The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 505 Makeup is a very important skill

Walking through the hall, Bell soon saw his grandparents and grandfather who were busy.

The engagement ceremony will officially start at 11 noon. The current time is 8 o'clock in the morning, and everyone is making final inspections.

As soon as they saw Bell and Shanna, everyone immediately put down their work and quickly gathered over.

After chatting with the four elderly people for a while, Bell saw his restless aunt in a bedroom on the second floor of the villa.

"Dear Bell and Shanna, long time no see! By the way, what did my sister feed you? How can you grow up so fast?"

Helena hugged the Bell brothers and sisters warmly, and then looked at her nephew and niece in surprise.

If she remembers correctly, these two little guys are only 15 and 13 years old this year, right? Why is he even taller than her?

She didn't even notice this during the previous video.

She decided that after today's work was over, she would go back to ask her sister for advice on how to feed her children. After she and Grandio had a child, she would do the same!

"Ha! Believe it or not, these two little guys can make a living out of you!"

Elena rolled her eyes at her sister.

If it weren't for the fact that Bell and Zannah were both her children and she had watched them grow up, she would have believed them even if someone said they had the blood of some magical animal that could be eaten.

"No way?"

Helena suspected that her sister was teasing her.

After all, she is her sister. Helena believes that no one in the world understands her sister's outrageousness better than she does.

I looked up and down at my nephew and niece again. No matter how I looked at them, these two little guys were very well-proportioned and not fat at all.

Fortunately, Elena didn't know how her mother and sister planned her in their minds. Otherwise, it was outrageous... ahem, she had a bad temper, and she might even be able to blow up the engagement venue.

"Auntie, if you are interested, I will tell you later how to use magic to strengthen the body and promote digestion.

By the way, auntie, is your makeup too heavy? "

Looking at her aunt who was reluctant to put down the makeup in her hands even when she was talking, Bell felt that if she kept wearing makeup, she might not be able to attend the Halloween party.

"Ah!? Really, really!?"

Helena hurriedly ran to the dressing mirror and stared at herself in the mirror nervously.

"You, you just want to get engaged, so there's nothing to be nervous about. Sit tight and I'll help you get it done."

Putting her hands on her sister's shoulders, Elena pushed her sister to the chair, skillfully took various makeup tools, and started working on her sister's face.

"Sister, can you do it? Today's ceremony is very important to me."

Helena has 100% distrust of her sister.

"Shut up! If you keep talking nonsense, I will turn you into a clown!"

Elena is so angry!

Did this group of people discuss it today or what? Why are you all trying to get in trouble with her! ?

Leaving Shanna to play with her mother and aunt, Bell found an empty room and lay on the bed to rest for a while.

"Brother! Get up! Mom called us over, saying that my aunt's fiance and his family have arrived."

Drowsily, Bell heard his sister calling him.


As soon as he opened his eyes, Bell couldn't help but spurt out.

At this time, Shanna's face was red, white, and black, and even her hair was stained with a lot of unknown white powder.

"what happened?"

If he hadn't sensed any unusual movement, Bell would have thought that his sister had just experienced a tragic battle.

"What? Oh, you said this, this is the makeup I put on. How about it? Brother, is it okay?"

After noticing the focus of her brother's gaze, Shanna realized what her brother was talking about.

The little girl who was putting on makeup for the first time looked at her brother expectantly, hoping to get his praise.

Although she always felt something was weird when she looked in the mirror before, her mother and aunt both said her makeup was good, so she still felt a little proud.

What the innocent little Shanna didn't know was that when she happily ran out of her aunt's bedroom and followed the direction she sensed to find her brother, waves of extremely depressing sounds came from the room behind her. laughter.

God knows how hard it was for sisters Elena and Helena to hold back their laughter, and they almost suffered internal injuries.

"Ahem, Shanna, what does brother think? My sister is naturally beautiful. She doesn't need to wear too much makeup, otherwise it will cover up your own beauty.

How about this, next time I tell Hermione and let her teach you how to put on light makeup, okay? "

Fortunately, Shanna came to him first, otherwise if the little girl ran out in this state, she might have made a lot of fun.

So my mother is too unreliable.

And my aunt too, who promised to attach great importance to this engagement ceremony? As a result, the ceremony hasn't even started yet, and you are frantically trying to undermine yourself?

They are indeed sisters!

"Hey~? It's with Hermione... No, did you learn it from your sister-in-law? Or forget it. At worst, I won't wear makeup in the future."

Zannah felt repelled from the bottom of her heart about having to learn from Hermione.

You know, for so long, Hermione has always been the one learning from her, and now it's the other way around, and she feels awkward no matter what she thinks.

"No. After you learn it, you are free to wear makeup or not, but you still have to learn it."

Just kidding, what if next time he is away, his sister is tricked by her mother again? Therefore, you still need to master the basic knowledge.

With a swipe of his hand on Shanna's face, Bell wiped away the little girl's unconventional makeup.

After simply washing their faces, the brother and sister walked downstairs.

It's 10 o'clock now, and Justin's family arrived at the venue an hour early.

In fact, Justin's family is both happy and a little inferior to this marriage.

After all, the gap between his family and the woman's family is quite big. This can be seen from the fact that the engagement ceremony venue was prepared by the woman's family.

Of course, the Justin family has no intention of climbing high. Although he is of mixed race, Justin's surname can be traced back to the period when wizards first arrived on the North American continent. They still have the principles they should have.

Walking into the preparation room at the back of the hall, Bell found that there were several more people in the room at this time. If nothing else, they should be his future uncle's family.

"Bell, Shanna, you two are finally here. Come quickly, let me introduce you."

As soon as she saw the two Bells, Helena greeted them excitedly.

She desperately hopes to introduce her family to her future husband.

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