The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 514 Who is the murderer?

Of course, Bell has no plans to launch a spectacular ‘Burning Crusade’.

After all, they don't have ancient gods acting as monsters here.

Not to mention, even if there were a few tentacle monsters dormant in some unknown corner, he wouldn't be able to contend with them. He might as well consider how to seek refuge with the other party?

Ahem, just kidding. Wizards are never slaves!

After a wave of meteors washed the ground and Hellfire's last-ditch operations, the wizards of Thunderbird Wings could organize very limited resistance.

With his sister 'heroically' leading the charge, the Thunderbird Wings' front line collapsed completely soon.

"Surrender without killing! Surrender without killing~!"

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Bell began to shout for surrender.

Unlike that group of Death Eaters with decent backgrounds, the lives of these American wizards are of great value.

Even if a Death Eater is captured alive, he can only be sent to Azkaban, and it is impossible to force him to sign a labor contract. Otherwise, the family behind it will definitely not give up.

You know, for pure-blood nobles, there are many people who value honor more than life.

Rather than being enslaved and tarnishing their bloodline, they would rather die together.

And even if they were sent to Azkaban, those cunning guys might get themselves out quietly one day.

Therefore, it is better to just scatter the ashes.

It is simple and convenient, saves time and effort, and also saves air and land. It can be said to kill multiple birds with one stone.

And these wizards who are American gangsters often have no one behind them.

Even if there are other wizards in the family, facing the behemoth of the Menethil family, it is impossible to save people.

Rather, Bell was eager for them to come to save people. It is rare to see this kind of coolie delivered to your door for free.

After the first person to surrender appeared, the remaining dozens of wizards put down their wands one after another, squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

It has to be said that no matter what era or group, there will always be some die-hard elements.

A few of these people, relying on their perseverance and perseverance, eventually achieved great things.

But most of them will die miserably.

Just like the scene that appeared before Bell's eyes now.

The three wizards of Thunderbird Wings did not give up their resistance even though they knew they would die.

They unleashed their full potential, even burning their own lives, and continued to attack enemies dozens of times their size.

However, in the face of the absolute strength gap, any stubborn resistance is in vain.

In just about 10 seconds, all three wizards died heroically, and no one of them left their bodies intact.

Looking down at the stumps that were blown away to his feet, Bell felt quite regretful.

He didn't even have time to ask the names of these three people.

The name of a brave man like this who is not afraid of death deserves to be remembered.

"Clean the battlefield as quickly as possible! The injured will return to the base with the prisoners in a while, and the rest will continue to act as planned!"

After taking a breath to express his regrets, Bell loudly shouted at everyone to clean up the battlefield quickly.

The night is still very long, and the Burning Crusade has just begun... Ahem, slip of the tongue, really a slip of the tongue!

Thanks to the Hell Fire Rain trick that was more powerful than expected, the progress last night was much smoother than expected.

It was Bell who was responsible for the rain of fire and was exhausted.

Even though he was aggressive at the beginning, only Zannah would occasionally take action when she might be in danger, but in terms of concentration and magic power consumption, Bell actually surpassed the others.

And even Shanna, who was always energetic, fell asleep on the bed after coming back in the morning. This shows how tired Bell will be.

However, as he watched the captives being transported away in front of him, a sense of joy of a good harvest filled his heart, making him feel that it was all worth it no matter how tired he was.

In one night, they attacked a total of 10 gang houses, one every half an hour on average.

The largest of these gangs, like Thunderbird Wings, has nearly 200 wizards.

However, although these wizards are numerous in number, most of them are clumsy in combat effectiveness and cannot be compared with the carefully selected and rigorously trained Aurors and members of the special operations team.

The smallest gang also has more than 50 wizards.

In other words, Bell attacked about 1,000 American wizards in one night.

Excluding those who unfortunately died in the battle, there were more than 500 wizards who were eventually captured.

This is such a huge number!

You know, the total number of wizards in the UK is only about 10,000.

Although the number of wizards in the United States exceeds that in the United Kingdom, it is only over 50,000.

If he could achieve such results every day, it would only take more than a month for Bell to lead his people to defeat the American magic world!

Of course, just think about wiping out the American wizarding world or something. As long as his brain wasn't cramped, Bell wouldn't be able to do such outrageous things.

Not to mention, after a night of intense fighting, the members of the action team were not unscathed.

No matter how weak the wizard is, he is still a wizard!

As long as an adult wizard holds a wand in his hand, he may cast a fatal spell at any time.

The battlefield is littered with spells, even though the members of the action team have undergone the most rigorous training and wear the most sophisticated magic props. But if you are unfortunately hit by multiple magic spells at the same time, you will be injured or even die.

Moreover, the headquarters of a total of 10 gangs have been seized, and the lives and deaths of most of the main members are unknown. It is impossible not to attract the attention of other gangs.

However, because there are various conflicts between these gangs, it is impossible for them to put aside everything and unite together before they can truly figure out the identity of the murderer.

After all, who knows if the murderer might be hiding among them?

Although the Menethil family is the most suspect, others are not without suspicion.

And the most important thing is that they don't think that the Menethil family has this kind of strength. Otherwise, when they were so aggressive before, why didn't they see the other party take any effective measures?

Just kidding, if the Menethil family had shown the ability to "destroy ten cities in one night", they would not have dared to be so aggressive.

Otherwise, if a large-scale conflict breaks out, even if we win in the end, people will still die in the battle.

In the end, the American wizards won, but their gang was wiped out, so what was the point then?

And after excluding the Menethil family, the only ones left that might be able to do this kind of thing are... I still can't think of any force that can do it.

Even if the Magical Congress of the United States of America uses all its strength, it shouldn't be able to do such a thing, right?

This is very embarrassing...

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