The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 508 Specialty of the American Magical World

As the affairs assistant of the four "Top Elders" who directly serve the Bell family, Sally is by no means weak in terms of status and strength.

Having undergone rigorous training, she believes that her own strength is enough to deal with various emergencies.

But at this moment, a kind of fear that she had never experienced before, which seemed to come from the deepest part of her soul, dominated her body and mind from the inside out, making her lower her head unconsciously, and she did not dare to look directly at her young master. face.

If there was a Death Eater standing here at this moment, he might have the illusion that the person in front of him was the Dark Lord.

Of course, although Bell's strength improved by leaps and bounds after the battle with Voldemort, he was still not comparable to Voldemort at this moment.

However, if it is the newly resurrected and extremely weak Voldemort, then Bell is really not timid at all now.

"That's it..."

After getting a positive answer from Sally, Bell raised his left hand and shook it hard. All the papers flying in the air quickly gathered towards one point, and finally turned into powder under the influence of the crushing spell.

Bell was too lazy to read the rest of the reports. Because he has discovered that the root of the problem actually lies with his grandparents.

In fact, strictly speaking, Bell's four elders are only in their 50s, and none of them is 60 years old.

For a wizard, this is by no means an advanced age.

With magical powers, wizards rarely face diseases. This also means that wizards' physical health is generally very good.

Don’t you see, Dumbledore is over 100 years old, but he can still kill a cow with one punch.

Of course, ordinary wizards cannot be compared with Dumbledore, but if nothing unexpected happens, it is still normal to live to the age of 8 or 90 in good health.

I don’t know if it’s because they have so many children and grandchildren, but Bell’s grandparents are aging psychologically much faster than they are physically.

This also led to the fact that the four old people tended to be conservative when doing things, and did not have the vigor of young people at all.

But Bell is different, he is only 15 years old!

Although including his previous life, he has lived for more than 40 years now?

But people can't always live in the past, they have to learn to look forward.

So, he is 15 years old! No rebuttal will be accepted!

(The main reason is that Bell doesn’t want to be taken away by the police for ‘copper smelting’. You know, Hermione is a Muggle, so she is still under the police’s control.)

Bell, who is in his enterprising years, will not be like his elders, who are hesitant and consider this and that.

I would like to ask, are there any problems in this world that cannot be solved by "recklessness"?

If there is... then we can think of other ways when the time comes.

"Go! Get me all the detailed information about the gangs in the United States, especially the information about the relationship between the various gangs."

After taking a deep breath and calming down the anger in his heart, Bell ordered Sally, who was frozen in place, not daring to move.

‘Huh~! ’

Feeling that the heavy pressure that enveloped her finally disappeared, Sally breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

"Young Master, may I ask, what are you planning to do?"

Although she was a little scared of the slightly unfamiliar young master in front of her, Sally still asked tentatively with a serious and responsible attitude.

The four adults in the family had specifically warned her before that this was the first time the young master had come into contact with family affairs. Whether he could solve the problem was not important. What was important was learning and growing.

Therefore, her main task in the next month or so is to help her young master learn and grow.

Compared with this task, some gains and losses in interests are simply insignificant.

But what Sally really didn't expect was that before meeting the young master for the first time today, she imagined various possible scenarios and thought she was well prepared.

As a result, after only about 10 minutes, the situation had completely exceeded her expectations, which inevitably made her feel a little worried about what might happen next.

‘Can I really complete this mission successfully? ’

It was the first time that Sally had such negative thoughts since she became a affairs assistant.


As the saying goes, flies don't bite seamless eggs...ahem! No, I mean, the strongest fortresses are breached from the inside!

I don’t believe that the gangsters in the United States are all united like a piece of iron?

As long as there is a rift between them, we can use this as an opportunity to completely break their blockade! "

At this moment, Bell felt as if he was possessed by Mr. Wolong, and all problems would disappear with his intelligence!

I just don’t know if Mr. Wolong will possess me, an Englishman?

"But Master, the family master has also used this method before, but the result is that the various wizarding groups in the United States have become more united. This is why the family feels quite difficult now."

Sally's plain voice without any ups and downs ruthlessly broke Bell's illusion that he had just had for a few seconds.

"Is this, like this?"

Bell, this is embarrassing!

Fortunately, he hadn't had time to get carried away, otherwise he might have wanted to die by now.

"Father, what did they do in the first place?"

Bell asked curiously.

I always feel that this kind of thing is not something my father can do, right?

In the following time, Sally explained to Bell and Shanna in detail the methods taken by William and others.

By the way, she also taught the Bell brothers and sisters a lot of common sense about the American wizarding world.

As mentioned before, since most of the wizards who stayed in North America were "stragglers" of mixed blood or Muggle origin, there were almost no pure wizards in the American wizarding world like those in Europe. Blood family.

The family power is not popular in the American wizarding world. There are only a few of them, and their strength is generally at the mid-range level.

The real giants in the American wizarding world, apart from the official organization of the Magical Congress, the rest are various groups established by many wizards gathered together.

This is what Bell calls the ‘underworld’.

This is not because Bell is hacking them. The fact is that these wizarding groups are not recognized by the Magic Congress.

Moreover, although there are wizarding groups that are keen on doing good things and doing good things, the vast majority of wizarding groups, in order to seek more benefits, will more or less involve some gray or even black fields.

And these specialties of the American wizarding world - the 'underworld', are the main culprits that hinder the expansion of the Menethil family in the United States.

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