The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 510 Changes in Situation

"I'm having some trouble here. How many people can the action team deploy now?"

"Currently, we can draw about 150 people."

"so much!?"

Bell was surprised by this number.

You know, even when he was encircling and suppressing Voldemort, Sebastian only mobilized 100 people in the end. This shows how busy the members of the action team are.

But now, there are actually 150 people! ?

So what exactly happened?

Sebastian obviously knew what Bell was wondering about. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly and he said slowly:

“Due to your previous actions, Master, many important members of pure-blood families were killed.

Most of these families are on the opposite side of our family.

This also leads to the fact that these families are currently too busy taking care of themselves and have no time or courage to cause trouble to the family again.

In addition, the rest of the big families more or less guessed that we were responsible for what happened that night.

They didn't even dare to provoke Voldemort, let alone us who killed Voldemort.

Therefore, not only in the UK, but also in the family's entire European industry, they have entered a rare period of calm.

The action team, which had been so busy before, was able to relax a bit. "

In fact, regarding those "enthusiastic people" who covered their heads and faces in the previous battle that killed Voldemort, anyone with some status and power in the wizarding world can roughly guess that they are members of the Menethil family.

After all, the Menethil family's actions have become bigger and bigger every year over the years. Even though William is trying his best to hide the existence of the family's special operations team, others are not blind and can still find some clues.

Like Fudge, he had always known that the damn Menethil family was secretly training wizards with the intention of murdering him, the great Minister of Magic.

But after all, the Menethil family are not the ordinary wizards you see on the roadside (in fact, they are not everywhere).

Although these damn purebloods usually have constant internal conflicts, they always look like they wish their brains would be beaten into the shape of a dog.

But when the interests of pure blood are violated, they will unite together in a tacit understanding and deal with the outside world.

This made Fudge so angry that he did not dare to really touch the Menethil family. At most, he would frequently cause trouble to the other party within the scope of his authority.

But that doesn't mean Fudge is content.

Over the years, he has been trying to find evidence that the Menethil family secretly gathered a large number of wizards, with the intention of driving them into the abyss.

However, what makes Fudge so angry that he can't sleep every night is that William's coward is too cautious, and he can't catch the opponent no matter what.

Just when Fudge, who was like a mouse pulling a turtle and had nowhere to start, was getting more and more irritated, he finally caught a key clue.

But before he had time to be happy, the content of the intelligence made Fudge feel deeply frightened.

‘How could the Menethil family be so powerful! ? ’

You know, that's a mysterious person!

That mysterious man who made the entire British wizarding world tremble!

Even the ancient Black family has become the lackey of the mysterious man; even the powerful Malfoy family has to crawl at the feet of the mysterious man.

Just a Menethil family, how can they fight against the mysterious man! ?

Fake! All this must be fake!

Fudge, horrified, refuses to accept reality.

You know, although he has not been able to cause any big trouble to the Menethil family over the years, he has always been able to find fault with others.

Not to mention the Menethil family, even he himself often feels that his behavior is really disgusting.

Of course, he didn't restrain himself because he felt his behavior was disgusting. Instead, he became even more complacent.

As a result, now, someone actually told him that over the years, he had actually been like a funny rabbit, hopping around the lion's mouth repeatedly?

How could he accept this! ?

This is why, after Voldemort died, Fudge acted like he had lost his mind.

You know, although Voldemort's death had nothing to do with Fudge, Fudge was the Minister of Magic after all.

During his tenure, Voldemort was defeated again, and Fudge could follow suit without any effort.

As a result, a good deck of cards was suddenly destroyed by him.

When he finally calmed down and began to reluctantly accept the reality, Fudge's position was already in jeopardy.

Although the position of Minister of Magic was about to be lost, Fudge at this time did not dare to show his teeth at the Menethil family, the culprits of this series of events.

Just kidding, what would he do if he really pissed off the other party, and the other party secretly did something evil?

Fudge didn't think he could be stronger than You-Know-Who, and he was not Dumbledore.

After so many years of pampering, his current spell-casting ability may not even be as good as that of an ordinary wizard.

After making the decision not to fight to the death with the Menethil family, there is only one way left for Fudge to go - make peace!

As a result, Fudge not only immediately stopped all attempts to find trouble against the Menethil family, he even secretly visited William and made various promises, hoping that he could survive and live a dignified and wealthy life.

This was also the direct reason why William determined to compete for the position of Minister of Magic.

There are still three pounds of nails in the rotten ship, and the current minister is a traitor. William doesn't believe that Stringer's elm head can't be dealt with.

What happened to Fudge can be said to be a microcosm of the changes in the European magic world.

After nearly 10 years of dormancy, the Menethil family now has a feeling of being famous all over the world, and has become the well-deserved uncrowned king of the European magic world in one fell swoop.

Of course, all this is only temporary. There will never be a shortage of careerists seeking the throne in this world.

When the major families recover from the sudden shock, there must be many families who are unwilling to be left behind, and will join forces to fight against the Menethil family, either openly or covertly, right?

This situation is inevitable, and there is no point in worrying about it.

Therefore, what the Menethil family has to do now is to take advantage of this rare rest time to further strengthen themselves until they are strong enough to not be afraid of any challenge.

From this point of view, although Bell's decision is a bit reckless, it is also in line with the current situation.

Before the major European families unite, either completely suppressing the American magical world, or completely withdrawing from the American magical world, the Menethil family can concentrate their strength to deal with the challenges from the European continent.

After all, as an emerging country, although in the eyes of Muggles, the United States leads the world in national power. But in terms of magic, the American wizarding world is really far behind.

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