The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 507 Newcomers need to level up first

"No, are you sure these were accumulated in two months and not two years?"

Bell's eyes twitched and he said.

If he remembered correctly, his sister-in-law's wedding date should have been determined only two months ago, right?

Hasn't he heard that his family or his grandfather's family has prophet blood? How could you still predict this?

"Yes, Master, these are what I have accumulated in the past two months."

Sally said expressionlessly.

When she was working, she always had this expressionless and serious attitude.

"This is too much!"

While complaining, Bell reached out and picked up the top piece of paper, put it in front of his eyes and read it.

"Someone went to make trouble in the store? No, do you have to report such a trivial matter? Wouldn't it be enough to just beat him up and throw him out?"

Bell said speechlessly.

He now seriously doubts the ability of this group of American employees to work.

"Master, if you do that, it will tarnish the image of the family and seriously affect the sales of the family's various industries."

Sally pushed her eyes back on her face and continued to speak expressionlessly.


After thinking about it carefully, Bell felt that what Sally said did make sense. After all, his family is a business family. Although they are not too serious, businessmen value harmony.

"Then call the police and find an Auror. Aurors in the U.S. Congress can't just eat and not work, right?"

"Master, most of the gangsters who come to cause trouble in the store are hired by wizarding groups in the United States. The relationships between these wizarding groups are complicated, and Aurors will not offend these people easily."


"Brother, let me let the little bear bite them!"

Seeing her brother's gloomy look, Shanna on the side immediately said excitedly.

Because Shanna has grown up (actually she hasn't), Bell thinks it's time for Shanna to start getting in touch with some family things (actually just to be lazy), so this time, he took Shanna with him Get up and deal with this backlog.

Although Bell was suspected of having impure motives, Shanna was still very happy about her brother taking her to play.

No, the little girl at this moment was so full of energy that she almost couldn't sit still.

"Ahem! Let's give them another chance to change their ways."

As kind as Bell is, of course he can't bear to see the miserable sight of a river of blood. Therefore, he decided to learn a little more about them, and after he knew himself and his enemy... he decided to bite those people to death.

"This kind of problem should have happened before, right? How were you dealt with it before? Just follow the instructions, right?"

Bell said.

"Although the damage caused by this kind of problem is not big, after all, those gangsters only use money to do things and don't dare to offend the family too much.

But precisely because of this, it has always been the most troublesome problem for the four adults. Each time the solution is slightly different based on the actual situation, and a unified solution has not been reached so far.

However, one thing is the same. The methods adopted by the four adults are all relatively mild, and everything is done to maintain the image of the family first. "

Shari explained.

At the end of the sentence, she secretly glanced at Miss Shanna, who was jumping up and down on the sofa like a little monkey.

‘As expected of Lady Elena’s daughter, not only do they look very similar, but they also have similar personalities. ’

Although Sally didn't know what the little bear her lady was talking about was, she thought that a creature that could bite people would not be an easy creature to get along with.

Moaning, Bell finally decided to put this issue aside for now. A newbie like him couldn't enter a copy that was too advanced right out of the gate. Doing the novice tasks step by step first, and accumulating experience to upgrade is the right way.

After taking the second piece of paper and reading the content carefully, Bell smiled.

It’s a simple question and he can do it!

"Our family doesn't intend to create a monopoly. If these people want to imitate flying cars, let them imitate them. We just need to be technologically advanced."

As he spoke, Bell snapped his fingers. I saw the pen floating on the table, and he was about to record his decision on the paper.

"Master, these people deliberately make the appearance of the speed car exactly the same as the family's speed car, even the car logo is almost the same. Then they sell it at a relatively cheap price.

Many uninformed customers would in turn pour dirty water on the family after purchasing inferior versions of the speed cars.

In this way, those people gained benefits on the one hand, and ruined the family's reputation on the other. "

Sally interrupted Bell's movements with words.

"Then why isn't it written on this?"

As expected, Bell's movements froze. He glanced at the paper in his hand again in confusion, and found that what Sally said was indeed not written on it.

"Because the four adults all know these things, they didn't mark them out specifically."


Bell finally figured it out. He said that after this meeting, his grandparents had significantly more gray hair on their heads and their spirits were not as good as before.

He thought he was being tormented by Grandma Clara.

It turns out that he was tormented by these Americans!

Throwing the paper aside again, waiting to get back to it after it was upgraded, Bell reached out and took the third piece of paper.

‘Boom~! ’

Without any warning, the table in front of Bell was crushed to pieces, and the large pile of papers on the table flew into the sky.

Sally drew out her wand as quickly as possible and cast a layer of iron armor spell on herself. Then, she looked around nervously, ready to attack at any moment.

She really didn't expect that one day she would be attacked at the family's most important office?

Are those Americans planning to ignore the rules and completely break up?

Aren't they afraid of causing a war?

However, after a moment of nervous alert, Sally realized something was wrong.

Why is it so quiet outside?

Think about it calmly, if the enemies are really attacking here, it is impossible for people outside not to warn them.

You know, because of the explicit hostility of various wizarding gangs in the United States, the family has deployed a very strict defense system here. It is impossible for anyone to sneak in quietly.

Not everyone is named Grindelwald and can disguise themselves as the Director of Aurors of MACUSA without anyone noticing.

And the most important thing was that Sally found that neither the young master nor the young lady looked nervous at all, and neither of them even took out their wands.

"Someone attacked the family's breeding farm and caused minor injuries to three breeding staff? Does this kind of thing happen often?"

Bell's voice without any emotion sounded, interrupting Sally's thinking.

"Yes, it is."

I don't know why, but after hearing her young master's voice, Sally felt a shudder, and her body became even tighter than before.

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