The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 509 The fine traditions inherited from the ancient times

After listening to Sally's detailed explanation, Bell fell into deep thought.

After a long time (about half a minute), Bell suddenly raised his head and slammed the table...

Well, he forgot that the table had been crushed by him accidentally before.


Bell waved in the air, coughed tactically to relieve his embarrassment, and then continued:

"I've decided, fuck it!"

As we all know, Bell is not a fool.

He had thought about it for half a minute before!

The reason why he decided to continue to be reckless was because through thinking, he found that the conflict between his family and the American underworld had fallen into an irreconcilable situation.

Or, if they wipe out the gangsters, they should at least beat them to death.

Or, their family withdraws from the American market, like in Japan, and only trades goods and materials through local forces.

Apart from these two methods, there is no third possibility.

In fact, for Bell, he doesn't care at all whether he can occupy the US market.

Just enough gold galleons are enough to spend, but too much is actually useless.

Is it possible that next time Voldemort is resurrected, can he still use money to smash the opponent to death?

Bell has not forgotten that on the night when Voldemort and the Death Eaters were surrounded and suppressed, 20,000 talismans were smashed down, but Voldemort's skin was not even broken.

That's it, Voldemort was still weak and was attacked by a sneak attack.

There is no way, the simple accumulation of low-level talismans is too scattered, and it is not difficult for a truly strong person to deal with it.

To pose a threat to a wizard of Voldemort's level, one must at least have a high-level talisman, or even a top-level talisman. But talismans of that level cannot be bought with money.

Didn't you see that Zhenbao Pavilion, the largest chain store in China, has only one top-level talisman in its branch in Hulukou - 'Thundering Thunder'?

In the end, it couldn't be sold due to many reasons such as the price was too high and the practicality was too low. After accumulating dust for many years, it was somehow mistakenly put into the box of low-level talismans by Shopkeeper Wang, and then set off as fireworks by Shanna. , and almost killed shopkeeper Wang.

Therefore, too much of something like Gold Galleons is really useless.

Not to mention, Bell's family now has a mine, a whole planet of precious mineral deposits on Mars.

Ever since he successfully established a foothold in the universe, it has become difficult for Bell to pay attention to these little troubles on the earth.

Of course, despite saying so much, this does not mean that Bell will choose to give in.

As the saying goes, "A person lives with a face, and a tree lives with a skin." You don't have to care about galleons, but you can't do without your skin!

He already had very little left, okay!

In order to avoid being completely reduced to a shameless person, Bell said that he must not give in to the provocation of the American underworld and must fight back!

"But Master..."

The corners of Sally's eyes were beating wildly, and her face, which had always been expressionless, showed rare mood swings.

Did she just talk nonsense for a long time?

At this moment, Sally was extremely sure that although her young master did not look much like Lady Elena, there was no doubt that he must be Lady Elena’s biological child!

"Don't worry, the current situation is nothing more than chronic death. No matter what, can it get worse?"

Bell waved his hand to interrupt Sally's dissuasion.

Just kidding, it’s so fun…ahem! It was such a major matter, so of course he had thought it through carefully, and there would definitely be no problem!

"Brother, brother, can I let the little bear bite the bad guys?"

Seeing that her brother had made a decision, Shanna jumped out decisively and expressed her 100% support for her brother.

"Sanna, we're not going to have fun this time... at least that's not the main purpose.

And this time is also a rare actual combat, so I try my best to do it myself and practice my actual combat ability.

Of course, if you are really in danger, don't hesitate to let the bear bite him! "

Bell persuaded earnestly.

The little girl didn't realize the importance of the matter yet, and thought she was going to play with her brother.

Of course, the main reason why Shanna had such a misunderstanding was Bell's fault.

In order to lure his sister over to help him share the boring chores, Bell brought Shanna with him in the name of 'playing together'.


Shanna, who had never been exposed to family affairs, knew for the first time that what her family had done was actually so dangerous? It is possible to encounter a crisis that requires releasing the bear to solve! ?

This is really... great!

You know, ever since she watched the uncut version of the video of her brother surrounding Voldemort, Zannah has always felt very regretful that she could not participate in the battle that night.

And now, after their family came to the United States to attend their aunt's wedding, Shanna, who originally thought she would spend an ordinary summer vacation, was suddenly told by her brother that she could participate in a dangerous war. .

This made Shanna, who had been itching her hands and heart even more for a long time, how could she not be excited?

"Brother, let's go fight the bad guys quickly!"

The sudden 'good news' made Shanna unable to sit still for a moment. At this moment, she wished she could apparate and run directly in front of the enemy.

"Don't be impatient. We need to make some preparations first."

With that said, Bell took out his personal terminal and dialed the familiar number twice.

"Master, what are your orders?"

Sebastian's serious face appeared on the screen of Bell's personal terminal again.

To be honest, Sebas had already expected that his young master would send him this message.

The old butler, who had experienced many vicissitudes of life, knew that something would happen when he learned that the master planned to let the young master handle affairs in the United States.

I wonder if the head of the family has been confused by the recent complicated affairs? How on earth did he think that Master Bell would solve the problem honestly?

In the opinion of the old housekeeper, rather than leaving it to Master Bell, it is really better to let Mrs. Elena handle it. In that case, the noise might be smaller?

However, even though it had been expected, the early time this communication was sent was still far beyond Sebas' expectations.

Originally, Sebas thought that no matter what happened, Master Bell would have to deal with the problem for a few days before calling someone, right?

But who would have thought that this is only the first day! And according to the time difference conversion, it should still be morning in the United States now, right?

In other words, the young master couldn't hold on for even half a day, so he decided to be reckless?

Involuntarily, Sebastian suddenly had a premonition that the American wizarding community was going to be in trouble.

Of course, as the chief steward of the Menethil family, Sebastian would not sympathize with the wizarding groups in the United States.

The best thing to do is wait until they cool down and then help the other person to bury him in peace.

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