engagement ceremony to be held in England, so Clara agreed.

Clara, who felt guilty, could not support her little daughter in terms of momentum, so she devoted 200% of her enthusiasm to decoration.

This is why the decoration in the villa hall is so gorgeous.

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