The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 515: Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys

The puzzling American gangster wizards had no choice but to strengthen the security measures at the organization's headquarters while fully investigating the identity of the murderer.

As the saying goes, if you don't want others to know, don't do it unless you do it yourself. With the help of magic, they believe that it won't be long before the identity of the murderer will come to light.

However, what they don't know is that the murderer is targeting this 'it won't take long'.

Even thinking with his heels, Bell knew that tonight's action would be more difficult.

But looking at the large number of prisoners in front of him, an idea came to his mind.

To be honest, Bell had never expected to capture so many people.

Especially the few small gangs that attacked at the end, the members' will to resist was so low that it was simply outrageous.

Seeing the fierce and powerful offensive of Bell and others, these wizards surrendered without much hesitation.

Bell didn't even have time to persuade him to surrender!

This is one of the weaknesses of the gang organization.

Without the bond of blood, it is difficult for wizards to have a strong sense of belonging to the organization.

For them, as long as they are still alive, if the organization is destroyed, it will be destroyed. At worst, they can start over in a different place. Anyway, I am the younger brother, so where can I not be the younger brother?

After understanding the thoughts of these wizards through Legilimency, Bell became more determined about the plan he had just made.

After ordering his men to gather all the uninjured and only slightly injured prisoners into a room, Bell walked into the room and used the transformation technique to deform a high platform under his feet.

‘The voice is loud! ’

"Everyone listen!"

The deafening sound echoed in the room, causing some prisoners to reach out and cover their ears.

"You are all prisoners of our Menethil family now! Originally, you should have been sent to the mines to mine until you died!

But now, I, the heir of the Menethil family, have decided to show mercy and give you a chance!

As long as you are willing to fight for the Menethil family! Clear away the enemies ahead for the Menethil family! Then based on your performance, I can forgive your sins and even allow you to join the Menethil family! "

This is the 'slave soldier plan' that Bell suddenly thought of before.

When the Mongolian cavalry swept across the Eurasian continent, they relied on driving slaves to fight. In the end, they were able to conquer the city with a relatively small number of people and were not good at siege warfare.

Of course, if you want these captives to obediently shed their blood and lives for the Menethil family, it is obviously not something that can be achieved with just a few words of Bell.

No, maybe it was the large number of people that gave some people some unrealistic fantasies. Suddenly, a loud shout came from the crowd.

"Where does this little brat come from and dare to talk nonsense!

Let me tell you, your Menethil family had better let us go as soon as possible, take the initiative to admit your mistakes and make compensation, and beg for forgiveness!

In that case, maybe you can still have a way to survive.

Otherwise, when the behavior of your Menethil family is exposed, all wizards in the United States will attack you!

By then, your bones will be wiped out! "

After saying that, the wizard looked around proudly and puffed out his chest to make his glorious image more conspicuous.

Just kidding, there are hundreds of wizards here now, while the Menethil family across the way only has a dozen wizards on guard here.

Although they don't have wands in their hands, even if they use impressively powerful wandless spells, they can still crush the opponent.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is often cruel.

For this wizard who was probably from a Muggle family and had been deeply influenced by the American Muggle government, Bell just glanced at him with disdain.

‘You are pretending to be so righteous and righteous, who can show it to you? The truly unyielding group of people had died in the previous battle, so how could they be captured and come here. ’

Of course, although his heart was full of disdain for the wizard, Bell was still very pleased that the other person was willing to take the initiative and act as the chicken used to scare the monkeys.

Therefore, in order to reward the other party's 'dedication' spirit, Bell decided to let the other party go peacefully.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The dazzling green light flashed away. When the captives rubbed their eyes and recovered from the sudden flash, they were horrified to find that the wizard who seemed to be the leader of the new century was already lying on the ground with a livid complexion. On the ground, it became a corpse.

A deathly silence spread.

The prisoners looked at Bell in disbelief, standing on the high platform with a slightly childish look, as if they were seeing a demon.

Although in the American wizarding world, there is no so-called "three unforgivable curses". But wizards are generally in awe of such a powerful and difficult-to-cast curse as the Death Curse.

At least among the prisoners in the room, few could successfully cast the death curse.

Not to mention, he completely killed an adult wizard with one blow.

This is not simple at all!

Looking at the captives below who were frightened like a flock of quails, Bell nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that the effect of establishing prestige is very good.

So he really just wanted to establish his authority, not because he was too sleepy and felt irritable and wanted to kill someone. real!

Bell doesn't need to worry about the next thing. He believed that his people would handle it well.

After working all night and half of the morning, he could finally have a good sleep.

In the evening, the vibration in his arms woke up Bell, who had been sleeping until now.


Bewilderedly, Bell took out his personal terminal and connected the communication without even looking at the caller ID.

It is said that after he returned to the room in the morning, he threw himself on the bed and fell asleep, without even bothering to take off his clothes.

‘I just said why I always feel a little uncomfortable. ’

Bell moved his stiff limbs uncomfortably.

"Bell? Are you sleeping?"

Hermione looked at her disheveled boyfriend on the screen in confusion.

Based on her understanding of Bell, he should rarely sleep during the day. At most, take a nap at noon occasionally.

But according to the time difference, it should be past five o'clock in the afternoon in the United States now, right? Why is Bell still sleeping?

Could it be that she miscalculated the time difference?

It shouldn’t be!

You know, in order to prevent Bell from being disturbed by calculation errors, she even used arithmetic to verify it. It can't be wrong!

"Oh, it's Hermione. By the way, what time is it?"

Hearing Hermione's voice coming from the personal terminal, Bell, who had just raised his upper body, fell back onto the soft mattress without any image.

'damn it! Who cast the gravitational magic on this mattress? Don't let me find out! ’

Bell, who had the old habit of staying in bed for a long time, decisively blamed the mattress.

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