The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 511 The action begins

Although he is not very clear about the specific twists and turns, Bell still understands one thing. This is a good thing!

Originally, Bell had no hope for his next actions.

But now that he knew there were so many manpower available, he suddenly gained a little more confidence.

What if they are lucky and this group of gangsters in the United States is relatively useless?

People always have to have some ideals. Otherwise, if there is no hope in life, then wouldn’t living become a kind of suffering?

Not to mention, maybe it's really because his face has turned pale? In short, in this life, Bell felt that his luck was surprisingly good.

"Let the members of the special operations team come to the United States one after another within half a month, and be careful not to attract the attention of local wizards."

"Bloodbath" is such an important matter in the American wizarding world. Although Bell decided it as soon as he slapped the table, is it a little hasty? But since you have to do it, you must strive to do your best!

Setting aside half a month is, on the one hand, to investigate intelligence and formulate a more detailed plan.

On the other hand, Bell also needs some time to prepare some "small gifts" for the "hospitable" American gangsters.

After hanging up the communication, Bell stood up.

There was not much time, so he had to seize the time to prepare.

As for the formulation of the plan, Sebastian will take care of it. Professional matters must be left to professionals. Bell has half a bottle of water, so he won't go to work at home.

This is definitely not because he wants to be lazy! real!

"elder brother!"

Shanna's voice suddenly sounded.

"Why do you have to wait until half a month later? Let's go play now!"

God knows how much Shanna is looking forward to the next exciting 'game'.

The little girl was even mentally prepared to encounter a major crisis at any time and then release the bear to kill everyone.

As a result, she heard something! ?

My brother actually said that the operation will not officially start until half a month later! ?

This feeling of gathering all the strength but hitting nothing with one punch made Shanna so depressed that she wanted to vomit blood.

If she really had to hold it in for half a month, Shanna felt that she might actually suffer internal injuries if she didn't hold it in for half a month.


Bell rejected his sister's request without hesitation.

Even though he was completely obedient to his sister, he would not let Shanna act recklessly on such an important matter.

However, he couldn't really just watch his sister suffer from internal injuries.

Therefore, he decided to find something for Shanna to do to distract the little girl.

"Follow me, Shanna, I have something very important that I need your help with."

Bell said.

And as soon as she heard her brother say that he needed her help, all the American gangsters and fierce battles were instantly forgotten by Shanna.

Just kidding, for a little girl, nothing is more important in this world than helping her brother!

Amid the intense and busy preparations, half a month passed quickly.

During this time, the Menethil family further shrunk their sphere of influence.

The various gangs in the United States were not surprised by this move of the Menethil family.

After all, they all knew that the wedding of the youngest daughter of the Jeslav family was approaching.

As the in-laws of the Jeslav family and the Menethil family who have extremely close relations with the Jeslav family, it is normal behavior to want to avoid conflicts and seek a good omen during this period.

However, understanding is understanding, but these gangsters have no intention of holding back at all.

Faced with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, how could they not give each other a grand and scary gift?

So, these family-style forces are just unreliable.

If something similar happened in their gang, there would never be a situation where the interests of the entire gang would be affected just because of a small incident by one of the top leaders.

As the developed and advanced American people, these gangsters believe that they and others have the responsibility and obligation to spread the advanced organizational concept of gangs to the world.

Especially that part of Europe.

As for how to do it specifically...

It's very simple, just go to other countries and establish a branch or something.

And the complete expulsion of the Menethil family from the United States is the first step for their American gang to enter the world!

They want to prove to those European wizards that their American wizards are not only not weak, but are actually very powerful!

How can that rubbish Voldemort be compared to Grindelwald!

You know, even Grindelwald was trapped in their United States back then!

(Grindelwald was captured by Newt Scamander, and Newt is a European wizard, so he actually has little to do with American wizards.

And the most important thing is that Grindelwald was caught on purpose to attract the attention of others so that his men could successfully find the Obscurial. )

In the eyes of these American gangsters, European wizards who are afraid of weaklings like Voldemort are just weaklings among a group of weaklings!

(American gangster: 'A newborn baby can defeat Voldemort, what is he if he's not a weakling?')

Facts tell us that there will never be a lack of right-wing forces in any era, any country, or any group.

As for whether it is good or bad, this cannot be generalized.

But at least for Bell at this moment, these right-wing forces in American gangs make him hate them with itch.

Since you can't solve the problem, you have to solve the person who created the problem!

After half a month of preparation, Bell is basically ready and doesn't plan to endure it any longer!

12 o'clock late at night.

Outside the headquarters of the largest gang in the United States, the Thunderbirds.

A group of guys wearing black trench coats, hoods, and masks on their faces, who didn't look like good guys at first glance, quietly gathered in a hidden place 1 kilometer away from the Thunderbird Wings headquarters.

"Is everyone here?"

One of the people with the most gorgeous clothes and no mask on his face asked.

This person is Bell.

"Everyone is here, Master."

Goodwin, the captain of the First Brigade of the Special Operations Group and the commander-in-chief of this bloodbath against American gangs, said excitedly.

Since the location of this operation was in the United States, and Sebastian had to stay in the UK to help William deal with matters related to the fight for the Minister of Magic, the position of commander-in-chief fell to Goodwin.

This excited Goodwin.

Of course, the reason why he was so excited was not because he became the commander-in-chief.

As the captain of the First Brigade of the Special Operations Team, his status in the Special Operations Team is second only to Captain Sebas, and he has directed quite a few operations on his own so far.

Although this is indeed the first time to command an operation involving hundreds of people.

But for this kind of thing, it actually doesn’t make much difference whether there are more people or fewer people. It’s not a big deal.

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